Internet 50th Anniversary/Brief History of the Anon Subculture

From Bibliotheca Anonoma
Revision as of 17:57, 4 April 2024 by (talk) (ChatGPT)

Anti-NFT mfs are so dumb, they have no real arguments

"Hurr!1!1! Your NFTs have no value!1!1! Hurr only idiots bid for them!1!1"

THE THING IS PEOPLE GIVE THINGS VALUE. NOT THE OTHER WAY AROUND! Do you think the creator himself decided that humans will give value to gold or dollar bills? People gave value to these things themselves!

The dollar had no value until the US Government decided it was a good and viable currency.

"Hurr I can just screenshot the image!1!1! You cant own an image!1!1!1"

Lol you can also print money, but it ain't getting you ain't value, so good luck with that buddy. Yes I can own an image... If you can own Mona Lisa, you can own a NON-FUNGIBLE TOKEN. The fact is, there is no way for someone that doesn't own an NFT to sell one.

NFTs are a perfectly viable currency, and imo the future of currency. Especially with the Metaverse and everything

You NFT haters just don't want to accept that we NFT owners are a part of the modern day gold rush, and you're stuck with an outdated currency that can't skyrocket in value and make you tens of thousands like us NFT enthusiasts