Building Replicant 6.0 on the N7100

From Bibliotheca Anonoma

For some reason, replicant 6.0 on the Galaxy Note II (GT-N7100) is not documented anywhere for the phone and there are many build issues that are encountered before compiling.

Installing Debian Stretch[edit]

Starting with replicant 6.0 Debian Stretch is a build requirement. Fortunately, you can just install a Debian chroot and compile from there.

There's a good guide for how to do this on Wolfgang Wiedmeyer's blog:

Downloading the replicant source code[edit]

Before you download the sources to any android build, it is always important to remember that you'll need to have a ton of free space, 60-70gb is the minimum.

Installing the repo tool[edit]

The repo tool here comes from Google and is required to sync replicant sources to your system.

chmod a+x repo
cd ../

Downloading the sources[edit]

If you're using repo for the first time, you will need to put basic information down about yourself. Downloading sources may take a long time, depending on your network speed.

mkdir replicant-6.0
cd replicant-6.0
../repo init -u -b replicant-6.0
../repo sync

Building toolchain and adding fdroid[edit]

Building the toolchain may also take a while.


Adding device specific changes[edit]

There is a strange issue with the git repository for device_samsung_n7100 that prevents repo from downloading it, the work around is just to download the device specific code to the build location manually.

cd device/samsung/
tar -xvf device_samsung_n7100-replicant-6.0-a1ae70bdae481f5a09f527b8e49995677132b357.tar.gz
mv device_samsung_n7100-replicant-6.0-a1ae70bdae481f5a09f527b8e49995677132b357 n7100
cd ../..
  • Note: The filename for the downloaded tar may be different from the name listed above

Compiling the ROM[edit]

First, prepare the build environment then build the ROM. I'm also opening up another shell to prevent problems from occurring after building the toolchain.

. build/
lunch replicant_n7100-userdebug
parallel_tasks=$(echo "$(grep 'processor' /proc/cpuinfo | wc -l ) + 1" | bc)
make -j$parallel_tasks bacon

And finally, sign the resulting images.

./vendor/replicant/sign-build n7100

Sources -