Chapter Twenty-Two - Maison Encore

From Bibliotheca Anonoma
Revision as of 01:40, 12 June 2017 by Kali (talk | contribs) (→‎Part 1)

(Lots of random discussion and Silent Hill fanboyism.


Part 2

05/29/07(Tue)15:44:49 Nurse-kun !!hPl7vWPKR+W


Where was I? Ah, yes. Anyway, she hadn't been feeling well when I arrived, and I did my best to make her comfortable and keep her company, but that was about all I COULD do there. Time passed, she fell asleep (uncomfortably and uneasily), my shift ended. I made my mind up, and hung around to wait for the administrator to show up, which took a while longer. Finding me asleep outside her office, she woke me unceremoniously (the lady has got no mercy), and asked me what I wanted. Doing my best to compose myself, I made a request for an excursion for the day, just a few hours away. I said that I'd call her social worker and clear it with her, so I'd just need her permission, and would let her think about it if necessary, and get back to her in said few hours later. She more or less just waved me off dismissively, making it clear she wanted to pay attention to her muffin and coffee at the moment.


I got in touch with her social worker on the way home, and explained my request to her voice mail: I would bring her back to my place...and take care of her while she fought off the bug, like she, or any other normal kid, would do so. In a normal home setting, resting on the couch and eating homemade soup while watching daytime television...and being mildly pampered and fretted over by an adult not dressed in scrubs and smelling of hand sanitizer. She got back to me shortly after I got home, and gave her approval. There'd already been a visit to my apartment once before for the afternoon, when it was raining and there wasn't much to do in the city, so it wasn't too unusual a request...and by now, we'd built up sufficient trust, I like to think, that she knew my intentions were innocent. Which they were, of course.


Buoyed by the tides of success, I left a message with the administrator explaining the approval, and said that I'd call back in a few hours. Then I went and crashed into bed, aiming to get those few hours of sleep that I could. I slept like a log, then was awakened and got up groggily, aiming to refresh myself sufficiently that I could perform my duties in this less formal setting to the proper level of satisfaction. Which meant coffee and meth, of course. Energized, I played a bit more telephone tag, found my ducks in a row, and headed out to make a quick trip elsewhere before heading for the facility. Once I finally arrived there, I headed for her room, pausing to briefly chat with the nurse on duty and explain what I had in mind, which she seemed to approve of, partially, no doubt, since it would take her off of her a sick patient, not some sort of special trouble, of course.


>So tell us, Nurse-kun: how much cleaning up did you have to do before Ampu-tan visited your house? Were you basically hiding every scrap of porn you could find? 

Har har. It isn't as though the stuff hangs from the ceiling and overflows cupboards, you know. Yes, I tidied up a bit, of course, but it wasn't a tremendous effort. ...I'd already carefully organized my laptop before her last visit, after all, which was the most difficult part of it all.


>fuck you, or give good explanation for not continuing story_ 

It's quite odd, isn't it, the way the thread suddenly died...I can't explain it, personally, since I had nothing to do with it, and had just finished my second post when it disappeared. Seems rather odd it'd disappear after an hour and a half or so, considering they've lasted for ten or more in the past...hmm.



Making my way to her room and letting myself in with a light knock, I found her looking roughly as sick and miserable as she had when I last saw her awake, just sitting there, slouched a bit, not even feeling up to doing anything, reading, playing DS, folding, anything. Naturally, this just made me feel I'd made the right decision, and I smiled, took a seat, and told her that I had a trip planned for us. When, she asked? Why, now!, I answered. She looked vaguely surprised and skeptical, but I assured her it was true, and began selecting some clothes for her to change into, and generally organizing for the 'trip'.


>Did I miss one of your posts nurse-kun? Last one I read was Chapter 21.  

I posted on a friday night or morning or something after that, when I couldn't sleep and was sick, but it seems they never bothered to archive it. I suppose it wasn't good enough for them or something, though I did relate a story of her family's past near the end, before I passed out...


She was soon (enough) dressed and more or less ready to go, though in her state of health, she was a bit more difficult and crabby than usual...which is hardly unusual, all things considered. Still, I soldiered on, and before long, I'd packed the backpack I'd brought with some essentials, and was wheeling her out the doors to my vehicle, in the generally hazy weather of the day. She wanted to know where we were going, and complained that she didn't feel like going to wherever we were going, despite not knowing where we were going yet. I, in turn, responded by telling her that it was a secret...and she'd just have to wait and see, then gave her a lozenge to suck on. It wasn't too long before we arrived at my building, whereupon the surprise was mostly revealed, though she didn't quite grasp the meaning of it all just yet. I unloaded us, then made to wheel her into the building...and she stopped me.


"No...I want to...walk." She frowned up at me from where she sat, gripping the arms of the chair with both hands, flesh and mechanical alike, and after a moment's hesitation, mostly spurred on by concern for her sense of balance in her state, I nodded in return, and offered her my hand. She took it, carefully, with her myoelectric one, then, with a combination of her left arm and body pushing to lift herself, and my hand helping her steady herself on her right, and acting as a 'platform' to pull up against with her artificial arm, she managed to stand up, slowly, arduously. Helping steady her a bit more, she stepped over to lean against the vehicle's side while I folded up her chair and set it inside the trunk...then, taking my arm again, we set off to head inside, wobbly, coughing, and damp.


Once inside, we made our way past the locked doors and headed for the elevator; while I normally take the stairs, that wasn't really an option today, for obvious reasons. We passed Ms. Palmer on the way, who slowed and stared rather blatantly, not having met her before. For her trouble, after a few seconds, she turned her head and just stared back at her, the woman having been caught at it, as she was on our girl's left, and remaining, peripheral vision. At the force of that glare, the poor woman blanched, murmered an apology, and hurried on her way out of the lobby, while I tried to hide a bit of a smile of amusement. Even sick, she's nothin' to...mess with. The ride up was private and quiet, with her saying nothing as she clung to me, the slight shaking and sudden starts and stops of the car playing havoc with her still tenuous balance. Finally, the doors slid open, and out we went, walking down the hallway at her pace until we reached my room, and slipped inside together...


The moment the door closed we were all over each other. I don't think either of us had expected it to happen - I certainly hadn't planned it - but there it was. She started working on the button and zipper of my jeans with her good hand, while I reached down to grip her diminutive chest (well, as much as I could). It was a little awkward kissing, with the height difference and all, but somehow we managed. All of this was before her mechanical arm, incensed by our actions, turned against us and began acting of its own accord. It wanted us dead...


...whereupon she flopped down onto the nearest chair, a bit out of breath, trembling and coughing after even that short walk, looking around bleary-eyed for this 'surprise'. Taking that as my cue, I knelt down and removed her shoes from her prosthetic feet, then moved to unzip her jacket as well, setting the backpack with her things, and a few other mystery contents as well, down. She looked vaguely surprised, and managed to make a single word sound disappointed and unamused at the same time. "Here?" I couldn't help but laugh a bit at the expression on her face, bisected eyebrow raised, and simply nodded in reply as I motioned for her to move her arms so I could slide her jacket off. "Yup, here." Still looking skeptical, but a bit too tired to argue, she just sighed and let me remove it, and was thus surprised when I quickly followed that up by sweeping her up into my arms, then carrying her toward the couch as she grabbed my shirt out of surprise, eyes widening...

28271330 surprise at the configuration and contents of the couch and coffee table. I'd set down kleenex, a glass (to be filled with juice), pillows, a blanket, the various entertainment remotes, and a box filled with the various comics from my collection she'd enjoyed on her previous visit. I set her down gently on the couch in the proper position, all of the above easily reachable with her good arm, and took a seat a bit further down. I told her that I knew it wasn't much fun staying in the home, and it's even worse when you aren't feeling well, as a few shifts worked while I wasn't had made clear in the past. And that I knew that when one got sick like this, one didn't want to be in a hospital, or a sterile wanted to be at home, comfortable, and being taken care of. And so, I wanted to provide that for her...if she'd let me. She was quiet for a moment, taking it all in, the weak rays of the sun making her hair shine like gold for a moment, then finally just leaned forward and hugged me, stifling the crying she was fighting in my shirt. To which I responded by simply patting her back and holding her gently, letting her let it out, the memory of her complaining melancholy about being sick and being taken care of by her mom, then struggling to contain herself after relating it, one night some time back sounding clear as day in my mind.


the entire internet is pressing the limits on its cute intake right now. two or three kittens would put the thing over.


>...and then you showed her your penis.  

No, not yet.


She recovered her composure after a few moments more, and I carefully brushed some sweat-stained hair out of her eyes as she leaned back and wiped them with the back of her good hand, smiling gently as I did so. I can't forget what she said next as she shifted to lay back against the pillows, body slightly turned to face the television, and using it as a focus to avert her eyes from me; "You're always so nice to me...even though I didn't do anything to deserve it...". I was surprised at this, at the expression of...even now, I'm not entirely sure, but...guilt? shame?...on her face. And I was contemplative for a moment in turn, then stood up, walking around her to tug the blanket (one I'd taken from home when I left for college, and kept with me since then) up over her. And I replied, not needing to fake any emotion, but simply speaking honestly, "You don't need to do anything but be yourself, <name ommitted here>.". I hesitated then, for a moment more, before leaning down to place a kiss on the top of her head, before heading into the kitchen.


Things mellowed out pleasently after that initial spate of activity. She was still tired, so she wound up falling asleep on the couch a few minutes after, with me carefully removing her prosthetics and setting them aside as stealthily as I could. Without much to do myself, other than fill her glass with some orange juice, I wound up falling asleep as well, slumped over in the chair sharing the living room (well, what passes for one in my place). She woke up after a couple of hours, and apparently quietly began to watch tv, emphasizing quietly because she didn't wake me up in the midst of doing so. Indeed, it was another hour or so before I came to my senses again, finding her watching some history channel special on the Manhatten Project. Looking at a clock, I realized what time it was and apologized to her for falling asleep, then asked if she was hungry. Replying, after a moment, that she was (and thirsty as well, the glass empty by then), I told her I had something special for her...


>How the fuck is your loli not dead yet?  
>'What have I been doing wrong?  

Forgetting to check for aphids, I bet. You should buy some Ff-ladybugs.


A few minutes of humming from the microwave later, I walked back in and set down a plate before her, on the table. I adjusted things so that the bowl in the center of said plate was within easy spooning reach, and revealed the homemade turkey soup within, the smell bringing back memories for me immediately. I'd made the detour earlier to my parents' place to pick up some of mom's leftovers from the day before, when I'd been there to help take care of dad, and she'd made a fresh pot of her signature dish; the trip, I knew, would be worth it, as I couldn't think of anything better for a sick girl than delicious broth, tender meat, and fresh, but softened, vegetables. She eyed it speculatively, as I explained what was in it, and assured her that it was perfect for whatever's ailing one, full not only of tastiness, but of the love of a mother...and well. I added the second title after a splitsecond's thought of announcing the first, trying not to place too much emphasis on it, but remembering my mom's face earlier in the day, when I told her who it'd be for, and the situation it'd be served in...she hadn't said anything, but the expression...well...anyway...a spoonful was carefully filled, then sampled...


"'s good." came the proclamation, as she swallowed, then took another spoonful. I smiled in relief, and headed back into the kitchen to make a small bowl for myself, the tupperware holding enough for at least four. And we simply ate in silence, then, no need for extraneous conversation at the moment, watching footage of black and white houses blow over and fly into slivers. I switched on a movie for her a little while later, and popsicles to soothe a sore throat were broken out to accompany dry ice on a DeLorean's hood. All in all, it was a pleasent afternoon that soon became evening, and a second helping of soup, as well as a second installment in a trilogy. An appropriate trilogy, considering the way time was flying.


It was getting rather late, as late as any excursion had been thus far, actually. I looked to her, and found her asleep, curled up beneath the blanket. After a long moment's consideration, I finally decided to make the attempt, and called her social worker, who was already off duty by then; well, as off duty as anyone in her position could be. I explained the situation to her, and made the request...that she be allowed to sleep the night, and return to the facility the next morning. Since it was my night off, there was no conflict with my schedule, and she'd be recieving care from a professional, just as she would if she were disturbed and woken up, then driven back to her bed at the facility. I chewed my lip a bit as I waited for her response after laying out my reasoning, and not unsound reasoning it was, particularly as the mentoring programs covered camping trips and overnight stays and such, odd situations or no. Still, I knew how our own situation was more tenuous than most. Then, almost startling me, she said "All right, I'll call the home. You can bring her back tomorrow.".


>Question: let's say she wasn't so damned cute. Would you still love her and pay the same attention to her~ if say her whole body had been covered with burns, disfiguring her face and leaving her with no hair like the burn victims you see in medical journals. 

I like to think I could. I can't really say, since she wasn't, though she is more heavily scarred than the 'fan art' tends to accurately portray. I'm only human, and a sad fact of that state is that we tend to make emotional judgements and connections based on skin deep views. I don't know. I never claimed to be some sort of saint, here, it's other people saying things like that.


Now, the first thing I did was go to my bedroom and change the sheets. I'm not a total slob, and do so regularly, but this was a special occasion, after all. I tidied up a bit more in the rest of the room as well, cleaning up some clothes tossed onto a chair in the corner (my 'I'm tired, these clothes aren't going into the hamper right now' chair), clearing various glasses and debris off my bedside table, etc. Once everything was good and presentable, I headed back out into the living room, where she was still asleep on the couch. Shifting the coffee table aside, I moved to lift her in my arms again, resting her chin and good arm over my shoulders as I carried her into the bedroom. There, I laid her down on the bed, reaching over to dim the lamp on my desk to roughly the level of her nightlight in her room at the home, and...


>Hey Nurse-kun, Did you give her that copy of Ouendan 2 yet? 

Copy hasn't arrived yet. Last time I buy from PlayAsia.


>>28278233[fake trip troll, still amusing]
>...she went straight for my throat. She'd been thirsting for fresh blood all week, and this was the first chance she'd had in awhile. By the time I got over my shock it was too late, and she had me in her loli-vampire trance. So, basically I'd been turned into her mindless slave, willing to do her bidding even at the cost of my own life and of those I love. I guess the really major career changes always sneak up on you...  



Hahaha, that's some good stuff. ...but seriously, how would that be a career change for me from my present circumstances?



...tucked her into bed. Then placed my cell phone, with a note explaining how my pager number was set to autodial by pressing a certain number, which would wake me if I was asleep and she needed anything, on the table beside her. Then I stepped outside, closing the door most of the way, and went off to collapse onto the couch and fall asleep myself, pager set to audio on the table beside me.


>Nurse-kun, I don't have much time before I must go to work, but I have to say I admire you and have found the whole story simply fascinating.  
>'Please keep up the good work.  
>'Although I have to ask: Are you really a dude? I could seriously see this whole thing being 10x more believable (not that I don't, I do) if you were a woman. 

Ah, but there are no women on the internets, now are there...?


>Hay Nurse-kun, I just read a story today that may be relevant to your (and Ampu-tan's) interests. It was about a woman who got some kind of bad infection (it didn't say what, but I'm guessing streptococcus pyogenes) and had both legs and one arm amputated as a child, about the same age as your loli. She's now a medical student, looking to go into pediatrics. So, you can still succeed even with severe physical handicaps, if you persevere.  
>'Dunno if Ampu-tan has the intelligence for medical school, (no offense intended, not everyone does), but she can still do something with her life regardless.

Neat. And, well, she's smarter than I am...but, hey, male nurse.



We both slept pretty peacefully, save for a middle-of-the-night bathroom emergency, but even that was handled without dire results. Catching up on needed rest as we were, it was nearly nine am before either of us stirred, the 'either' in this case being me, what there is of my pride as an adult being happy to say. After a brief checking in on her and finding her fine, and in what would be full sonorous sprawl if she still had all her parts, I wandered back into the kitchen to make some coffee, and began to prepare breakfast, as well. The scent of which apparently stirred her to wakefulness, as bacon, eggs, hashbrowns, and toast sizzled away on the stove (well, ok, not the toast, but you know what I mean).


Her calling my name from the bedroom was my first clue, walking over to peer inside and notice her sitting up and rubbing her eyes with her good hand the second. I quickly went off to fetch her prosthetics from the living room, bringing them back and setting them down for her to don them herself, as she prefers, then heading out to keep an eye on breakfast. Having a feeling, I waited out in the kitchen for her, whether it was another raised voice asking for help, or something else entirely. As it turns out, it was the latter, as she appeared in the bedroom doorway a few minutes later, holding onto the doorjam for support with her good hand, but maintaining an admirable balance all in all even with that nod to good sense. I met her eyes from across the room, kind of wordlessly asking if she needed help with a raised eyebrow and such, to which she responded by walking down the short hallway, hand occasionally resting against the wall for support, moving one foot at a time...well, one leg, actually, since moving just the foot isn't really possible for her...and slowly, arduously, making it all the way to the kitchen table, where she practically fell into a chair.



>Hey, Nurse-kun; I've got a rather odd question.  
>'Regarding your feelings for Ampu-tan, would you say that you're getting to the point where you "love" her (meant in the form of parental love, as a father or mother would have for their child)?  
>'Maybe not, but if adoption and all that goes through (yes, hoping for a miracle here), I think it would be a somewhat fitting summation. 

Hm, well, um, I refuse to answer on the grounds that I'm in 4chan?


Noting that she did in fact look better than she had yesterday, I asked her if she was feeling better as well, to which she answered with a nod of her head. Pleased by this (the change of health status, not the nod), I smiled and asked if she was feeling hungry, the further confirmation of which led to my placing a plate full of not entirely healthy breakfast foodstuffs before her, along with accompanying condiments. Thus we both broke our fast, and I asked her whether she was ready to go back to the home just yet, or if she'd like to stay a bit longer. After a lack of moment's thought, she replied that she was still feeling a bit sick, and should probably wait before going back, all with a straight face and near monotone. You had to be there, but I couldn't help but laugh, and simply nodded in agreement. Finishing the meal, I cleaned up, then leant her an arm to help her walk back over to the couch, letting her lay down (though closer to sitting than the day before), and watch some television while I took care of other arrangements.


So we settled in for some of the more pleasent times in the recouperative process, and whiled the hours away doing very little save eating popsicles and watching various forms of media. Lunch consisted of chinese delivery, and dinner consisted of leftovers from lunch. Still, I knew that all good things must end, and told her that we needed to get ready not longer after said dinner, said preparations culiminating in her being dressed, and her things packed back into the backpack, and our walking down the hallway from my apartment to the elevator just after eight.


And so the trip 'home' was uneventful, because I'm kind of tired and running out of writing energy, and not much happened anyway. I wheeled her back inside, knowing the policies and regulations as I do, back to her room, and greeting fellow nurses on the way. Once there, I told her that I hoped I'd done an okay job taking care of her, even though I knew I wasn't that good at it. She hesitated a moment, then leaned forward and hugged me, and told me that she was happy I cared enough to try. Taking that comment in what I hoped the spirit it was intended for, I smiled a bit and returned the hug, carefully, then stood up, patting her shoulder lightly. And told her I'd see her soon...since I'd be back at work in roughly three hours or so. She almost smiled a bit at that, and we waved goodbye to each other as I stepped out of her room...and back into the fading light to go home and straighten up my apartment before going 'Home again.' for another night.