Mediawiki/Anonymous IP Hash

From Bibliotheca Anonoma
Revision as of 19:00, 9 December 2016 by Antonizoon (talk | contribs)

Here's the gist of my anon ID hack to MediaWiki. I can't really package it as an extension or anything because it involves hacking things that apparently aren't supposed to be hacked, but it's not hard to do. - Halcy

1. Add the following to your LocalSettings.php:

// you can leave anon talk pages on, but you'll
// likely end up with useless crud after IDs expire
$wgDisableAnonTalk = true;
function AnonUsername($IP) {
        $key = $IP.'PUT RANDOM TEXT HERE';
        # Alternatively, you can use this function to further anonymize, but it makes it harder to ban robots: dmY = new ID per day, WY = per week.
        #$key = $IP.'PUT RANDOM TEXT HERE'.gmdate('dmY');
        return 'ID:'.substr(crypt(md5($key), 'id'), 2, 8);
Warning: Consider using something better than md5, such as sha1 for same performance, or bcrypt for reduced brute force.
Note: Obviously you'd change the "PUT RANDOM TEXT HERE" to some random text: this functions as the salt and reduces the risk of brute force attacks. Just bang on the keyboard for a bit, or if you want to be truly random, get an RNG or just roll some dice.

2. In includes/user/User.php, (Mediawiki 1.27.1: getName() Line 2109) find the line that says:

   $this->mName = IP::sanitizeIP( $this->getRequest()->getIP() );

and change it to:

   $this->mName = AnonUsername( $this->getRequest()->getIP() );

3. In includes/user/User.php, (Mediawiki 1.27.1: getBlockedStatus() Line 1600) find the line that says:

   : IP::sanitizeIP( $wgUser->getRequest()->getIP() );

and change it to:

   : AnonUsername( $this->getRequest()->getIP() );

You will need to repeat this mod whenever you update MediaWiki, since obviously an update replaces the system files. And of course the lines may vary, but have generally been similar.

aa tags

On a slightly related note, I hacked an extension together for <aa> tags.

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