4chan/History/s4s: Difference between revisions
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Latest revision as of 17:20, 19 March 2025
[s4s] is a board that was created on April 1, 2013. It is a board of many lulz and content creation, perhaps the last bastion of creativity on 4chan. From memes, to shoops, stickies, artwork and original music, esfores has a lot of content that needs to be preserved. As the new memes come out, we must not forget the ebin memes of the past.
- March 31 – moot confirms /s4s/ is here to stay.
- April 1 – moot adds /s4s/ – Shit 4chan Says under the header of “Unlike the other new boards, this is being added on a permanent basis. If it doesn't pan out or goes unused, you should probably check your privilege.” The board gets two stickies – a 5555 dubs GET and another saying “Post in this thread to have your privilege checked” Later the full joke kick’s in and moot changes the format and CSS to make it look like Reddit. On both /s4s/ and /b/ a popup about AdultCatFinder appears. A mod checks everyone’s privilege on the second sticky and an empty thread is stickied on /b/.
- April 3 - /s4s/ becomes an official 4chan board, becoming a rules-free yellow board under the title of “Shitposting 4n Steroids”, but it’s not listed on the main page and many people complain about the name change.
- April 7 - /s4s/ is renamed again, this time, to Shitp4sterS.
- April 10 - /s4s/ gets renamed to Shit 4chan Says.
- May 12 – moot opens the third Q/A, fucks with the CSS by forgetting a “ and jokes with /s4s/ by giving it Comic Sans.
- September 9 – moot renames /s4s/ to its rightful name [s4s].
- September 10 – moot in a glorious soup-induced delirium, adds :fortune: to [s4s]. Many rolls where had.
- September 15 – [s4s], notorious for stealing GETs, has their 1M get stolen by /g/.
- January 23 - A stickied thread on [s4s] becomes the first thread in 4chan history to reach ten thousand replies. The thread, which was posted by a namefag called 'Getter Robo' with the text 'LETS BREAK THE REPLY RECORD' and a picture of said robot exclaiming 'UOOH!', is nearly impossible to view without crashing the computer. The OP of the post received ten thousand replies, doubling the previous record set by a namefag called 'eternal samefig' on the same board, who vowed to reply to his post until 4chan died. The thread dies on February 18.
- February 18 - [s4s] goes completely out of control after the aforementioned "Reply record" thread is un-stickied, resulting in a glitch in the system. This includes up to 26 pages being added one by one, resulting in threads linking to 404's, or 504 gateway errors, and multiple threads being made to "keep" the pages once the bug is fixed... only to be reverted later. The ongoing kek thread gets deleted as well.
- June 27 - A Homestuck general is stickied on [s4s] after Homestuck generals were booted off of /co/
- December 7 - At the request of an Anon on [s4s], moderator swaglord stickies a thread that repeats the phrase "wew lad" over and over.
- December 10 - [s4s]'s font is changed to Comic Sans.
- January 21 - A poor ocarina rendition of Celine Dion's My Heart Will Go On is embedded on [s4s]. Many peoples of esfores made goodbye cards for moot.
- March 30 - [s4s] is "raided" by a Spanish chan (Hispachan?), thinking they were somehow causing damage to the board and 4chan as a whole. It was entirely ineffectual and did nothing but liven up the normally drab and shit filled halls of 4chan's most EBIN board.
- June 21 - 4chan opens a banner contest with the reward of 4chan passes. The peoples of [s4s] make lots of banners; here is a list of them.
- June 23 - A rolling /pol/ sticky about the UK referendum to leave the EU (Brexit) shatters the record for the most posts in a single thread in 4chan history, crushing the previous record set by [s4s] :(
- July 4 - Moderator Swaglord makes a thread on [s4s] and embeds music into it, something about Independence Day.
- July 16 - /r9k/'s 30000000 GET got claimed by [s4s], which resulted into /r9k/ deciding to raid [s4s] and vice-versa. It took 30 minutes until mods started banning people and deleting threads on both boards. Big keks were had.
- August 19 - Swaglord stickies a thread on [s4s] where they pretend to be /qa/, another mod stickies a thread on /qa/ where they pretend to be [s4s], lulz ensue.
- November 4 - Hiro takes a modified 4chan logo (now featuring a picture of Keksandra, [s4s]'s board-tan, checking 'em) from a malicious ad-reporting thread on /qa/ and makes it the new homepage image, as suggested by a user. [s4s] celebrates, while some /a/ and /qa/ members complain that Keksandra is replacing Yotsuba. A few hours later on /b/, Keksandra gets sexts and declares herself the new mascot of 4chan, causing a slight meltdown. The thread is filled with dubs checking and Keksandra porn.
- April 1 - [s4s] celebrates its 4th birthday, with good wishes from all boards [1], but the thread is deleted for an unknown reason just as the day began. Swaglord also pulls of the greatest ruse in history, stickying what seemed to be a link to a future get, but when clicked leads to a secret duckroll thread [2].
- April 2 - The 5277777 GET (which is a reply to swaglord's April Fools Peek) actually occurs and is stickied on s4s. The link in the OP of swaglord's peek sticky is changed to point to the GET.
- April 3 - A legendary get thread on esfores is posted, getting ~1500 replies and an insane number of dubs [3]. A necc thread is stickied on s4s. The April Fools Peek and the 5277777 GET are unstickied. A get thread is stickied.
- April 5 - A "would swaglord swaglord swaglord" thread and a "swaglord sure knows how to pick a sticky" thread are stickied on s4s. The latter thread is a reference to namefig Doctor Worse Than Hitler's Sticke Budde userscript.
- April 6 - /a/'s 155555555 GET is also stolen by [s4s]. [4]
- April 11 - swaglord's "intredasting" thread is stickied on s4s.
- April 16 - An Easter thread is stickied on s4s.
- April 19 - A mystery box thread is stickied on s4s.
- April 20 - A helisexual thread is stickied on s4s.
- April 21 - A "big guy for you" thread where the 5333333 GET occurs is stickied on s4s.
- April 25 - A DANG thread is stickied on s4s.
- April 28 - A JEJ thread is stickied on s4s. A 67 thread is also stickied.
- May 1 - A thread about an anon complaining about stickies is stickied on s4s.
- May 3 - Swegman's reminder that s4s is a safe space is stickied on s4s. A Naked Banana thread is stickied because it's OP's friend's birthday. It is unstickied later on the same day.
- May 5 - Ert Boi's self-checking 5377777 GET and a nameless poster's (their name field is actually empty!) proposal for a new rule ("Don't Bark!") get stickied on s4s.
- May 8 - A "would swaglord sticky a hores?" thread is stickied on s4s.
- May 11 - A pin is stickied on s4s.
- May 17 - Sicc Sipper's Radical Daily Tip and para lel ogram are stickied on s4s.
- May 21 - A request to remove (You) is stickied on s4s. *May 21 - A thread asking whether swaglord would sticky Jay Irwin is stickied. The thread features a pic of swaglord wearing a kek shirt and holding a bury pink hammer.
- May 22 - A thread asking whether swaglord would sticky swaglord is stickied on s4s.
- May 23 - An s4s survey is stickied and later unstickied. A thread asking whether swaglord would sticky Jay Irwin is stickied. The thread features a pic of swaglord wearing a kek shirt and holding a bury pink hammer.
- May 24 - The swaglord – Jay Irwin thread is unstickied on s4s. A life hacks thread is stickied.
- May 28 - A kek thread and a Would Swaglord sticky a madman? thread are stickied on s4s.
- May 29-31 - Would Swaglord sticky a madman thread is unstickied on s4s. Multiple threads are stickied for a short amount of time (15 at once during peak sticky time) including Eh? You've never seen a sticky before?!, swaglord's favorite anime is skrillex, stick, there are too many sticky's, swaglord, swaglord if you fricking sticky one more thread i swear to god, perro caca, a "blue man" thread linking to multiple boards, le char, someone tell swaglord to please not sticky anymore threads. it's really having a negative effect on this board please stop, If I get trips, Swaglord must sticky two more threads so that s4s can have eleven stickies and thereby have sticky dubs, ass, !be me !see a new meme on s4s !the meme is talk about urselv with excamarks !cool, COVFEFE, Throwback Thursday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! with le sune, no anime on the front page jej, and would swaglorde sticky a screenshot of a swaglorde sticky inside of a swaglorde twitter bio? All threads are unsticked except the kek thread.
- June 8 - A "Post ending in 69 will become a mod" thread is sticked. The user who got 69 was granted a hot pocket.
- June 14 - A thread about ranch dressing is stickied on s4s
- June 17 - A bee is stickied on s4s.
- June 19 - [s4s] gets a gun sticky; embedded video included.
- June 24-25 - The last issue of the Weekly Peek is released and stickied on [s4s]
- June 26 - Yuji Sakai's yosho thread is stickied on s4s.
- July 6 - swaglord's favorite anime (a girl who likes corn) is stickied on s4s.
- July 12 - A thread about delivery pizza ("u made nice pizza"), which is also the 5577777 GET, is stickied on s4s.
- July 20 - A goku burger thread is stickied on s4s.
- July 28 - An ode to swaglord is stickied on s4s.
- July 31 - [s4s] gets a sticky
- August 3 - [s4s] gets a sticky
- August 6 - [s4s] gets a PICKLE RICKERS IN THE HOUSE TONIGHT sticky; the sticky has blinking Comic Sans text and an embedded video.
- August 8-17 - Meanwhile on s4s, swaglord stickies a pigle rig :DDD sticky gets a sticky. On the 9th, Pigle Rig :DDDDDD gets unstig'd. swaglord starts and stickies a thread for reposting jokes so 4chong-halfchan fb page can collect and re-repost them for likes. The thread is unstickied later on the same day. The kek thread from May 28 is unstickied.
- August 21 - swaglord's eclipse glasses are stickied on s4s.
- August 23 - swaglord's eclipse glasses are unstickied on s4s. Yosho and tet stickies replace it.
- August 28 - kecc is sticcied on [s4s].
- August 30 - The kecc sticky on [s4s] is unsticc'd. A thread declaring "YOU JUST WON THE GAME" is stickied.
- May 11 - Mods officially endorse Merulaposting.
- October 1 - It's 4chinz birthday; Swaglord stickies Crescent Fresh on esfores ffore da ol' dees.
- November 17 - swaglord stickies a petition on [s4s] demanding that they move to 4channel and become a blue board and avoid company with the NSFW boards.
- December 29 - s4s gets a random sticky
- January 4 - /s4s/ gets a random sticky
- January 18 - [s4s] gets four *ahem* memes stickied.
- January 25 - /s4s/ gets a random sticky
- February 27 - The flavor of the month pikachu maymay gets stickied on s4s
- March 14 - [s4s] officially declares that they don’t want anything to do with /pol/ and cut ties with them.
- March 16 - Furry scat/diaper porn gets stickied on s4s
- March 19 - /s4s/ gets a random sticky
- March 22 - /s4s/ gets a random sticky
- April 1 - /s4s/ gets a sticky to celebrate it's 7th birthday
- May 4 - /s4s/ gets a random sticky.
- May 14 - A A catposting thread is stickied on s4s.
- June 29 - swaglord stickies pokemon breastfeeding porn on [s4s]
- July 19-23 - [s4s] is about to get their 8000000 GET
- July 25-26 - Blue day on esfores arrives. On the same day, Sad Panda is murdered. esfores gets a sticky despite it being no l*wd and r*de day.
- July 30 - /s4s/ gets a sticky
- August 1 - /s4s/ gets another sticky
- August 13 - /s4s/ gets another shitpost sticky, now having three current stickies.
- September 5 - [s4s] gets two stickies.
- September 10 - [s4s] gets a random sticky
- September 15 - /s4s/ gets a sticky.
- September 19 - /s4s/ gets a sticky
- October 13 - /s4s/ gets a new sticky
- October 25 - /s4s/ gets a sticky
- November 8 - /s4s/ gets a sticky
- November 14 - /s4s/ gets four stickies; one of the four stickies is an embed of "Space People" by Bob Orilee that autoplays
- November 15 - /s4s/ gets two stickies
- November 25 - /s4s/ gets a sticky
- December 4 - /s4s/ gets a sticky
- December 5 - /s4s/ gets a lewd Onpu sticky
- December 8 - /s4s/ gets a sticky
- December 19 - /s4s/ gets a sticky
- December 25 - /s4s/ gets a sticky
- January 1 - [s4s] gets a sticky
- January 22 - [s4s] mods sticky a thread that's been bumped at the top of the board since the middle of December.
- January 25-26 - swaglord has another sticky parade on [s4s], and makes "respond to my funny thread" a new board meme.
- January 30 - [s4s] mods sticky another thread, now filling the index/catalog with 2 pages of stickies
- January 31 - [s4s] mods sticky another "pro-trans" thread; the board now has seventeen stickies
- February 12 - The four remaining stickies on [s4s] are replaced with a single, new sticky
- February 26 - [s4s] stickies a random thread that was made six days prior to being stickied.
- February 27 - [s4s] stickies another "respond to my funny thread" thread
- March 12 - [s4s] gets a sticky
- March 13 - [s4s] gets another sticky
- March 27 - [s4s] gets a sticky
- March 28 - [s4s] gets another sticky
- April 1 - [s4s] celebrates its 8th birthday with a birthday sticky.
- April 2 - [s4s] gets another sticky
- April 7 - [s4s] gets yet another sticky.
- April 9 - All previous stickies on [s4s] are removed; [s4s] gets two new stickies
- April 14 - [s4s] gets another sticky.
- April 21 - [s4s] gets a sticky.
- April 23 - [s4s] gets a sticky
- April 26 - [s4s] gets another sticky.
- May 2 - [s4s] gets a sticky
- May 9 - [s4s] gets a sticky
- May 19-23 - [s4s] gets two cat stickies (one on my May 19th, the other on the 20th). On the 22nd, [s4s] gets three more stickies. On May 23rd, [s4s] celebrates caturday with an additional twelve stickies. At one point, the board has 17 stickies.
- June 4 - [s4s] gets two stickies
- June 8 - [s4s] gets a sticky
- June 25 - [s4s] gets a sticky
- July 29 - [s4s] gets a new sticky from tripfig Radical Edward [5]. [s4s] also gets another sticky, this time of a cow.
- July 30 - [s4s] gets a sticky celebrating Doremi Harukaze’s birthday.
- August 3 - [s4s] gets a "BE NICE" sticky
- August 6 - [s4s] gets a sticky.
- August 14 - Meanwhile, [s4s] gets a third sticky.
- August 25 - [s4s] gets five damn more stickies.
- August 26 - [s4s] gets yet another sticky, this time of a thread that was made 13 days prior.
- August 27 - The [s4s] stickies just don't stop coming. This time, it's a self-stickied thread posted by a mod.
- September 5 - A random [s4s] anon makes a thread and received the 9000000 GET; thread is stickied.
- September 8 - An s4s mod stickies ebil propaganda; s4s has seven stickies in total
- September 16 - An [s4s] anon gets sick quads; his thread is stickied along with the current Spikedog OC thread.
- September 20 - Longecade is dead. [s4s] mourned over the loss of the internet's furry friend with a sticky
- September 26 - [s4s] users finish a collage of Longcat drawings and send it to the owner on Twitter. She goes to the [s4s] sticky to thank them for the image and for remembering Longcat, and sticks around to read their kind words. [s4s] sends her respectful condolences.
- October 1 - [s4s] gets a random cat meme sticky
- October 2 - [s4s] gets a wojack sticky; "Dial8" by Velvet Acid Christ is embedded in the background
- October 9 - Every sticky on [s4s] is removed and replaced with a crossover between the last wojack sticky and the "well, truscum?" meme.
- October 16 - s4s gets four new stickies. One was made on the 10th, another on the 15th. All of them are related to a new Bury Pink edit.
- October 18 - Meanwhile, [s4s] mods sticky an absolute fuckton of Fred Durst, "Well, Truscum?", and "Bury Soda" meme threads. Here's all of them listed for your convenience: https://archive.is/ZIUKw, https://archive.is/rrzbg, https://archive.is/Glypk, https://archive.is/jQc13, https://archive.is/86RQL, https://archive.is/n0Q4P, https://archive.is/0sQGR, https://archive.is/DXvjA, https://archive.is/hr9Wj, https://archive.is/TT9yl, https://archive.is/kz8Yo, https://archive.is/3iPt7, https://archive.is/GNt6Q, https://archive.vn/xQJSA, https://archive.is/cn3v0, https://archive.is/etnxo, https://archive.is/3J2l6, https://archive.vn/U51cc and https://archive.is/cW4PJ
- October 19 - More than half of the previous stickies on [s4s] are removed; seven remain.
- October 24 - [s4s] gets another two stickies
- October 25 - [s4s] gets a sticky; but it's quickly removed.
- October 26 - [s4s] gets another sticky, becoming the fifth sticky in the transcum collection
- October 29 - A mods asleep sticky is born
- November 1 - swaglord sticky? swaglord sticky.
- November 4 - Satan quints get stickied
- November 6 - A truscum/enbie thread gets stickied
- November 10 - A locked jack ruselel sticky gets added to the sticky roster
- November 12 - Another Enbie sticky gets added to the roster
- November 14 - Reimu riding a fat cock drifting on a pizza is added to the sticky roster. Afterwards, some stickies are removed; a thread about cumming into a face mask is stickied
- November 15 - A thread about browsing /vp/ from two days earlier is stickied
- November 18 - More stickies are added to the roster
- November 21 - All of the previous stickies are removed and replaced with three new stickies.
- November 22 - Another one; it is becoming clear that swaglorde loves Enbie more than doremi or any other forsed meeme.
- November 26 - Two stickies; neither of them are related to Turkey Day
- November 27 - The current spikedog thread is stickied; later, a Bury thread is also stickied.
- November 28 - All stickies are replaced with the esfores girle quartet
- November 29 - Two new stickies.
- December 1 - Doremiposter reminds everyone to disable adblock on [s4s] so anons can see his doremi banner ads; this thread is stickied. That thread's eventually removed and replaced with a funny thread.
- December 2 - A spikedog thread is added and becomes the second sticky in the current roster.
- December 6 - Mods stiggy roodejack threads. Another one. Another one. Another one.
- December 8 - Ebile stigge. Furi lil animales steckie.
- December 11 - New sticky of a thread asking if Ojamajo Doremi is just MLP but with magical girls
- December 13 - The gutsybird sticky is removed and replaced with this one
- December 14 - lebil toemahtoe stickle
- December 17 - cow shark sticky
- December 19 - Holiday trole sticky added to the menu
- December 22 - A quints kot is added to the cast of stickies on esfores
- December 23 - Some rudejack threads are added as stickies. But the mods counteract their wrongdoings when they see the announcement thread for Nice World 2, and quickly replace those stickies with the announcement thread.
- December 25 - Christmas stickies, come and get your Christmas stickies
- December 26 - The Nice World 2 announcement thread is restickied; christmas stickies are still up as well
- December 29 - Blank sticky is blank
- December 30 - esfores gets yet another /qa/ stiggy. Thankfully it is removed after a coole member of esfores gets sick digitz while firin' his desus.
- January 6 - The first sticky of the new year is a melted magma sticky. tokpek.
- January 8 - esfores gets an ebil sticky.
- January 10 - esfores gets a BLEEEH BLEEH BLEEEEEHH sticke
- January 14 - A bury humane anine frede is stickied
- January 15 - An emo anine grille has decided to devour a sea kritter and poop out its remains when digestion is complete; swaglord decides this is the most sticky worthy thing on the board.
- January 16 - A very confused, cropped, crying Miku is stickied on the front page of s4sdot.com
- January 20 - Aa heccin bugg eatinn zaa supuu is stickerino'd
- January 24 - The The Topkek Tribune is stickied
- January 30 - Beary OC sticky
- January 31 - The Topkek Tribtwo is stickerooed
- February 1 - The original Vtuber is stickied
- February 7 - The latest Topkek Tribune is stickied
- February 12 - A sighting is stickied
- February 14 - The Topkek Tribute is stickeroonied
- February 17 - Garfield gets the 444444 GET; his contribution to the kingdom of esfores is rightfully stickied
- February 18 - Sticky palooza! Here's a sticky, there's a sticky, oh look another sticky, my hands are sticky.
- February 22 - Chinese dog sticky. The Tribune of the week is stickied; a day later, but stickied none the less.
- February 23 - H*ly frick! Bury gets tha stick! Bury scores the 55555 GET, and she's so exicted, she clones herself a bunch of times so they can spin right round on the background!
- February 24 - A /qa/non gets a stick; esforesians say wtfr*ck
- February 26 - Emoji file name gets sticky.
- February 28 - Purple Palm Tree Man blesses esfores with a stick. He proceeds to give a stick to the Sunday tribune and it's sick quints. Later on, kisse kot gets da final sticke of da day
- March 5 - Spiky glasses check is stickied
- March 7 - The Tribune is stickered once again.
- March 16 - The old Tribune is still sticked; the current tribune is dutse ine dda winde. Meanwhile, mods stick two threads.
- March 17 - swaggey ffooooiinnlyy remembered to sticky the tribune!
- March 21 - The Trib is Stick'd.
- March 28 - Tribby is stickyed.
- March 30 - Speen my'e rite rownde
- April 1 - Eds 3+1chinsk's kanucky dae're. stinky ase le aroveded. In other news, it's esfores' 9th bday! But almost the entirety of the board forgets that until the very end of the day, with a sweet keksandra sticky. During the day, the 24th Esfores OC Albume is released. The birthday sticky is removed shortly after and replaced with another sticky, announcing the opening of s4stribune.com
- April 4 - The trib is sticked.
- April 6 - Fellow esforesian, who goes by the unique internet pseudonym "Anonymous", was in utter shock after the kisse sticky was unstickered. So, the only reasonable way to get it back on the sticky menu was to make a stickerlicious petition! And whatdoyaknow, kisse got re-stickerino'd!!
- April 9 - secret radio transmission sticky is thread'ed. SHHHHHHH~H~H~
- April 10 - three letter'd trolle getsa 555555 stickyrindo
- April 22 - Druge stucky *smoookkeee* *puff* *huff*... lager iindaday, anuva rood sticker appered. ;=
- April 25 - The trib is sticked once agaick
- April 30 - Tto hejjin steckirenos!!
- May 9 - The tribber is stickered on mothers dayers
- May 15 - The official [esfores] banannan dinner pahte has been stick'd!
- May 20 - Groene hatcher GITS da >ftrhed STIEKCERED
- May 23 - Nod tto feer, da trib es 'ere!
- May 29 - The ebil 666666 GET is sticklee'd. Le 5 Fortunes Hunt is also on the sticklist.
- June 4 - Blue day; Bloo sticky.
- June 6 - le 00000 an 99999 hav ariv
- June 20 - mods remindeor tto tricky le stibune
- June 29 - Important quints
- July 9 - lee redid smoile WIN 777777 LOLE stick'd
- July 18 - Yuji Sakai gives the skoale oov esfores e ressean on sedimentary beings. Mods realize the pure genius of his theory, and give him and his league of smarty pants scientists actively backing the thread with knowledge, an honorary stick.
- July 26 - $w&ggy introduces an sticker so allegorical, a11of esfores wase sav'd dat nite ann le daye aft're.
- July 29 - Anne doge jumpes all ober 4chawn's, rood mods kept mobin im!! -*shock*, untile, swaglort sabv'd hime an spoot onn da esfores sticky wagone~ w00t!
- August 3 - BAVI gits da quads! STICK'D
- August 15 - esfores wins the Shichanneru kapu! Ponies and some other coole bords celebrate in a hekine sticker! woot!
- September 7 - frog abuse sticker, w0ote!
- September 9 - le snowe farey sticker is removed on her special day, and replaced with an ebin nu maymay that got the 888888 GET. WOO!OO!~te
- September 24 - Hedgies dond needeta rune knoe moars lole, stick'd
- September 26 - wach dda fame, brudder
- September 30 - The Spiked Prophet acquires GETs of legendary status. Stickli'd.
- October 13 - le millenom girl gets the 9999 GET! woosticky!
- October 29 - Nao ai ante kwow stickler 4re stickies... BUTE HULY CAO DEES R NUTZ!!!!!!11!!!
[spacies] kot agrise!! [buzz litebeer] eye donut askosiate wif.. EMMAS [spaceinbadere] IDS'E DIM FORE SKITZOMANIA BRUVER YEEEEEERRRRRRR [ ] dis hat gurl... rocks my're worlde....... [space is da place] my're wurlt iss krumberling......
- November 6 - gurt sticker~!
- November 7 - a bury beary buries berries! STICKUREDE
- November 13 - El perro stretchy turns 1! stickeroonie'd!
- November 15 - 99+88888(spike) = π
- November 16 - The heroes of esfores completed the memetable! They did it! YEAY!
- November 18 - no recollection of important events
- November 21 - nothing important happened
- December 14 - kisse unlog'ted w00te~!
- December 19 - bury haty stick! BURRY HATYY STICCK!
- January 8 - iisy colde 9999 getse stickerooni'd~! BBRRRRRRR *shibere shibere*
- January 13 - ane ebin breade kets dda stikk! 77777breade~!
- January 16 - watch dis doge as he eats chinese puude en JUS 4DAES inb4 stiggy!! YONDEZU!!!
- January 22 - RHINOFREN WINZ DDA 88888! 88888! 88888! STICK'D ANNE CHEKERINO'D!
- January 28 - 00000 konfrerms esfores bes barde! st1k'd! W00000T!
- February 5 - 111111shep! LOLESTICK
- February 14 - Yune gid e snoggle stackerino 4ne vilantinerino's~! STICK"RD
- February 19 - bloge sticker mobed 2 /binteroni/
- February 22 - 2-22-22 nebarn firongetti
- March 4 - da clopster sticky eberynyan ax'd fo
- March 28 - an hole monfv wif onle won stixer... hnnhhhmmm... UNDIL, 77777GET WW1NZ BAKE LE HARTES OB DA MODGODS W00T~https://archive.ph/UjdyU
- April 1 - esfores celenbrays ids 9'tth bday! WOOT~! STICKY
- April 16 - Spikedog turnes ni! He gids node 1, bude 2 stickers~! WOOTWEMAMA!
- April 23 - hop in dis sticker dood~! LOLE!!!!~11~!!!!1
- April 25 - mario-chong sama le w1nz 222222 GET~! WO0T GET STICK'd WoOT~! ANUVA ST1*K; WISHE FISHE KISSE
- May 14 - le "can i come in?" kuma STICKE"RD
- May 17 - DA CRABE STIK
- June 16 - E MAYGEY STICKERE! WOo0T3!!5!
- August 28 - CRAETURA STICKER!!!!! WOOTE/~!
- September 12 - a CORNEY sticker!! LoLE!!!!
- September 21 - Turtlel Strummin....... STICKED!
- October 1 - BIRTHDAY YES 19TH
- October 25 - Pierats stole le 444444 GET! Hohnoo, scurbvvyy adbentru're lole!!!!! STICK'D!
- December 22 - I AM A ROBOT BEEP LOLE
- January 27 - sticke stigger sutiki sticci stuggy stignewton stoogi stuckler stunke sticklee le sticke
- February 24 - Tto stix!!!
- July 13 - One sticke. A-A-A~. Two stiggy. A.A.AAAAAAA. Thuree steigui. AAAAAAA. FFFOOOURRRRRRRURURURURURURURURuSTICKE. アッアッアッ~
- July 25 - two fresh stickers. incredible. inspiring.
- August 11 - [s4s] OC Albume 30 - oFF bY tHREE released!!
- September 3 - En lot ob'be bury coole anine sticcers
- October 1 - Twenny years, ddonde dringe beere!!!!!
- October 26 - und sticker. und sticker. und sticker. und sticker. und sticker. und sticker.
- April 1 - its ezfor's 11th bday! and april fool! lots of plentiful stickers are shared with the common folk of [s4s]. eyelove esforness!!!
- December 1 - First of da month baby! ho ho ho! STICK'D (DECEMBER 6TH) STICK'D (DECEMBER 24TH)
- December 26 - POST NUMBER 11955555 by Sans
- January 4 - First Saturday skribbl of 2025
- January 11 - Beary Sade is real and stick'd!
- March 3 - wowe sticker.. in da backrwom's....
- March 14 - friday night STICKER so nice..
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