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From Bibliotheca Anonoma
Revision as of 01:52, 28 July 2017 by Kali (talk | contribs)
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Welcome to the Bibliotheca Anonoma
A research task force archiving, documenting, and safeguarding Internet Folklife. Serving 353 articles.

This wiki is a Semantic Wiki that ties together all the knowledge of this organization into a Semantic web. It differs from other wikis in the use of forms and tables to produce a metadata database that guides users (and robots) to the information they seek.

Subjects simply must tie into the general theme of Internet Folklife: that is, it was made on or otherwise affected daily life on the internet at some point in time. Focus topics include Something Awful, 2channel, 4chan, and other imageboard/textboard communities.


Browse and Read Contribute Data Analyze and Develop Contact Us
  • Check out the Navigation section below to browse the content of this wiki.
  • The Bibliotheca Anonoma uses a Kanban Board system, to coordinate our projects. It’s publicly viewable (and commentable), so monitor our progress there.
  • The Workroom contains a large stack of stories we’re still reviewing. You can comment on it, track our progress, even help out.
  • Just edit this wiki anytime, anywhere. Follow the MediaWiki Editing guide.
  • This wiki has additional special features (such as a Semantic Wiki and special templates), check out our own Editing Guide to learn to use them.
  • If you just need to drop off new stories/content, jump in our IRC or Discord chat, we can help research and put it together as a wikipage.
  • Stay on the lookout for pages that may have fallen by the wayside, are in need of maintenance, or are orphaned.
  • The Github organization holds tons of open source programs and scrapers that we developed.
  • The Storehouse contains files deemed critical for archival, but still under review. We tossed them into Google Drive for now.
  • The Internet Archive holds most of our critically important treasures, from entire website backups to a Git backup of this wiki.

The best way to contact the Bibliotheca Anonoma is at our Discord chat or IRC channel. Feel free to drop in, contribute anything, or even join anytime.


Latest News Latest Releases
  • 2022/09/06 - The Bibliotheca Anonoma Wiki has been fully upgraded, fixing those pesky bugs from the past.
  • 2019/12/20 - We have transferred the 4chan/History Timeline over from Drop by and keep it updated.
  • 2016/12/04 - The Bibliotheca Anonoma Wiki is finally built, and the organization is consolidating all other data here.


Showcase History Collections

Treasures of Internet Folklife, archived and showcased for the general public.

  • Stories - The folk stories of the internet, with some sprawling epics.
    • Greentext - Stories written in short concise sentences, a popular stream of consciousness format on 4chan
  • Art - Online, even the most obscure artist can reach dedicated fans anywhere.
  • Music - The Internet has revived many music movements by connecting fans, and fostered new movements of its own.
  • Books - Freely editable books and guides with lots of useful information.
  • History - Internet History from our perspective.
    • 2ch Chronicle - A 2channel record of history. Text works great on Wikibooks so we might as well leave it there.
    • 4chan Chronicle - A 4chan record of history.
  • Collections - Assorted data archives.
    • S4S National Library - The collective achievements of 4chan's /s4s/, archived for time immemorial.
    • Alternate Reality Games (ARGs) - Community based scavenger hunts or challenges made for competition, marketing, or just for fun.
  • Website Archives - Archived Websites under our care.
    • Everything Shii Knows - An archive of Shii's Wiki (a major source for and the inspiration for the Bibliotheca Anonoma).
  • Solresol - A language made entirely out of musical tones.

Subsidiary Navigation

BASLQC (Hardware) BASLQC (Software) EternalArchive

The Bibliotheca Anonoma Software Liquidation Commission (BASLQC) is a task force dedicated to archiving and optimizing hardware past and present.

  • Hosting - Server hosting tips from our resident experienced sysadmin, Sunako.
  • Computing - Preserving retro computing hardware, as well as providing guides to certain types of modern hardware.
  • Keyboards - A good keyboard is worth as much as a good monitor: because you should be spending the most on the part of the computer you actually touch.
  • Typewriters - Guides to operating and maintaining certain typewriters, primarily the IBM Wheelwriter series.

The BASLQC also works to maintain associated software, modifications, patches, and technically complex translation projects.

  • System Administration - The Internet is run by Linux servers, and managing them is a crucial skill for running websites.
  • wikibooks:PSP - A wikibook detailing the vast history and abilities of PSP Homebrew.
  • Fangames - Fans make amazing game remakes or spinoffs of their own. Unfortunately, companies (especially Nintendo) has the right to remove infringing content. But is it ethical? We record and archive them anyway.
  • Game Translations - Some gamers make excellent and technically complex game translations. We aim to record their methods and preserve older translations for future generations.
  • Bootlegs - Bootleg games and game consoles produced mainly in Hong Kong, Taiwan, and China.
  • Kantai Collection - Kantai Collection is a naval strategy game popular in Asia, their equivalent of "fantasy football".
    • Kantai Collection/Vita - With the release of Vitamin/MaiDumpTool, KCVita's Unity engine allows translation to non-Japanese languages, as well as deeper code analysis and even a possible port to PC.
  • 龜背船 - A system of automated modules aiming to strategize for and win the game Kantai Collection.

The EternalArchive Project is an organization set on archiving and digitizing cultural works from various language groups. Team members meet at #eternalarchive on .

  • EternalArchive/Solutions - Think Tank for figuring out how to archive a tremendous wealth of data safely and cheaply.
  • EternalArchive/Discovery - Figuring out what content to archive and whether it is worth saving.
  • EternalArchive/Acquisition - Acquisition of the cultural works from various sources, through totally legal means :^).
  • Storage - Infrastructure needed for archival of terabytes of data, such as blu-rays, hard drive RAID arrays and LTO tape.
  • ROMs - An effort to archive all ROMs of every retail game to exist on each major console.
    • Flashcarts - To play ROMs on the original console, you must use a flashcart.