
From Bibliotheca Anonoma

JustinTime4Tea's Complete Ubuntu 12.10 for RK3066[edit]

This system has all the mods (3D HW Acceleration), bluetooth, and the recommended programs built in for easy flashing.

Install Finless Bob ROM 1.7[edit]

You must first install Finless Bob ROM 1.7 before proceeding, which will root the device and install a more platable recovery image.

Olegk0's Kernel Installation[edit]

Note: If your device was already set up to run a previous Linux system, or at least has Olegk0 kernel flashed, you can skip these pre-setup steps and jump to the next section.

Follow the instructions from Olegk0 here to setup your device with Olegk0's kernel and make it ready for the SD card image.

You do NOT need to follow the instructions telling you to add the mod+fw files.

  1. flash recovery.img into recovery area
  2. your favorite Linux root place under linuxroot label (if you have not)
  3. add into /etc/modules

  1. add chmod 666 /dev/mali /dev/ump
  • comment out (#) all lines with fbset (if is)
  1. rewrite modules /lib/modules and firmwares /lib/firmware from mod+fw.tar.gz (then depmod -a and reboot)

  2. for Mali also needed libraries from here (only mali400_2.1-13_armhf.deb), if not working - look here

  3. to delete files /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/*mali*.conf (if is)

STOP once you get to the part where Olegk0 says "pick your favorite rootfs and put on SD card". This is where you use my provided homeio_rc1.tar.gz.

If you need further instructions on how to prepare your SD card please follow ONLY steps 2 and 3 where it says Option II.a from THIS link.

If you have Olegk0 kernel ALL READY flashed to the device than JUST follow step 2/ II.a.

Other kernels and devices have been reported working but these instructions are only guaranteed on MK808 and until I track down exactly which devices and which kernels have been used I am only listing Olegk0 Kernel as "tested/approved" for the time being. More will be added to this topic at later date.

Windows Installation Method[edit]

Just use this installer.

Linux installation Method[edit]

A more difficult, but

Extract rootfs[edit]

Here, we simply untar the tarball in root dir of storage device/SD.

BE SURE when you are untaring the homeio_rc1.tar.gz file that you have first logged in as root on the terminal or begin command with sudo, you MUST use root privileges to untar correctly.

First, copy your homeio_rc1.tar.gz file to your SDCard. Then, run this command:

 tar -xvzpf homeio_rc1.tar.gz
  • Here is list of switches we use: x-extract,v-verbose,-z-gzip format
  • -p - MOST IMPORTANT, this preserved correct permissions
  • finally last is -f which points to the file to untar.

Usernames and Passwords[edit]

CHANGE THEM IMMEDIATELY! (use passwd in command line while logged in as that user)

  • root password: 12qwaszx
  • picuntu password: 12qwaszx
  • MySQL User: root PW: 12qwaszx
  • phpMyAdmin User: admin PW: 12qwaszx
  • Mediatomb User: mediatomb PW: mediatomb
  • Any other passwords are all 12qwaszx


Picuntu 4.5 for MK808B, MK808B[edit]

Well I, hizzle from FreakTab, have succeeded in installing Picuntu 4.5 on my MK808b.

One caveat, I don't have wi-fi working but I'm using a usb ethernet adapter.

First, we will install the firmware on your MK808, and next we will set up your USB/SD card with the Picuntu software.

I want to thank conred for his help as well as mmm123 and Galland for all the additional files and writeups.

Things you will need:[edit]

Note: In addition to a Windows PC, you will also need it running Linux, unless someone knows how to unpackage the system.img file on Windows and/or can host the unpackaged files. I was unable to mount the .img file in PowerISO on my Windows 8 machine.

  1. A MK808 or MK808b device
  2. An SD card or USB stick 2GB or greater
  3. Finless Bob's 1.7 ROM
  4. Picuntu 4.5 easy installer
  5. Galland's MK808 3.0.36 Kernel and mod+firmware
  • Use either the 720p or 1080p. Whatever you choose is your preference.
  1. A PC running Windows and Linux

First - Installing kernel on the MK808/b[edit]

Use a Windows PC for these steps:

  1. Download and install Finless Bob's 1.7 Rom to start with a clean slate. Don't forget to Erase NAND and install all checked boxes.
  2. Download Galland's 3.0.36 kernel 1080p or 720p kernel file. Make sure to unzip the 7z archive with WinRAR or something, to get a file called recovery.img .
  3. Boot TV stick and go to the Finless reboot app and reboot to recovery.
  4. Put MK808 into flash mode and uncheck everything except recovery. Select Galland's 3.0.36 kernel file, which is called recovery.img .
  5. Test the MK808B out by plugging it to your TV, and booting it up.
  6. You should see linux start scrolling on the screen and it will stop when it can't find the Picuntu rootfs. We will install that next.

Special Kernel for Lapdock Users[edit]

For Motorola Lapdock users, the kernel above might not work for you. Instead, use this specially modified kernel that matches to your resolution.

Second - Prepare the USB/SD card[edit]

Use a Linux PC for these steps:

  1. Install Gparted and use it to create a partition labeled linuxroot , on the SDCard . Format to EXT4 and mark a flag for the boot partition option.
  2. Download the Picuntu 4.5 software and extract to a folder.
  3. You can delete everything except for the system.img file in the flash rom folder
  4. You need to mount or extract the files from the system.img folder. Use the commands below, and after running them, copy all the files under /mnt/picu-rfs to the root of your SDCard.
sudo mkdir /mnt/picu-rfs
sudo mount -t ext4 /home/picuntu/system.img /mnt/picu-rfs
  1. In the folder where system.img was extracted to (which we'll call "the Picuntu file system"), you will now have a bunch of folders. Rename or delete the folders /lib/modules/3.0.36 and /lib/firmware .
  • Copy this folder to your USB or SD card with a cp -a command. The folders should be in the root of your storage device.
  1. Download the mods+firmware from Galland

  2. Extract the files/folders (/lib folder) and place it on your Picuntu MicroSD's root folder (/)

  3. Make sure they have all the same user and group owner. (should be root:root) when I copied the mods+firmware file they took on other user and group ownership which messed me up. (I use cp -a for almost everything to make sure the permissions are kept)

Prepare to Install Mali 3D HW Acceleration[edit]

Use a Linux PC for these steps:

  1. Now we have to enable 3D HW acceleration with the Mali Drivers, based on these steps from Galland.

  2. Download xorg.conf and place it on your Picuntu MicroSD's folder /etc/X11/

  3. Download rk30fb_drv.so (alternatively, compile it yourself) and place it on this folder in the Picuntu MicroSD: /usr/lib/xorg/modules/drivers/

  4. Modify /etc/rc.local by commenting (precede with #) existing lines that use fbset and adding the following new lines:
  • FYI I didn't have a fbset line so I added the below before the if script start)
fbset -rgba 8/16,8/8,8/0,8/24 -a
chmod 666 /dev/mali /dev/ump
  1. Modify /etc/modules to add the following lines:
  1. Download the mali package, uncompress and you will need ONLY this file: mali400_2.1-13_armhf.deb Place it on your Picuntu MicroSD's root folder /
  • This will be used and installed after we boot linux on the stick. This is the end of step #5 from Galland. Don't run step #6 until you have installed the mesa drivers, detailed below.
  1. Temporarily disable X Server. We'll renable it later, but we have to install the new Mesa drivers first, before you will see anything.
sudo mv /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf.disabled

(if you don't see anything, tap Ctrl-Alt-F1, or Ctrl-Alt-Fn-F1 for lapdock users. This will switch you into a login prompt)

Enable WiFi[edit]

Download bcmdhd.cal and fw_bcmdhd.bin:

sudo modprobe bcm40181 and see iwconfig... (wicd not work! )

joylee@picuntu:/$ cat /etc/network/interfaces

auto lo iface lo inet loopback

auto eth1 iface eth1 inet dhcp wpa-ssid SSID wpa-psk xxx123456789


Boot to MK808 Linux and Continue 3D Acceleration Setup[edit]

Plug SD or USB stick into MK808 and start booting. If everything has the correct permissions you should boot and it will try the graphics drivers but will fail and fall back to cmd line.

Then, on the MK808 Picuntu system, log in using

  • user: picuntu
  • pass: 12qwaszx

To install the Mali Driver package run:

sudo dpkg -i mali400_2.1-13_armhf.deb

To install Mesa Drivers run these commands:

sudo apt-get install libegl1-mesa-drivers

Now you can run Galland's step #6, shown below. Run the following commands:

sudo mv /usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/mesa-egl/ /usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/.mesa-egl/ 
sudo ln -s /usr/lib/libMali.so /usr/lib/libEGL.so
sudo ln -s /usr/lib/libMali.so /usr/lib/libEGL.so.1.4
sudo ln -s /usr/lib/libMali.so /usr/lib/libGLESv1_CM.so
sudo ln -s /usr/lib/libMali.so /usr/lib/libGLESv1_CM.so.1.1
sudo ln -s /usr/lib/libMali.so /usr/lib/libGLESv2.so
sudo ln -s /usr/lib/libMali.so /usr/lib/libGLESv2.so.2.0

Then if you enter: ll /usr/lib | grep libMali

The output should look something like this:

lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 19 abr 16 17:58 libEGL.so -> /usr/lib/libMali.so
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 10 feb 22 02:06 libEGL.so.1.4 -> libMali.so
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 19 abr 16 17:58 libGLESv1_CM.so -> /usr/lib/libMali.so
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 10 feb 22 02:06 libGLESv1_CM.so.1.1 -> libMali.so
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 19 abr 16 17:58 libGLESv2.so -> /usr/lib/libMali.so
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 10 feb 22 02:06 libGLESv2.so.2.0 -> libMali.so
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 731492 feb 22 02:06 libMali.so

Final Touches (CPU and GUI Fixes)[edit]

I didn't have a visible cursor arrow when I booted into the GUI, but just install this to restore them:

sudo apt-get install dmz-cursor-theme

To reduce lockups you may want to set your cpu frequency with this command:

sudo apt-get install cpufrequtils
sudo cpufreq-set -u 1512000

Reboot and enjoy. Your MK808B will have an X Windows GUI on startup, and the CPU will run at a stable rate.

I'm no expert, but I have been able to repeat this 3 times (since I wanted to use different USB and SD options). Good luck.

Other Mods[edit]

Wifi on Picuntu 4.5 MK808B[edit]

Nothing done yet, but here's some progress:
