From Bibliotheca Anonoma
/qa/ - Question & Answer Timeline
Repository of primary sources and timeline of events for the 4chan board /qa/. Ideally, all statements should be backed by citations and kept as concise as possible.
Prior Brackground
- fappening lawsuit threats
- moot the cuck memes
- Andonuts leaks
- moot resignation
- 2015-XX-XX - First board-tans winter ball
- 2015-01-23 - moot's Farewell Stream
- 00:30~ EST - /qa/ - Question & Answer is created. moot makes the first post at 00:50 EST; The board remains unannounced until midday.[1]
- 14:00 EST - /qa/ is announced. moot has a livestream session that lasts eight hours[2][3]. Twelve stickies in /qa/ are maxed out.[4]
- /qa/'s board-tan is designed[5]
- 00:30~ EST - /qa/ - Question & Answer is created. moot makes the first post at 00:50 EST; The board remains unannounced until midday.[1]
- 2015-01-24 - A Board-tan General is established, mostly inhabited by remnants of /co/'s 4chan House & /v/'s Winter Ball projects. Gratuitous shipping ensues.[6]
- 2015-01-27
- 2015-01-28 - Drafting of the Declaration of /qa/[10]
- 2015-01-29 - Declaration of /qa/ - Question & Answer[11]
- 2015-01-30 - /qa/-tan gets a thread.[12]
- 2015-02-03 - Bibanon Embassy thread encourage posters to archive their 4chan folders.[13]
- 2015-02-23 - /qa/ makes melk smen[14]
- 2015-03-02 - First 4chan Happenings thread[15]
- 2015-09-21 - Mods make a test thread.[16]
- 2015-09-22 - Hiroyuki's AMA - Hiroyuki has his first official interaction with 4chan, divided between a questions thread and an answers thread. /qa/'s post rate permanently goes from 400pph to 800pph.[17][18] Highlights: (Reminder to always take Hiroyuki statements with a grain of salt.)
- 2015-09-23 - Hiroyuki says hi in another thread.[19]
- 2015-09-25 - The first Test Thread is made. Baptized by a mod post.[20]
- 2015-10-05 - Minor [s4s] raid, allegedly instigated by mod swaglord[21][22][23]
- 2016-XX-XX - Second board-tans winter ball
- 2016-01-27 - /qa/ - Quests & Adventures - Heather Quest - /qa/ gets a quests hosted by drawfag remeranAuthor !.neWrem.g. aka remi. [24][25]
- 2016-03-06 - /qa/ - Quests & Adventures - Worby Quest[26][27]
- 2016-03-07 - First sighting of the asukaspammer[28][29]
- 2016-04-07 - Ban /b/anana thread. This transgression does not go unpunished, swaglord embeds all over the thread.[30]
- 2016-05-11 - Anon finds undisabled emojis on the test thread.[32]
- 2016-05-30 - Hiroyuki pays an impromptu visit to a /qa/ meta thread.[33] Highlights: (Reminder to always take Hiroyuki statements with a grain of salt.)
- Won't create too many new boards, open to textboards if provided the frontend
- Will not delete /pol/
- States he prefers an "interesting 4chan" over a "profitable 4chan"
- 2016-07-02 - Catholic Anon Saga - Infamous poster Catholic Anon makes a thread complaining about reddit. He quickly gets into a flamewar with one alleged Norwegian. The explodes into a months long flamewar between several posters in and out of /qa/, and the appearance of new namefags and avatarfags.[34]
- 2016-07-30 - A circlejerk hijack thread sees drawfag newrem get doxxed. Anons are outraged, shitflinging ensues and Lucas and Mark become a minor meme.[35]
- 2016-07-31 - The first No. thread. [36]
- 2016-08-06 - Catholic Anon gets a Reddit account.[37]
- 2016-08-17 - First CSS/Filter general[38]
- 2016-08-16 -
- Moderator swaglord chimes in a /tv/ meta thread and gets told off. [39]
- 2016-08-18 - We pretend to be /qa/ on [s4s]. swaglord sticky.[40]
- 2016-08-19 -
- 2016-08-21 - newrem makes a drawthread.[44]
- 2016-08-24 - /qa/ gets a drawthread![45]
- 2016-08-26 - swaglord shitposts on the Happenings thread.[46]
- 2016-08-28 - /qa/ posters go to #4chan for help, but are told to kick rocks.[47]
- 2016-09-08 - Pikarifag losses his mind, dons a name, and starts botspamming remove GR15 threads.[48][49]
- 2016-09-13 - Hiroyuki barges into a /pol/ meta thread, says something incomprehensible, and leaves[50]
- 2016-09-15 - Pikarifag goes to the #4chan IRC to ask ALTERNATIVE for help with the GR15 spam, he's rebuked and basically told /qa/ doesn't get moderation[51]
- 2016-10-01 - 4chan's 13th birthday and a lot of changes.
only anecdotical evidence of bant clique raids - 2020-XX-XX - leebaiter starts spamming weekly
- 2020-02-13 -
- 2020-04-01 - April's Fools! Mod thread and funposts on /qa/[270]
- 2020-04-20 - Soyjak Migrations. A soyjak spambot floods /qa/ in a strangely prophetic event. Already a permanent presence on the /qa/ catalog, Soyjak posters go through an unprecedented and incrementing growth spurt. Within months Soyjak posting increased by an order of magnitude, visibly affecting /qa/'s posting speed. The board is by all intents and purposes demographically replaced, boards that never saw a soyjak before start getting threads.[271]
- 2020-04-21 - Porn ads gets called out on /qa/. Mod posts and says they'll contact the ad company.[272]
- 2020-05-20 - Sneed threads redirected to [s4s].[273]
- 2020-05-22 - Large 4chan screenshot thread. Classic and osbcure alike.[274]
- 2020-09-07 - Massive soyjak self-raid. [275]
- 2020-08-28 - /hap/'s invites their stepbrother /nah/ - Not A Happening General to /qa/[276]
- 2020-09-20 - soyjak.party is created and posted on /qa/[277]
- 2020-12-08 - Someone passing off as barneyfag makes a thread on /qa/ "surrendering" to the baiters. This immediately gets the leebaiter and his leebot to crash the thread. That would theoretically the only time these two spammers would have crossed paths.[278]
- 2020-12-20 - Jak frogposters compete by calling what thread they are bumping off the catalog[279]
- 2021-01-21 - Deleted mod post to test if his autosage functioned.[280]
- 2021-02-07 - 3888888 GET![281]
- 2021-02-08 - Soyjak threads start getting deleted in mass. This becomes a common fixture for months.[282]
- 2021-02-27 - A jak kid PMs moderator uwu for an explanation on soyjak deletions, uwu considers GR6 aggravated by GR10 as the likely cause, since jaks are bumping off too many technically on-topic threads[283]
- 2021-03-04 - Mods playing with jak kids [284]
- 2021-03-07 - An anon starts posting the "Get out of /qa/" marisa on every thread. [285]
- 2021-04-09 - Get out of /qa/ spam inspires an even more intense copycat who picked up images from 2016-2017 /qa/ and spammed them in every thread.[286]
- 2021-04-10 - In turn inspiring Jak kids to begin LARPing as old /qa/ shitposters, making OC themed around the antics of years gone /qa/ friends and frogposters.[287]
- 2021-04-19 - Get Out of /qa/ Day
- Retro is in. Get Out of /qa/ is a meme again. Shit gets spammed everywhere with dozens of variants[288]
- Everyone pick a side and rev up your /qa/ folder, it's frog/weeb war reenactment time.
- /qa/marisa got enough people mad to go to the mods about it. Moderator uwu simply disagrees, arguing it's not rulebreaking.[289]
- 2021-04-26 - Post Deletion is reenabled.[290]
- 2021-05-04 - Jak gets a public ban. ANIME WEBSITE.[291]
- 2021-05-06 - The shimmie hosting 4chanhouse, the board-tan booru, dies.[292]
- 2021-05-21 - A fucking kpop thread tries to move to /qa/.[293]
- 2021-06-27 - /pnn/ - /pol/ News Network general gets moved to /qa/ from /pol/. The moved thread and all subsequent attempts at new threads are instantly eaten up by soyjaks.[294][295]
- 2021-08-22 - A soyjak thread featuring a squirrel variant appears. The template gets posted and a few days laters reposted with the text nigga i'm NUTS. It instantly becomes and meme and proceeds to gets spammed everywhere (but mostly the party).[296]
- 2021-09-28 - soyjak posters raid /r9k/[297]
- 2021-10-03 - In what's basically the greatest act of iconoclasm in the history of western imageboards, jaks raid and wipe 1chan off the face of the chanverse.[298][299] The site is taken down.[300] Days later, it returns cleaned up and with mod-approval posting.[301]
- 2021-11-11 - After countless squirrel jak spam, anon shows /qa/ how to trap and skin a squirrel.[302]
- 2021-11-03 - Death of /qa/ - The exponential growth of /qa/ and unstoppable antics of soyjak posters leads mods to freeze /qa/. Nothing of material value was lost. The emotional value, on the other hand...
- 09:10 EST - /qa/ raids /lgbt/, displacing over 2/3rds of the catalog.[303]
- 16:53 EST - /qa/ is frozen, and this time it ain't coming back.[304]
- Several /qa/ threads pop up site wide in a site-wide Jak raid.
- Ghostposting in desuarchive and archived moe increases by orders of magnitude.
- Jaks attempt to colonize /bant/ as a refuge. They are quickly removed, forcing them to move to Soyjak Party.[305]
- The 4chan Happenings Thread gets remade in /trash/. A new saga begins.[306]
- 2021-11-04 - An /a/ meta thread gloats that it can't be moved to /qa/ anymore and it gets moved anyways. And since /qa/ is frozen, nobody can post. It's deleted a few hours later.[307]
- 2021-11-28 - Desumin disables ghostposting on Desuarchive's /qa/ archive.[308]
- 2022-03-19 - A /pw/ meta thread gets moved to /qa/, then deleted.[309]
- 2022-04-01 - A mod makes a... soyjak metathread? It's deleted later.[310]
- 2022-04-25 - A /trash/ thread with a trans catgirl and OP text "/qa/ lost" gets moved to /qa/. Soyteens seethe, then it's deleted.[311] Desumin didn't like it.[312]
- 2022-08-15 - Infamous /trash/ pedophile leto / unicodefag starts harassing /hap/ advertising ecker's ban evasion tool, and later his own fork.[313]
- 2022-08-19 - A brazillian 4chan janitor posts leaks about /j/ on soyjak.party, including screenshots of threads, userscripts made for the janitors, and the Team4chan Discord. Jak teens rush to the Happenings thread to gloat, prompting Leto to have a meltdown and spam the place.[314]
- 2023-04-29 - /qa/doge, avatarfag of Loona from Helluva Boss, arrives to /hap/ via a soyjak raid. Over time his antics entice the the many shitposters watching over /hap/ to troll the fuck out of the thread, down to coding a /qa/doge gptbot.[315]
- 2023-12-23 - /qa2/schizo, a frogposting soyteen, begins to raid /hap/, multiple 4chan boards and even other sites.[316]
- 2024-02-03 - a /vip/hap gets made.[317]
- 2024-02-25 - Frog Pond spinoff creates /qa2/, basically giving the schizo his own board.[318]
- 2024-03-16 - Continuous 'ecker, sturdychan and sharty Discord raids, on top of the avatarfag situation, make posting on /trash/hap intolerable. In a kneejerk reaction, a quick plan to move to another board is written. A /hap/ gets made for /bant/[319], /b/[320], /trash/[321], [s4s][322] and /r9k/[323] in order to have them compete in a popularity contest. All threads archive fast except for /bant/ and /trash/. avatarfags hoot & holler as they may be moderated there.[324]
- 2024-03-19 - The contest is interrupted by a mod. /trash/hap and /bant/hap are swapped. then the former /bant/hap is moved to /qa/. Next day, /trash/hap goes back to business.[325]
- 2024-04-01 - /qa/ gets an April's Fools sticky. It's also deleted.[326]
- 2024-05-15 - The Frog Pond shuts down and /qa2/ with it.[327]
- 2024-05-19 - haha disregard that i suck cocks[328]
- 2024-05-28 - haha disregard that i suck cocks #2[329]
- 2024-06-24 - The situation in /hap/ didn't get better at all. After several attempts at escaping /trash/, /hap/ manages to sustain an /r9k/ thread to bump limit. Avatarfags in /trash/hap refuse to leave, effectively splitting the thread in two. Eventually, most posters would move to /r9k/ and /trash/hap would take the role of the old /nah/.[330]
- 2025-01-13 - The Ribbit Rally closes down and with it dies the last /qa2/ variants.[331]
- 2025-02-05 - /qa2/schizo comes clean on /hap/ and admits to have been behind most (but not all) frog posts on the general. Ending over a year of pointless spam.[332] jkjlkj
- 2025-02-11 - Endless raids cause /r9k/hap to move to /bant/.[333].
Primary Sources
- ↑ https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/1/#q1
- ↑ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XYUKJBZuUig
- ↑ Transcript: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1pL3LmKIb6Q25LGzO3GwNqgGOAjQnrCasdMULVpwF4vw/edit?tab=t.0#heading=h.mw67go6pwfq6
- ↑ https://desuarchive.org/qa/search/type/sticky/start/2015-01-23/end/2015-01-24/
- ↑ https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/11809/
- ↑ https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/59022/
- ↑ https://desuarchive.org/qa/search/start/2015-01-26/end/2015-01-27/order/asc/page/56/
- ↑ https://desuarchive.org/qa/search/start/2015-01-26/end/2015-01-27/order/asc/page/52/
- ↑ https://desuarchive.org/qa/search/start/2015-01-27/end/2015-01-28/order/asc/
- ↑ https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/67896/
- ↑ https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/68391/
- ↑ https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/69186/
- ↑ https://archived.moe/qa/thread/71704/
- ↑ https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/79383/
- ↑ https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/81502/
- ↑ Thread. [1]
- ↑ https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/183963/
- ↑ https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/183913/
- ↑ https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/221428/#q225900
- ↑ Thread. [2]
/ Thread sample. [3] - ↑ https://archive.4plebs.org/s4s/thread/3796007/
- ↑ https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/293385/
- ↑ https://archive.4plebs.org/s4s/search/subject/Cultural%20Enrichment%20Initiative/page/2/
- ↑ https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/425567/
- ↑ https://newrem.com/adventures/0001-heatherQuest.html
- ↑ https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/461264/
- ↑ https://newrem.com/adventures/0002-worbyQuest.html
- ↑ https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/458098/#q460413
- ↑ https://desuarchive.org/qa/search/image/QeNMLYZdn8f00mt-t5C9CQ/
- ↑ Embed. [4]
Video. [5]
- ↑ Post. [6]
- ↑ Thread. [7]
- ↑ https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/544514/#q546143
- ↑ Thread. [8]
- ↑ Thread. [9]
- ↑ Thread. [10]
OP Sample. [11] - ↑ Thread. [12]
- ↑ Thread. [13]
- ↑ Post. [14]
- ↑ Thread. [15]
- ↑ OP Sample. [16]
- ↑ Thread. [17]
- ↑ Thread. [18]
- ↑ Thread. [19]
- ↑ https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/642332/
- ↑ https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/637922/#644503
- ↑ https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/647871/
- ↑ https://desuarchive.org/qa/search/username/sa.ge/start/2016-09-08/order/asc/
- ↑ https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/623164/#659550
- ↑ https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/665677/#666275/
- ↑ https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/647871/#671859
- ↑ Thread. [20]
- ↑
Hiroyuki's winter is coming thread. [21]
/qa/ crosslinks on /pol/ and [s4s]. [22] - ↑ https://desuarchive.org/qa/search/text/%22Don%27t%20mind%20me%20just%20killing%20a%20thread%22/order/asc/page/1/
- ↑ Post. [23]
- ↑ https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/760901/#760927
- ↑ https://desuarchive.org/qa/search/text/%22Don%27t%20mind%20me%20just%20killing%20a%20thread%22/start/2016-10-13/end/2016-10-15/order/asc/
- ↑ https://desuarchive.org/qa/search/text/%22Don%27t%20mind%20me%20just%20killing%20a%20thread%22/start/2016-10-19/end/2016-10-21/order/asc/
- ↑ https://desuarchive.org/qa/search/text/%22Don%27t%20mind%20me%20just%20killing%20a%20thread%22/start/2016-10-21/end/2016-10-23/order/asc/
- ↑ https://desuarchive.org/qa/search/text/%22Would%20the%20users%20please%20not%20mind%20when%20I%20kill%20a%22/type/op/start/2016-10-27/end/2016-10-29/order/asc/
- ↑ https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/799401/
- ↑ https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/799401/#799656
- ↑ https://desuarchive.org/qa/search/type/op/start/2016-11-03/end/2016-11-04/order/asc/page/4/
- ↑ https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/808207/
- ↑ https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/810702/#810945
- ↑ Repeat this pattern till january: https://desuarchive.org/qa/search/type/op/start/2016-11-08/end/2016-11-10/order/asc/page/6/
- ↑ https://desuarchive.org/qa/search/type/op/start/2016-11-08/end/2016-11-09/order/asc/page/4/
- ↑ Sample of OPs from roughly the begginign of the trend, likely lasted for longer - https://desuarchive.org/qa/search/type/op/start/2016-11-10/end/2016-11-16/order/asc/page/3/
- ↑ https://desuarchive.org/qa/search/type/op/start/2016-11-10/end/2016-11-11/order/asc/page/10/
- ↑ https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/827842/#828097
- ↑ Post sample. [24]
- ↑ https://desuarchive.org/qa/search/type/op/start/2016-11-14/end/2016-11-15/order/asc/page/5/
- ↑ https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/835116/
- ↑ https://desuarchive.org/qa/search/type/op/start/2016-11-16/end/2016-11-17/order/asc/page/1/
- ↑ Subsequent brag: https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/837184/
- ↑ https://arch.b4k.dev/v/thread/357906495/#357907315
- ↑ https://desuarchive.org/qa/search/type/op/start/2016-11-15/end/2016-11-16/order/asc/page/6/
- ↑ https://desuarchive.org/qa/search/type/op/start/2016-11-26/end/2016-11-27/order/asc/page/4/
- ↑ https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/864972/
- ↑ https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/882580/#883777
- ↑ https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/877181/#878923
- ↑ https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/888188/
- ↑ https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/888188/#q891098
- ↑ https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/897686/#q899276
- ↑ https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/897686/#q897686
- ↑ https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/897686/#q899169
- ↑ https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/894474/
- ↑ https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/897686/#q899157
- ↑ https://desuarchive.org/qa/search/type/op/start/2016-11-21/end/2016-11-22/order/asc/page/2/
- ↑ https://desuarchive.org/qa/search/type/op/start/2016-11-23/end/2016-11-24/order/asc/page/3/
- ↑ Speculation. [25]
- ↑ Thread sample. [26]
- ↑ Thread. [27]
- ↑ Thread. Note deleted posts. Ex. 1 [28] - Ex. 2 [29]
- ↑ First icing thread. Likely artificial. [30]
Second thread. [31]
Third thread. [32]
Threads. Ex. 1 [33] - ↑ Post. [34]
- ↑ https://desuarchive.org/qa/search/type/op/start/2017-01-31/end/2017-02-01/order/asc/
- ↑ https://desuarchive.org/qa/search/text/rofl/order/asc/page/5/
- ↑ https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/999998/
- ↑ https://desuarchive.org/qa/search/text/999998/order/asc/
- ↑ And they are indeed never worth it. https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/999836/#1000000
- ↑ 999999 Oberstein GET https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/999349/#999999
- ↑ Supposed invitation, thumbnail quality. [35]
- ↑ Thread. Ex. 1 [36]
- ↑ Image sample.[37]
- ↑
Sample. [38]
Threads. [39] - ↑ Public ban. [40]
- ↑
Sample. [41]
References. [42] - ↑ Request thread. [43]
- ↑ Post. [44]
- ↑ https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/1036966/
- ↑ Image sample. [45]
- ↑ Thread. [46]
- ↑ First to take off. [47]
Others. [48] - ↑ https://desuarchive.org/qa/search/type/op/start/2017-02-23/end/2017-02-24/order/asc/page/1/
- ↑ https://desuarchive.org/qa/search/text/%22antispam%22/order/asc/
- ↑ https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/1004342/#1005934
- ↑ https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/1212775/
- ↑ Thread. [49]
- ↑ https://desuarchive.org/qa/search/type/op/start/2017-03-06/end/2017-03-07/order/asc/page/3/
- ↑ https://desuarchive.org/qa/search/type/op/start/2017-03-06/end/2017-03-07/order/asc/page/8/
- ↑ https://desuarchive.org/qa/search/type/op/start/2017-03-11/end/2017-03-12/order/asc/page/2/
- ↑ https://desuarchive.org/qa/search/type/op/start/2017-03-13/end/2017-03-14/order/asc/page/5/
- ↑ https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/1153589/
- ↑ Post. [50]
- ↑ https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/1194185/#q1195824
- ↑
Example pony pics. [51]
General shitposting. [52]
/int*/ links. [53] - ↑
Original suggestion. [54]
Macro. [55]
Reposts. [56] - ↑ Thread sample. [57]
- ↑ Thread. [58]
- ↑
► Needs #4chan Logs
Mention. [59] - ↑
Thread sample. [60]
Thread. [61] - ↑ Thread. Ex. 1 [62] - Ex. 2 [63]
- ↑ Post sample. [64]
- ↑
Part I. [65]
Part II. [66] - ↑
Message. [67]
Last threads on Apr. 7 [68] - ↑
Thread. [69]
/hap/ thread. [70]
Other /hap/s- [71] - ↑
Ghost thread on qa. [72]
/meta/. [73]
- qa clique on /meta/. [74]
- ↑
Original post. [75]
Reposts. [76] - ↑ Thread. [77]
- ↑
Original /int/ thread. [78]
/qa/ thread. [79] - ↑ Thread. [80]
- ↑ Thread sample. [81]
- ↑ Thread. [82]
- ↑ Thread. [83]
- ↑ [84]
- ↑ The "raid" [85]
navlpl mentions. [86]
Threads. [87] - [88] - [89] - [90]
Schizorants spillover. Ex. 1 [91] - Ex. 2 [92] - ↑ OP sample. [93]
- ↑ Thread sample. [94]
- ↑ First clear explanation on how /qa/ speed up [95]
- ↑ Thread. [96]
- ↑ Thread sample. [https://desuarchive.org/qa/search/type/op/start/2017-06-08/order/asc/page/1/
- ↑ Thread sample. [97]
- ↑ Threads sample. [98]
- ↑ [99]
- ↑ Thread. [100]
Tripcode search. [101] - ↑ Thread. [102]
- ↑ https://desuarchive.org/qa/search/type/op/start/2017-07-08/end/2017-07-09/order/asc/page/4/
- ↑ https://desuarchive.org/qa/search/type/op/start/2017-07-08/end/2017-07-09/order/asc/page/5/
- ↑ Very factual and correct. https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/1447316/#1450000
- ↑ https://desuarchive.org/qa/search/type/op/start/2017-07-15/end/2017-07-16/order/asc/
- ↑
Thread. [103]
Leaks discussion. [104]
Disabling. [105] - ↑ Spinoff botget jfc this is why we can't have nice things https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/1500000
- ↑ https://desuarchive.org/qa/search/type/op/start/2017-08-03/end/2017-08-05/order/asc/page/8/
- ↑ https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/1485623/#q1501757
- ↑ Thread. [106]
- ↑ Thread. [107]
- ↑ /jp/ thread. [108]
/qa/ thread. [109] - ↑ /a/ thread. [110]
/qa/ thread. [111] - ↑ https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/1569299/
- ↑ Thread sample. [112]
- ↑ Post. [113]
- ↑ Thread. [114]
- ↑ Thread. [115]
- ↑ https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/1626817
- ↑ https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/1619006/#1630130
- ↑ https://desuarchive.org/qa/search/text/%22Gatekeeper%20of%20the%20Mansion%22/order/asc/
- ↑ https://desuarchive.org/qa/search/text/spirit/deleted/deleted/type/posts/start/2017-08-01/order/asc/page/2/
- ↑ Thread [116]
- ↑ Git issue. [117]
- ↑ Post. [118]
- ↑ Stickies. First. [119] - Second. [120] - Third. [121]
- ↑
Announcement blob. [122] - [123]
Tracking history commit. [124]
Top page board list. Before. [125] - After. [126] - ↑ First /qa/ reactions. [127]
- ↑ Thread. [128]
- ↑
First. [129]
Second. Not locked. [130]
Third. [131] - [132]
Web Archive. [133]
NO HONKING. [134] - ↑ Thread. https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/1648512/
- ↑ Thread. [135]
- ↑ Thread. [136]
- ↑ Post. [137]
- ↑ Post. [138]
- ↑ Thread- [139]
- ↑ Sample- [140]
- ↑ Thread. [141]
- ↑ Thread. [142]
- ↑ Thread. [143]
- ↑ Thread. [144]
- ↑ IRC join returns:
Channel #qa created on 2018-01-24 09:05:40 UTC - ↑ Thread: [145]
- ↑ Reply Chain. [146]
- ↑ Thread. [147]
- ↑ Thread. [148]
- ↑ OP Sample. [149]
- ↑
Weebs complaining: [150]
Spellcards bot down. [151] - ↑ Thread: [152]
- ↑ Thread. [153]
- ↑ Post sample. [154]
- ↑ OP sample. [155]
- ↑ Thread. [156]
Thread sample. [157] - ↑ Post. [158]
- ↑ Post sample. [159]
- ↑ Thread: [160]
Earliest imagebump example found [161] - ↑ Sample. [162]
- ↑ Logs:
Jul 31 13:40:29 * cygnus (sid70047@red.planet) has joined
Jul 31 13:40:37 * cygnus (sid70047@red.planet) has left
Jul 31 14:33:53 * neo sets ban on *!sid70047@* - ↑ OP Sample. [163]
- ↑ Nothing came out of it. [164]
- ↑ Thread. [165]
Thread sample. [166] - ↑ Post sample. [167]
- ↑ OP Sample. [168]
Meltdown accusation, mostly fake. [169] - ↑ Thread: [170]
- ↑ Ban: [171]
- ↑ Spam OP sample. [172]
Asukaspam OP sample. [173] - ↑ And they wonder why mods hated them. [174]
- ↑ Thread: [175]
- ↑ OP Sample. [176]
- ↑ Thread: [177]
- ↑ Thread: [178]
- ↑ Sample posts. [179]
Typical thread by Meguminfag. [180]
Megumin erodojin thread. Ex. 1 [181] - Ex. 2 [182] - ↑ Post. [183]
- ↑ kissu.moe openiing thread. [184]
desuarchive ghost spam. [185] - ↑ OP sample. [186]
- ↑ Thread. [187]
- ↑ OP sample. [188]
- ↑ Thread. [189]
- ↑ Thread sample. [190]
- ↑ First thread. [191]
- ↑ Thread. [192]
- ↑ Yotgo's post and frog's response. [193]
- ↑ Yotgo starts accusing a specific pepe spammer of being atechan. Ex. 1 [194] - Ex. 2 [195]
- ↑ #qa logs
Mar 28 20:31:24 * yotgo sets ban on atechan!*@*
Mar 28 20:31:29 * yotgo sets ban on *!Rin*@*
Mar 28 20:32:06 * yotgo sets ban on *!*@765A74C9:A4AB0E4F:BBF317E6:IP
Mar 28 20:32:23 * yotgo sets ban on *!*@DB770745.BB1440BB.BBC399A.IP
Mar 28 20:33:32 * yotgo sets ban on Rin!*@* - ↑ Thread. Ex. 1 [196] - Ex. 2 [197]
- ↑ Thread. [198]
- ↑ Github Commit. [199]
- ↑ Thread. [200]
- ↑
Thread. Desuarchive. [201] - Archive.is [202]
Original video. [203]
- ↑ OP Sample. [204]
- ↑ Github Commit. [205]
- ↑ Original pic deleted. Real mature, #qa. [206]
- ↑ Threads. Ex. 1 [207]
Atechan acknowledges the dox. [208]
- ↑ Thread. [209]
- ↑ Thread. [210]
- ↑ Thread. [211]
- ↑ People discover the autosage. [212]
Thread. [213]
#qa crying. Ex. 1 [214] - Ex. 2 [215] - Ex. 3 [216] - ↑ Thread reporting rangebans. [217]
Frogposter bans. [218]
thinkin' about poster caught one too. [219] - ↑ Feature request comment history. [220]
- ↑ Thread. [221]
- ↑ Thread. [222]
- ↑ Github Commit. [223]
- ↑ Ex. 1 [224]
- ↑ Thread. [225]
- ↑ Thread. [226]
- ↑ Thread. [227]
- ↑ Thread. [228]
- ↑ Thread. [229]
- ↑
Initial commits: [230]
html injection: [231]
Thread. [232] - ↑ Ellen Page. [233]
Kissu steal. [234]
Scipted runner ups [235] - ↑ Thread. [236]
- ↑ Thread. [237]
- ↑ Post. [238]
- ↑ Thread. [239]
Funposts. [240] - ↑ Sample OPs. Raid. [241]
Public ban on /a/. [242] - ↑ Mod post. [243]
- ↑ Mod post. [244]
- ↑ Thread. [245]
- ↑ OP Sample. [hhttps://desuarchive.org/qa/search/type/op/start/2020-09-07/end/2020-09-08/order/asc/]
- ↑ Sample OPs. [246]
- ↑ Thread. [247]
- ↑ Of course, OP never confirmed he was Lee [248]
- ↑ Ex. 1 [249]
- ↑ https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/3818217/#q3825736
- ↑ Frog get https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/3888888/
- ↑ Ex.1 [250] - Ex. 2 [251]
- ↑ https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/3981415/
- ↑ https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/4326038/
- ↑ https://desuarchive.org/qa/search/image/5XOGOo6Y78jgow5f5t_Yhw/start/2021-01-05/order/asc/
- ↑ Posted couple times in March but it only starts in April. [252]
Another pic spammed. [253]
And another one. [254]
AND IT DONT STOP [255] - ↑ Earliest example: [256] - Ex. 1 [257] - Ex. 2 [258] - LARP: [259]
- ↑ Variant examples: Ex. 1 [260] - Ex. 2 [261]
- ↑ Screenshot post: [262]
- ↑ Earliest reference found: [263]
- ↑ [264]
- ↑ https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/4324836/#4335876
- ↑ https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/4384278/
- ↑ https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/4598100/
- ↑ https://desuarchive.org/qa/search/subject/pnn/order/asc/
- ↑ Original thread. [265]
Post sample. [266] - ↑ https://desuarchive.org/r9k/thread/65560426/#q65561810
- ↑ https://archive.ph/pWliG
- ↑ https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/5180912/
- ↑ https://web.archive.org/web/20211005223726/https://1chan.net/
- ↑ web archive hates cloudfare, can't find a primary source https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/5186126/#5190359
- ↑ It's a livin' [267]
- ↑ https://archived.moe/lgbt/search/type/op/start/2021-11-03/end/2021-11-04/order/asc/page/7/
- ↑ Last posts before freezing. https://archived.moe/qa/search/start/2021-11-03/order/asc/page/159/
- ↑ https://archived.moe/bant/search/type/op/start/2021-11-03/end/2021-11-04/order/asc/page/7/
- ↑ https://desuarchive.org/trash/thread/42889476/
- ↑ Thread. [268]
- ↑ Post sample. [269]
- ↑ Thread. [270]
- ↑ Thread- [271]
- ↑
/trash/ original. [272]
/qa/ move. [273] - ↑ Post. [274]
- ↑
Posts. Ex. 1 [275]/ - Ex. 2 [276]
Thread. [277] - ↑
Leaks. Ex. 1 [278] - Ex. 2 Discord screencap.
Soyjak Wiki has it's own article. [279]
Thread. [280] - ↑
Earliest confirmed appearance, thanks to that 4chanX filename randomizer only he uses. [281]
Dogebot. /qa/doge describes them as psyops and skinwalkers. - ↑
/trash/ sightings. [282]
One of his bigger raids. [283]
Original /qa2/ thread. [284]
/qa2/ story courtesy of Soyjak wiki. [285]
- ↑ Thread. [286]
- ↑ Board. [287]
- ↑ Thread. [288]
- ↑ Thread. [289]
- ↑ Thread. [290]
- ↑ Thread. [291]
- ↑ Thread. [292]
- ↑ Thread that started the argument. [293]
- ↑
/bant/ to /trash/ then /qa/ [294] [295] [296]
/trash/ to /bant/ [297] [298] - ↑ Thread. [299]
- ↑ Date uncertain. 15th According to uncited claims on Soyjak Wiki. [300] /qa2/schizo mentioning it on the 17th. [301]
- ↑ frenschan /qa2/ - [302]
- ↑ Ribbit Rally. [303]
- ↑
Thread. [304]
Thread sample. [305]
/trash/ resistance. [306] - ↑ Post- [307]
- ↑ Post. [308]
- ↑ First (official) /bant/ thread. [309]