From Bibliotheca Anonoma
Check if site is up at the URL after each step.
1. Restart nginx
sudo systemctl restart nginx
2. Restart HHVM - what is usually the problem
sudo killall -9 hhvm sudo systemctl restart hhvm
3. Restart PHP7 - Not so much of a problem yet?
sudo systemctl restart php7.2-fpm
4. Restart Host
sudo reboot
Asagi will restart itself after this
Troubleshooting Asagi Output[edit]
- "Couldn’t fetch preview" is thumb, it will still try to grab
- "Couldn’t fetch media" is ok, it will try to grab it again
- "Couldnt update board" is bad, and "couldn’t update thread" will crash the thread
Adding a New Admin / Moderator[edit]
- Enable registration by unchecking box here
- Have them register on
- Once they have registered, disable registration
- Go to
- Click on their user and select the role you’d like
Temp files[edit]
sudo bash /home/atc/
Restarts hhvm and nginx (sometimes hhvm will hang, Ctrl + C out and restart HHVM again)