Blue Ozzy

From Bibliotheca Anonoma
Revision as of 19:40, 11 June 2024 by LuaGunsX (talk | contribs)
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A seemingly random picture of what appeared to be blue bangs and silver spectacles with blue lenses was temporarily the talk of /b/ as it was quickly photoshopped onto the face of the woman in the picture of the thread's original post. Approximately three dozen picture edits including the hair and glasses plastered the front page of /b/ for the next day, with the poster of the original hair and glasses picture, upon being pressed for a name, stating that it was called Blue Ozzy, after Ozzy Osborne. Blue Ozzy is still used as a Photoshop-friendly item, along with the likes of Koffing and Evil Ambassador, though less commonly used. Some /b/tards argue that it more closely resembles John Lennon.