4chan/Chronicle/qa: Difference between revisions

From Bibliotheca Anonoma
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* Through causes yet unknown, a /pol/-derived meme☼ turns /qa/ into a thousands strong community of middleschool kids; They cause site-wide havok that ultimately gets /qa/ frozen.
* Through causes yet unknown, a /pol/-derived meme☼ turns /qa/ into a thousands strong community of middleschool kids; They cause site-wide havok that ultimately gets /qa/ frozen.
* All of /qa/ is concentrated on the 4chan Happenings General, which takes refuge on /trash/ (initially peaceful, but a mistake on the long term) .
* All of /qa/ is concentrated on the 4chan Happenings General, which gets "adopted" by a mod. The general takes refuge on /trash/ and later /r9k/.
* Soijak Party goes on to become an underground phenomenon
* Soijak Party goes on to become an underground phenomenon and splinters into several sites. ☼
* Years later, /qa/ "lore", kekistani mythos, stormfront propaganda and other bits and pieces of old memes are recycled by a small clique of Soijak Party posters to create /qa2/ & The Ribbit Rally.
* An injoke of an injoke that evolved around 2023 from a soyjak thread into it's own website called the Ribbit Rally,☼ sustained chiefly by the efforts of a single poster.☼ Integrated 2016 election aesthetic, soyjak memes and /qa/ war shitposts to create the pretense of a secret community, raiding the /hap/ exiles, /a/ and other sites.

===Demographic Summary===
===Demographic Summary===
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  ''Core /qa/ posters, the natural state of the board for good and ill''
  ''Core /qa/ posters, the natural userbase of the board for good and ill''

=====''old /qa/''=====
=====''old /qa/''=====
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** Off-board Clique refugees --> Such as /gsg/ and /intl/ among others. Across the years several micro-communities took refuge on /qa/ to complain about this and that ‼. While not inherently a problem, these crossposters didn't find themselves obligated to respect the locals ♫
** Off-board Clique refugees --> Such as /gsg/ and /intl/ among others. Across the years several micro-communities took refuge on /qa/ to complain about this and that ‼. While not inherently a problem, these crossposters didn't find themselves obligated to respect the locals ♫
* sfwofftopicposters
* sfwofftopicposters
** Off-Topic Colonies: At first, it was [s4s] & the /a/jp/ general. Other posters were ambivalent to their presence, but they were not aggressive and contributed large quantities of OC. Slowly, other groups, such as "/jp/", /pol/lacks & /bant/<ref>Minuscule but visible /bant/ presence</ref> made /qa/ their home away from home. All the colonists got ran out the board by the end of 2017. ‼
** Off-Topic Colonies: At first, it was /jp/'s cirno posters, then [s4s] & the /a/jp/ general. Other posters were ambivalent to their presence, but they were not aggressive and contributed large quantities of OC. Slowly, other groups, such as "/jp/", /pol/lacks & /bant/<ref>Minuscule but visible /bant/ presence</ref> made /qa/ their home away from home. All the colonists got ran out the board by the end of 2017. ‼
** Board-tans General --> As drawthreads moved on to other fotms artsy teens, remnants of the /co/ 4chan House and the /v/ Winter Ball projects, found /qa/ as a refuge to ship anthropomorphic imageboards undisturbed. Managed to eke out a good 2 years worth of OC and a final cross-board event. ‼
** Board-tans General --> As drawthreads moved on to other fotms, artsy teen remnants of the /co/ 4chan House and the /v/ Winter Ball projects found /qa/ as a refuge to ship anthropomorphic imageboards undisturbed. Managed to eke out a good 2 years worth of OC and a final cross-board event. ‼
** Happenings General --> A mix of gossip and meta thread, it remained oddly consistent for the better part of 6 years.
** Happenings General --> A mix of gossip and meta thread, it remained oddly consistent for the better part of 6 years.
** CSS General --> Short-lived 4chan UI customization thread that was taken over by raiders from the Spin Off. They contributed a number of interesting developments such as the megafilter list.
** CSS General --> Short-lived 4chan UI customization thread that was taken over by raiders from the Spin Off. They contributed a number of interesting developments such as the megafilter list.

=====''late /qa/''=====
=====''late /qa/''=====
* /bant/ / /int/ type frogposter ☼ ---> nicer than they looked.  
* /bant/ / /int/ type frogposters --> With the weeb bots out of the picture, the most unhinged frog raiders leave and the remaining frogposters go through a demographic change that see them more in tune with what you'd see in /int/, /tv/ or /bant/. nicer than they looked.
* late /qa/ metaposters --> jaded as they get
* late offtopicposters --> Mostly new stock. Culturally very close to /bant/, casual, and moderately hostile to both frogposters and the kissu clique, but not afraid to post either.☼
** (Punished) Happenings General --> A thread denied it's board. Took in refugees from every other demographic as the board collapsed into non-stop spam. Was the thread to close the door on /qa/ as the board got frozen.
* late metaposters --> Generally veterans of /qa/ who survived both hiroyuki memeing the board and the great war. jaded as they get.<ref>https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/2963984/#2965272</ref>
** (Punished) Happenings General --> A thread denied it's board. Took in refugees from every other demographic as the board collapsed into non-stop spam while dealing with multiple problem tripfags. /hap/ was the thread to close the door on /qa/ as the board got frozen.

====Native Personalities of /qa/ & Related Notables====  
====Native ''Personalities'' of /qa/ & Related Notables====  

  ''Not a tripfag list. These are posters known to be notorious rulebreakers who waged little personal wars against the mods and other posters.''
  ''Not a tripfag list. These are posters known to be notorious rulebreakers who waged little personal wars against the mods and other posters, homegrown and tourist.''

* ''"Pony Spammer"'' - A single poster, possibly but unlikely to be multiple people, on a years long campaign to get GR15 removed. Been on /qa/ since practically the beggining.<ref>https://desuarchive.org/qa/search/image/38FMrZ42VBR1SiRGmfhCBw/</ref> Went on overdrive after April's Fools 2017 created /mlpol/.<ref>Example: https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/1217963/</ref><ref>Some of these are his https://desuarchive.org/_/search/boards/qa.meta/type/op/start/2017-04-03/end/2017-04-04/order/asc/page/2/</ref> Got ran out of the board a few months later.
* ''"Pony Spammer"'' - A single poster, possibly but unlikely to be multiple people, on a years long campaign to get GR15 removed. Been on /qa/ since practically the beggining.<ref>https://desuarchive.org/qa/search/image/38FMrZ42VBR1SiRGmfhCBw/</ref> Went on overdrive after April's Fools 2017 created /mlpol/.<ref>Example: https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/1217963/</ref><ref>Some of these are his https://desuarchive.org/_/search/boards/qa.meta/type/op/start/2017-04-03/end/2017-04-04/order/asc/page/2/</ref> Got ran out of the board a few months later.
* ''"Catholic Anon"'' - Old /qa/'s lovely resident retard, rants about religion and /pol/ being infiltrated by ''nu/pol/''. Managed to get all of early /qa/'s panties on a twist.<ref>https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/539719/#542866</ref>
* ''"Catholic Anon"'' - Old /qa/'s lovely resident retard, rants about religion and /pol/ being infiltrated by ''nu/pol/''. Managed to get all of early /qa/'s panties on a twist.<ref>https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/539719/#542866</ref><ref>https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/607667/#607748</ref> Known to get in massive flamewars with Gun Control Anon. <ref>https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/607485/</ref>
<ref>https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/607667/#607748</ref> Known to get in massive flamewars with Gun Control Anon. <ref>https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/607485/</ref>
* ''"Gun Control Anon"'' - Alleged femanon infamous for gun control rants, putting EMPHASIS on words and never quitting a reply chain.
* ''"Gun Control Anon"'' - Alleged femanon infamous for gun control rants, putting EMPHASIS on words and never quitting a reply chain.
* GR15 Defense Force / GRXVDF !!mQybBQsWzGP ---> /qa/'s first problem tripfag. Donned the name in late 2016<ref>https://desuarchive.org/qa/search/username/DEFENSE%20FORCE/order/asc/</ref>. His claim to fame is the failed GET that unexpectedly became an infamous reference point for the start of the spin off raids<ref>See ghost posts: https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/999998/</ref>. Obsessed with bronies and generally a teenbro type shitposter<ref>Very likely behind Suck My Cock Dude spam given his choice of victims https://desuarchive.org/qa/search/text/%22suck%20my%20cock%20dude%22/order/asc/</ref>. Spun the narrative that 2D/Random saved /qa/ from /mlpol/ raids and insisted on it for the better part of a year while picking fights with the mods.<ref>https://desuarchive.org/qa/search/image/XZMhicRtcZ0KBStr1Av6Cg/</ref><ref>https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/1805812/#q1807451</ref> Befriended the Spin Off clique<ref>https://desuarchive.org/meta/thread/2327/#3039</ref> and got publicly banned in december 2017; dropped off public posting soon after. <ref>https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/1750436/#q1750723</ref>
* GR15 Defense Force / GRXVDF !!mQybBQsWzGP ---> /qa/'s first problem tripfag. Donned the name in late 2016<ref>https://desuarchive.org/qa/search/username/DEFENSE%20FORCE/order/asc/</ref>. His claim to fame is the failed GET that unexpectedly became an infamous reference point for the start of the spin off raids<ref>See ghost posts: https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/999998/</ref>. Obsessed with bronies and generally a teenbro type shitposter<ref>Very likely behind Suck My Cock Dude spam given his choice of victims https://desuarchive.org/qa/search/text/%22suck%20my%20cock%20dude%22/order/asc/</ref>. Spun the narrative that 2D/Random saved /qa/ from /mlpol/ raids and insisted on it for the better part of a year while picking fights with the mods.<ref>https://desuarchive.org/qa/search/image/XZMhicRtcZ0KBStr1Av6Cg/</ref><ref>https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/1805812/#q1807451</ref> Befriended the Spin Off clique<ref>https://desuarchive.org/meta/thread/2327/#3039</ref> and got publicly banned in december 2017; dropped off public posting soon after. <ref>https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/1750436/#q1750723</ref>
* ''"asuka"'' / ''"asukaspammer"'' ---> Avatarfag of character ''Asuka Kurashina'' from ''Ao no Kanata no Four Rhythm''<ref>https://desu-usergeneratedcontent.xyz/qa/image/1474/99/1474998565236.png</ref><ref>https://desuarchive.org/qa/search/image/1lDpz3F_rjCrrBeL03qVHg/</ref>, first spotted early 2016, likely a /jp/ / "/jp/" main. He utilized a crapflood script to wipe /qa/, then gloat after he's nuked and 3/4ths of the board go with him.<ref>https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/834362/</ref><ref>https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/837184/</ref>. Prolific blogposter<ref>https://desuarchive.org/qa/search/image/eoGPftYc6mMrw4y7YrZWzA/order/asc/</ref>. Ran the earliest instances of the bumpbot (rofl & 3 letter gibberish) and the Suck My Cock Dude spambot. Coordinated spam with with the /g/+/ota/ raiders but never openly associated with them☼.<ref>https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/752066/</ref><ref>https://desuarchive.org/qa/search/text/%22Don%27t%20mind%20me%20just%20killing%20a%20thread%22/order/asc/</ref>. May have belonged to an /ota/ clique. Publicly banned in december 2017, gradually dropped off the board in 2018. <ref>https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/1750436/#q1750736</ref>. ''I'll never understand what they see in these generic characters.
* ''"asuka"'' / ''"asukaspammer"'' ---> Avatarfag of character ''Asuka Kurashina'' from ''Ao no Kanata no Four Rhythm''<ref>https://desu-usergeneratedcontent.xyz/qa/image/1474/99/1474998565236.png</ref><ref>https://desuarchive.org/qa/search/image/1lDpz3F_rjCrrBeL03qVHg/</ref>, first spotted early 2016, likely a /jp/ / "/jp/" main. He utilized a crapflood script to wipe /qa/, then gloat after he gets nuked and 3/4ths of the board go with him.<ref>https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/834362/</ref><ref>https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/837184/</ref>. Prolific blogposter<ref>https://desuarchive.org/qa/search/image/eoGPftYc6mMrw4y7YrZWzA/order/asc/</ref>. Alleged to run the earliest instances of the bumpbot (rofl & 3 letter gibberish) and the Suck My Cock Dude spambot. Coordinated spam with with the /g/+/ota/ raiders but never openly associated with them☼.<ref>https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/752066/</ref><ref>https://desuarchive.org/qa/search/text/%22Don%27t%20mind%20me%20just%20killing%20a%20thread%22/order/asc/</ref>. May have belonged to an /ota/ clique. Publicly banned in december 2017<ref>https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/1750436/#q1750736</ref> and while he became less active, never truly dropped /qa/.<ref>https://desuarchive.org/qa/search/image/jB7U6mH4TwvrhAuAN1IhSw/order/asc/</ref><ref>https://desuarchive.org/qa/search/image/wTJ3i-GnlYCPGiD4MQQKSQ/</ref> ''I'll never understand what they see in these generic characters.
* ''"Anti Crack-Kun"'' / ''"ACK"'' - Infamous personality from /u/. Formerly a guerrilla scanlator, he was a high functioning autistic with serious hangups about shipping. His condition deteriorated into paranoid delusions of targeted trolling, leading him to blame Team4chan for his woes. ACK turned to spamming both #4chan and /qa/ at several points in the board's life; a drama retinue that included other /u/ personalities such as !Akemi and warosushitter !!dApALfIDywS followed him around around<ref>https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/500765/#q502331_6</ref>
* ''"Anti Crack-Kun"'' / ''"ACK"'' - Infamous personality from /u/. Formerly a guerrilla scanlator, he was a high functioning autistic with serious hangups about shipping. His condition deteriorated into paranoid delusions of targeted trolling, leading him to blame Team4chan for his woes. ACK turned to spamming both #4chan and /qa/ at several points in the board's life; a drama retinue that included other /u/ personalities such as !Akemi and warosushitter !!dApALfIDywS followed him around.<ref>https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/500765/#q502331_6</ref>
* ''"barneyfag"'' / Lee Goldson --> Infamous /co/ spammer; an autistic who despised Barney & Friends and associated  it with cartoons My Little Pony and Steven Universe. From 2012 onwards he imposed a reign of terror that spread to several boards including /v/, /vg/ & /qa/. Spent considerable time on /qa/ hunting down the local pony spammer ‼; He got doxxed in 2017☼ and his last suspected activity was around 2019‼.
* ''"barneyfag"'' / Lee Goldson --> Infamous /co/ spammer; an autistic who despised Barney & Friends and associated  it with cartoons My Little Pony and Steven Universe. From 2012 onwards he imposed a reign of terror that spread to several boards including /v/, /vg/ & /qa/. Spent considerable time on /qa/ hunting down the local pony spammer ‼; He got doxxed in 2017☼ and likely stopped poster soon asfter.
* ''"leebaiter"'' / ''"leebot"'' --> After Lee got doxed and allegedly stopped posting around 2019, the troll clique that formed around him kitbashed a ''leebot'' spamscript with image recognition capabilities hooked to the brony booru. The maintainer of this lee imitation bot began using boards such as /int/ & /qa/ as testing grounds. <ref>Leebaiter testing the bot: https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/2838232/</ref>
* ''"leebaiter"'' / ''"leebot"'' --> After Lee got doxed and allegedly stopped posting around 2017, the troll clique that formed around him kitbashed a ''leebot'' spamscript with image recognition capabilities hooked to the brony booru. The maintainer of this lee imitation bot began using boards such as /int/ & /qa/ as testing grounds. <ref>Leebaiter testing the bot: https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/2838232/</ref>
* ''"unicodefag"'' / leto ---> Notable scriptspammer from /trash/ & /bant/. Chiefly known for operating with a massive proxylist that could wipe an entire board in a matter of minutes. Didn't specifically target /qa/ but several boards. Attempted to bait the #qa clique into a flamewar but wasn't picked up on.<ref>https://desuarchive.org/_/search/boards/qa.meta/type/op/start/2019-01-05/end/2019-01-06/order/asc/page/4/</ref>. Fell in with the sturdychan cum crew and by 2024 ran the 4chan.gay ban evasion tool.
* ''"unicodefag"'' / ''"foxe"'' / leto ---> Notable scriptspammer from /trash/ & /bant/. Chiefly known for operating with a massive proxylist that could wipe an entire board in a matter of minutes. Didn't specifically target /qa/ but several boards. Attempted to bait the #qa clique into a flamewar but wasn't picked up on.<ref>https://desuarchive.org/_/search/boards/qa.meta/type/op/start/2019-01-05/end/2019-01-06/order/asc/page/4/</ref><ref>https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/2554646/#2554677</ref>. Fell in with the sturdychan cum crew and by 2024 ran the 4chan.gay ban evasion tool.

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* /pol/ bandwagon --> The first group to pervasively raid /qa/ was /pol/, as payback over perceived slights originating from the also pervasive /deletepol/ threads. In what's essentially a months-long sore winner tantrum from the then most influential board on 4chan, teenage /pol/yps gloated to ''/qa/ddit'' of resisting supposed attempts at bringing their board down, winning the election<ref>https://desuarchive.org/qa/search/type/op/start/2016-11-08/end/2016-11-10/order/asc/page/6/</ref>, getting modcat fired<ref>https://desuarchive.org/qa/search/type/op/start/2016-12-19/end/2016-12-21/order/asc/page/3/</ref> among other things such as falling for trolls claiming /leftypol/ infiltrated the staff<ref>https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/892786/#q892786</ref><ref>https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/894265/</ref>. As all bandwagons, it was intense enough to speed up /qa/ by an order of magnitude, but also short-lived<ref>See spikes of activity in October, November, December: https://wiki.bibanon.org/File:Question%26AnswerActivitySpike.PNG</ref>.
* /pol/ bandwagon --> The first group to pervasively raid /qa/ was /pol/, as payback over perceived slights originating from the also pervasive /deletepol/ threads. In what's essentially a months-long sore winner tantrum from the then most influential board on 4chan, teenage /pol/yps gloated to ''/qa/ddit'' of resisting supposed attempts at bringing their board down, winning the election<ref>https://desuarchive.org/qa/search/type/op/start/2016-11-08/end/2016-11-10/order/asc/page/6/</ref>, getting modcat fired<ref>https://desuarchive.org/qa/search/type/op/start/2016-12-19/end/2016-12-21/order/asc/page/3/</ref> among other things such as falling for trolls claiming /leftypol/ infiltrated the staff<ref>https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/892786/#q892786</ref><ref>https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/894265/</ref>. As all bandwagons, it was intense enough to speed up /qa/ by an order of magnitude, but also short-lived<ref>See spikes of activity in October, November, December: https://wiki.bibanon.org/File:Question%26AnswerActivitySpike.PNG</ref>.
* Spin Off cliques --> warosu.org/g/, ota-ch, himasugi, 4taba, no-you, /nen/, GNFOS and likely more.<ref>https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/1015048/</ref>. Arrived between february and april 2017 during a massive shitposting spree, those that remained began by aggressive campaign to run all other demographics off the board.<ref>https://desuarchive.org/qa/search/text/%22die%20retard%22/order/asc/</ref> Most spinoffers left by the end of the year, with only a singular clique remaining.
* /jp/ Spin Off Cliques / ''"/jp/"'' --> warosu.org/g/, ota-ch, himasugi, 4taba, no-you, /nen/, GNFOS and likely more.<ref>https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/1015048/</ref>. ''Invited'' between february and april 2017 during a massive shitposting spree, those that remained began by aggressive campaign to run all other demographics off the board.<ref>https://desuarchive.org/qa/search/text/%22die%20retard%22/order/asc/</ref> Most spinoffers left by the end of the year, with only a singular clique remaining.
** Trevelyan / Trevor / ''"T"'' --> Admin of GNFOS, legendary /jp/ shitposter. Visited /qa/ around february causing an entire mob to follow him there.<ref>https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/1090190/#1091630</ref><ref>https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/1098298/#1098608</ref><ref>https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/1015346</ref><ref>https://desuarchive.org/qa/search/filename/1541888819690/image/Yu1d7i8zfaj7ua35b5ZTvQ/</ref>
** Trevelyan / Trevor / ''"T"'' --> Admin of GNFOS & no-you, legendary /jp/ shitposter and spinoff pioneer. Visited /qa/ around february causing an entire mob to follow him there.<ref>https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/1090190/#1091630</ref><ref>https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/1098298/#1098608</ref><ref>https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/1015346</ref><ref>https://desuarchive.org/qa/search/filename/1541888819690/image/Yu1d7i8zfaj7ua35b5ZTvQ/</ref> Returned to the fray in 2018<ref>https://desuarchive.org/qa/search/image/nu8i_sOoAK9wg56NO40TRw/</ref><ref>https://desuarchive.org/qa/search/image/SyR-0HSaY4K2PRWFIJdyhg/</ref> and a began project to make daily reviews on the /jp/sphere. Went just a little bit nuts over it.
** ''"Satania"'' / ''"Trevor"'' --> Avatarfagged as ''Satanichia Kurumizawa Mcdowell'' from ''Gabriel DropOut'' (''bruh'') around 2017. Was confused to be trevor by local frogposters.<ref>http://desuarchive.org/qa/search/image/K0XUQG8dAO9DBcPLG7Wz4w/</ref><ref>https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/1459683/#1460211</ref><ref>https://desuarchive.org/qa/search/image/sYS3uSAsdPZFYhZzrMjpLw/</ref><ref>https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/1459274/#1459301</ref> Alleged to be the admin of spinoff no-you at least once.☼
** ''"Satania"'' / ''"Trevor"'' --> Avatarfagged as ''Satanichia Kurumizawa Mcdowell'' from ''Gabriel DropOut'' (''bruh'') around 2017. Was confused to be trevor by local frogposters.<ref>http://desuarchive.org/qa/search/image/K0XUQG8dAO9DBcPLG7Wz4w/</ref><ref>https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/1459683/#1460211</ref><ref>https://desuarchive.org/qa/search/image/sYS3uSAsdPZFYhZzrMjpLw/</ref><ref>https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/1459274/#1459301</ref>
** ccd0 !!Bu9nPEv33rQ ---> mantainer of the 4chanX extension since 2015 ‼, part of the steamgroup clique and in bed with their antics on /qa/<ref>https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/1662063/#1662452</ref><ref>https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/1485623/#1501757</ref>. Integrated tinychan spinoff variants into 4chanX's framework.<ref>https://github.com/ccd0/4chan-x/wiki/Frequently-Asked-Questions/216a348e6dbc7eff669f9a4e4fe15cce278263e4</ref>. Began to cause problems for 4chan after the custom CAPTCHA got announced in 2019. The betrayal was shocking enough that the mods banned all mention of him on /qa/, and enacted a series of sweeping rangebans to kill the clique for good ‼
** ccd0 !!Bu9nPEv33rQ ---> mantainer of the 4chanX extension since 2015 ‼, part of the steamgroup clique and in bed with their antics on /qa/<ref>https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/1662063/#1662452</ref><ref>https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/1485623/#1501757</ref>. Integrated tinychan spinoff variants into 4chanX's framework.<ref>https://github.com/ccd0/4chan-x/wiki/Frequently-Asked-Questions/216a348e6dbc7eff669f9a4e4fe15cce278263e4</ref>. Began to cause problems for 4chan after the custom CAPTCHA got announced in 2019. The betrayal was shocking enough that the mods banned all mention of him on /qa/, and enacted a series of sweeping rangebans to kill the clique for good ‼
* local resistance & "/jp/" dissenters --> /qa/'s meta side had a sizeable /a/, /jp/ & spinoff presence before the raids. "/jp/"'s raid immediately raised alarms among those familiar with /jp/ and they made their opinions known, to little effect beyond basically predicting how the whole thing would go down ‼. Furthermore, many other /qa/ natives spoke their mind on the damage done to the board but were unable to pinpoint who was responsible. ‼ Tensions mounted until a sizeable "resistance" looking for ways to bait the spinoffs into flamewars began hounding their threads ☼.
* local resistance & "/jp/" dissenters --> /qa/'s meta side had a sizeable /a/, /jp/ & spinoff presence before the raids. "/jp/"'s raid immediately raised alarms among those familiar with /jp/ and they made their opinions known, to little effect beyond basically predicting how the whole thing would go down ‼. Furthermore, many other /qa/ natives spoke their mind on the damage done to the board but were unable to pinpoint who was responsible. ‼ Tensions mounted until a sizeable "resistance" looking for ways to bait the spinoffs into flamewars began hounding their threads ☼.
** "The" frogposter --> A strange combo of a /pol/+/jp/ main that made itself known in early 2017. Never pseudonymous, but identifiable by image hashes and his ability to directly name spinoff antics, if not always correctly. He implied to be an OG /qa/ poster but he has never been spotted before 2017; His identity, usage of /pol/-type frogs and polite-yet-sarcastic prose seemed handcrafted to make spinoff posters as angry as possible<ref>https://desuarchive.org/qa/search/image/FQTpjrlHCyzmfXgGhE1sPw%3D%3D/page/2/</ref><ref>https://desuarchive.org/qa/search/image/DSxhoHN4fdpPtyk%2BDSUDmw%3D%3D/page/3/</ref> thought he was known to engage spinoffers playfully early on.<ref>https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/1458881/#1459472</ref><ref>https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/1461928/#1462073</ref> His MO tried to bait the cliques essentially through waging a low energy guerrilla war to make sure a couple frog threads were always on the catalog. <ref>https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/1635184/</ref><ref>https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/1461611/</ref><ref>See specifically filename  1495081606395.jpg https://desuarchive.org/qa/search/image/aZU24MtI206NLE6TNykkdQ%3D%3D/page/2/</ref>. The tactic was an overarching success inspired many copycat trolls.<ref>What is likely the OG poster and early copycats having a premature victory party during the listing of /qa/. ''The worst was yet to come''. https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/1648512/#1650130</ref> May have coined the term weeb mafia. <ref>https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/1356659/</ref>. Active until the very end of the board. ☼
** "The" frogposter --> A strange combo of a /pol/+/jp/ main that made itself known in early 2017. Never pseudonymous, but identifiable by image hashes and his ability to directly name spinoff antics, if not always correctly. He implied to be an OG /qa/ poster but he has never been spotted before 2017; His identity, usage of /pol/-type frogs and polite-yet-sarcastic prose seemed handcrafted to make spinoff posters as angry as possible<ref>https://desuarchive.org/qa/search/image/FQTpjrlHCyzmfXgGhE1sPw%3D%3D/page/2/</ref><ref>https://desuarchive.org/qa/search/image/DSxhoHN4fdpPtyk%2BDSUDmw%3D%3D/page/3/</ref> thought he was known to engage spinoffers playfully early on.<ref>https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/1458881/#1459472</ref><ref>https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/1461928/#1462073</ref> His MO tried to bait the cliques essentially through waging a low energy guerrilla war to make sure a couple frog threads were always on the catalog. <ref>https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/1635184/</ref><ref>https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/1461611/</ref><ref>See specifically filename  1495081606395.jpg https://desuarchive.org/qa/search/image/aZU24MtI206NLE6TNykkdQ%3D%3D/page/2/</ref>. The tactic was an overarching success that inspired many copycat trolls.<ref>What is likely the OG poster and early copycats having a premature victory party during the listing of /qa/. ''The worst was yet to come''. https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/1648512/#1650130</ref> May have coined the term weeb mafia. <ref>https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/1356659/</ref>. Dropped of the board after /qa/ got listed, but sporadically visited. ☼
** Small Skelly !!RAjBw+iGH/Y --> Poster with some /r9k/, [s4s] and /jp/ knowledge, but not enough to know of spinoffs; an election tourist that quickly ID'd problem posters from /jp/ and called them out then spent the rest of the year pointlessly picking fights.<ref>https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/1459274/</ref>
** Small Skelly !!RAjBw+iGH/Y --> Poster with some /r9k/, [s4s] and /jp/ knowledge, but not enough to know of spinoffs; an election tourist that quickly ID'd problem posters from /jp/ and called them out then spent the rest of the year pointlessly picking fights.<ref>https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/1459274/</ref>
* Steamgrüppe & /mlp/ --> The April's Fool 2017 prank caused a short-lived raid by /mlp/, as merging with /pol/ to form /mlpol/ was the most interesting thing to happen to that board since 2015.☼ This was also instigated by a clique known to raid several boards but most specially /gsg/ - Grand Strategy General.<ref>https://desuarchive.org/mlp/thread/29782592/</ref><ref>https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/1214607/</ref><ref>https://archive.4plebs.org/x/thread/18852770</ref><ref>https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/1220369</ref><ref>First raid on April 03 https://desuarchive.org/_/search/boards/qa.meta/type/op/start/2017-04-03/end/2017-04-04/order/asc/page/2/</ref> This is quickly picked up by the local remove GR15 spammer and used as a new rallying point. ☼
* Steamgrüppe / Steamcord & /mlp/ --> The April's Fool 2017 prank caused a short-lived raid by /mlp/, as merging with /pol/ to form /mlpol/ was the most interesting thing to happen to that board since 2015.☼ This was also instigated by a clique known to raid several boards but most specially /vg/'s /gsg/ - Grand Strategy General.<ref>https://desuarchive.org/mlp/thread/29782592/</ref><ref>https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/1214607/</ref><ref>https://archive.4plebs.org/x/thread/18852770</ref><ref>https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/1220369</ref><ref>First raid on April 03 https://desuarchive.org/_/search/boards/qa.meta/type/op/start/2017-04-03/end/2017-04-04/order/asc/page/2/</ref> This is quickly picked up by the local remove GR15 spammer and used as a new rallying point. ☼

=====Second Gen Raiders=====
=====Second Gen Raiders=====
* Steamchat & #qa Clique / ''"weeb mafia"'' / ''"the weab"'' / /qajp/ / !qajp / kissu.moe ---> Arrived in February with the rest of the spinoffs, they antics did not stand out until the last quarter of 2017. Typical no-fun-allowed, neurotic "/jp/" crew. Toxic positivity aficionados who actually believed the shitpost rhetoric of making /qa/ into 2D/Random. ''I'm only naming those suspected of running bots or raiding, I don't intend to witchhunt nor encourage such behaviour.''
* Steamchat & #qa Clique / ''"weeb mafia"'' / ''"the weab"'' / /qajp/ / !qajp / kissu.moe --> Eclectic mix of teenbro shitposters and no-fun-allowed neurotics. Toxic positivity aficionados who actually believed the rhetoric of making /qa/ into 2D/Random, they don't stand out from the rest of the spinoffers until the last quarter of 2017. Nuclear with a large repertoire of the spinoff personalities in a unknown Steamchat<ref>https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/2480845/</ref> and the #qa rizon IRC.''I'm only naming those suspected of running bots or raiding, I don't intend to witchhunt nor encourage such behaviour.''
** Verniy / !HibikiZODI / ''"hibikid"'' / ECHibiki / ECVerniy ---> Canadian developer. Tripfag & avatarfag of character ''Hibiki'' from ''Kantai Collection''.<ref>https://desuarchive.org/_/search/boards/qa.meta/tripcode/%21HibikiZODI/order/asc/</ref> Earliest appearances can be trace to April 2017.<ref>https://desuarchive.org/qa/search/image/FweY93KrJZEUaY3AF_Iozw/</ref> Likely ran a spellcard bumpbot.☼ Created an alternate 4chan ban logger.<ref>https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/1613677/#1624091</ref> When rangebans swept and post deletions removed, created kissu.moe‼
** Verniy / !HibikiZODI / ''"hibikid"'' / ECHibiki / ECVerniy --> Canadian developer. Tripfag & avatarfag of character ''Hibiki'' from ''Kantai Collection''.<ref>https://desuarchive.org/_/search/boards/qa.meta/tripcode/%21HibikiZODI/order/asc/</ref> Earliest appearances can be trace to April 2017.<ref>https://desuarchive.org/qa/search/image/FweY93KrJZEUaY3AF_Iozw/</ref> Likely ran a spellcard bumpbot.☼ Created an alternate 4chan ban logger.<ref>https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/1613677/#1624091</ref> Dropped his trip by 2018, can be identified from 8chan-hash filenames<ref>https://desuarchive.org/qa/search/image/69fnDN858TCHQS6sngrUEA/</ref>. When rangebans swept and post deletions removed, created kissu.moe,<ref>https://desuarchive.org/qa/search/image/lN1gT-vRsQhnJM3MiEUGDg/</ref> then spent months spamming the report queue with fake GR1 violations.<ref>https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/2554646/#2554675_1</ref>
** yotgo / !QAJP/YOtGo ---> No-fun-allowed, passive-agressive spammer who behaves as if "/jp/" never did anything wrong.<ref>https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/1913765/#1914740</ref> Earliest posts can be traced to April 2017. <ref>https://desuarchive.org/qa/search/image/fOhFOmMqEN-9RTE194DNcw/</ref> Claims to have been around since 2015. No posts to prove it. Created the MD5 filter megalist for 4chanX<ref>https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/2088105/#q2114031_7</ref><ref>https://desuarchive.org/_/search/image/bSolCN4hdS-K7FKNnUrdKA/order/asc/</ref>. Likely ran a spellcard bumpbot.☼ May Identifiable by his posting of anime screenshots with tags in brackets.☼ Kissu mod.☼ Likely still around in 4hap.<ref>https://desuarchive.org/r9k/thread/80061177/#q80071040</ref>
** yotgo / !QAJP/YOtGo --> No-fun-allowed, passive-agressive spammer who's physically unable to not gaslight people about "/jp/" never doing bad.<ref>https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/1199738/#1235502</ref><ref>https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/1913765/#1914740</ref> Earliest posts can be traced to April 2017. <ref>https://desuarchive.org/qa/search/image/fOhFOmMqEN-9RTE194DNcw/</ref> Claims to have been around since 2015. No posts to prove it. Created the MD5 filter megalist for 4chanX<ref>https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/2088105/#q2114031_7</ref><ref>https://desuarchive.org/_/search/image/bSolCN4hdS-K7FKNnUrdKA/order/asc/</ref>. Likely ran a spellcard bumpbot.☼ Oldschool anime aficionado, recognizable for posting Di Gi Charat and Rika. Ran a weekly anime stream that later moved to Kissu as he became a mod.<ref>https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/2666000/#2666016</ref>  Determined to stay here forever.<ref>https://desuarchive.org/r9k/thread/80061177/#q80071040</ref>
** atechan ---> Brazilian, very likely underage. clique member known for manually bumping several threads and having emotional episodes if they were deleted ‼
** atechan --> Brazilian, very likely underage. clique member known for manually bumping several threads and having emotional episodes if they were deleted.Got in a fight with the clique around March 2019, the clique doxed him in June.<ref>https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/2816565/#2818290</ref>
** jevin ---> Seemingly harmless ☼, [s4s] speak aficionado ‼. Could have posted on /a/jp/? ☼
** jevin --> Seemingly harmless ☼, [s4s] speak aficionado ‼. Could have posted on /a/jp/? ☼ Likes frogs!<ref>https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/2485766/</ref>
** ''"schizoweeb"'' ---> Unspecified clique personality known for unhinged posts and throwing accusations of samefagging directed at frogspam.<ref>https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/2908031/</ref> His usual calling cards are combinations of subhuman, schizo and freak<ref>https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/1617067/</ref><ref>Severe episode https://desuarchive.org/qa/search/text/%20wacko%20schizo/start/2019-01-01/end/2019-07-30/</ref>
** ''"lowercase-kun"'' / ''"schizoweeb"'' --> The angriest poster on /qa/. Appeared around March 2017<ref>https://desuarchive.org/qa/search/text/freak%20subhuman/start/2017-01-01/end/2019-12-30/order/asc/</ref>, known for angry lowercase posting, marisaposting<ref>http://desuarchive.org/_/search/boards/qa.desu.meta/filename/%201529122005818/image/QCXH6LtqF6s32gnhjJFGGA/order/asc/</ref>, and generally unhinged posts and throwing accusations of samefagging directed at frogs. Oscillates wildly between being genuinely angry<ref>https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/1690159/#1690923</ref> and going on elaborate stream of thought shitposting sprees<ref>https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/2908031/</ref><ref>https://desuarchive.org/qa/search/image/qeMFSe4MmgGovd6aAG5z0A/</ref><ref>https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/3680725/#q3680747</ref> confusing frog and weeb alike.<ref>Note: Most info on the schizoweeb in this source is wrong assumptions from frogs and astroturfing from kissu. Stick only to the highlighted post. https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/2554646/#2554809</ref> His usual calling cards are combinations of subhuman, schizo and freak<ref>https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/1617067/</ref><ref>https://desuarchive.org/qa/search/text/%20wacko%20schizo/start/2019-01-01/end/2019-07-30/</ref> His abrasive demeanor only got more hostile with time, even getting him disowned by the clique.<ref>https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/2143168/</ref> He later became obsessed with a frogspammer often described as ''"the freak"'' and hunted him down on every thread<ref>https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/2914692/#2914955</ref>. By the end of the flamewar he and The Freak had become two sides of the same coin, despised by the entire board.<ref>https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/2914692/</ref>
* Frogposters ---> ''is a group that was 100% homegrown really a raider?'' Due to !qajp taking the bait every single time, /qa/ developed a community of copycat frog posting trolls inspired by the antics of the original frogposter<ref>1495081606395.jpg is the OG, later posts are copycats. Notice the less... intelligent OPs. https://desuarchive.org/qa/search/image/aZU24MtI206NLE6TNykkdQ%3D%3D/page/1/</ref>. More destructive and incoherent, and likely less numerous, their goal was flooding the board with threads to 404 threads protected by the steamchat bumpbot . Notably less polite than their originator<ref>https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/1565234/</ref>, with possible /bant/ influence ☼.
* Frogposters --> ''is a group that was 100% homegrown really a raider?'' Due to !qajp taking the bait every single time, /qa/ developed a community of copycat frog posting trolls inspired by the antics of the original frogposter<ref>1495081606395.jpg is the OG, later posts are copycats. Notice the less... intelligent OPs. https://desuarchive.org/qa/search/image/aZU24MtI206NLE6TNykkdQ%3D%3D/page/1/</ref>. More destructive and incoherent, and likely less numerous, they'd occasionally try to flood the board with threads to 404 threads protected by the steamchat bumpbot.<ref>https://desuarchive.org/qa/search/type/op/start/2018-03-08/end/2018-03-09/order/asc/page/3/</ref> Notably less polite than their originator.<ref>https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/1565234/</ref>. Slowly, they MO began to take a shape similar to frogposting see on /int/ and /tv/.<ref>https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/2485766/</ref>
** ''"the freak"'': Mythological poster that may either be the group's most prolific spammer or a boogeyman existing entirely in one spinoffer's head.‼ Generally used to describe frogposter antics during 2019, which while likely to be mostly one person<ref>Typicals Tells: https://desuarchive.org/qa/search/text/%22mentally%20ill%20tranny%22/start/2017-01-01/end/2020-01-01/order/asc/page/2/</ref><ref>Typical Tells: https://desuarchive.org/qa/search/text/%22mentally%20ill%20discord%22/start/2017-01-01/end/2020-01-01/order/asc/</ref><ref>https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/2707109/</ref>, consisted of multiple people. The freak in question is in the habit of making long,  detailed war journalist like rants painting fantasy scenarios where the antics of the #qa clique are always exaggerated.<ref>https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/2659444/#q2659444</ref>
** ''"schizospammer"'' / ''"the freak"'' --> Mythological poster that may either be the board's most prolific frog spammer or a boogeyman existing entirely in one spinoffer's head.‼ The freak in question is in the habit of making long, detailed gonzo journalist like rants painting fantasy scenarios where the antics of the #qa clique are always exaggerated.<ref>https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/2659444/#q2659444</ref> While likely to be one person<ref>Typicals Tells: https://desuarchive.org/qa/search/text/%22mentally%20ill%20tranny%22/start/2017-01-01/end/2020-01-01/order/asc/page/2/</ref><ref>Typical Tells: https://desuarchive.org/qa/search/text/%22mentally%20ill%20discord%22/start/2017-01-01/end/2020-01-01/order/asc/</ref><ref>https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/2707109/</ref>, could have consisted of multiple copycats. Popularized the term ''"the weab"''.
** atechan ---> Got in a fight with kissu ‼ (surprising absolutely nobody), according to the more unhinged posters, is the person behind the freak.<ref>https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/2659444/</ref>. Popularized the term ''"the weab"''.
** atechan --> Got in a fight with kissu‼ (surprising absolutely nobody), according to the more unhinged posters like yotgo and lowercase, is the person behind schizopammer.<ref>https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/2658114/#2658193</ref><ref>https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/2659444/</ref>.  

=====Third Gen Raiders=====
=====Third Gen Raiders=====
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* Bant Cabal ☼ --> supposedly, the last pre-soyjak board wipes were made by a discord clique originating from /bant/. They can be identified by usage of real life photos (anathema to spinoffers) during crapfloods.
* Bant Cabal ☼ --> supposedly, the last pre-soyjak board wipes were made by a discord clique originating from /bant/. They can be identified by usage of real life photos (anathema to spinoffers) during crapfloods.
* Soyjaks / Soyjak.Party / the Sharty ‼ --> It hasn't been determined whether it was organic or artificially created by mods redirecting threads; soy variants of wojak, originally from /v/ and /pol/, started getting posted on /qa/ during the pandemic and attracted an enormous following, which quickly imploded into it's own website and several discord cliques. They got the board frozen after effectively running out every other thread.
* Soyjaks / Soyjak.Party / the Sharty ‼ --> It hasn't been determined whether it was organic or artificially created by mods redirecting threads; soy variants of wojak, originally from /v/ and /pol/, started getting posted on /qa/ during the pandemic and attracted an enormous following, which quickly imploded into it's own website and several discord cliques. They got the board frozen after effectively running out every other thread.
** /qa/ Archeologists --> A subset of jak posters got interested in the antics of old /qa/ and started browsing desuarchive for interesting tidbits. They managed to reconstruct a crude timeline of events, lists of names and phrases, enough to integrate it all into the Party's ironic sense of humour.☼ Many old pics used by older personalities saw themselves reposted by these sleuths. ☼

===Primary Sources===
===Primary Sources===

Revision as of 09:17, 6 February 2025

History of 4chan's /qa/ - Question & Answer board

>why am I writing this

Personal endearment.

>but why?

Arguably the most revisioned board history on the site, with years worth of accumulated misinformation and disinformation. I'd rather this not continue.

>well then, what is it?

An offtopic & meta community composed of posters from disparate origins that died prematurely due to aggression from off-site cliques. Then it became something else entirely.


‼ Attested on archives, citation pending.

☼ Unverified aka "i'm the primary source", no primary evidence.

► Source is exclusively anon testimony, no primary evidence.

♫ --> gsg, Infinity's intl, other infinity players, /jp/ spin offers, and many, many more.

/qa/ Historiographic Summary

Meta Period (2015/01-2016/09) --> Ends around october 2016

  • Stragglers from moot's big AMA stream reminisce on nostalgic memories and ponder what to do with the board. The /qa/ charter gets drafted.
  • /qa/ coalesces into a small collection of meta aficionados, karens crying to the mods and anons looking for an off-topic board that wouldn't get swarmed with weirdos and porn. Most generals get created.

First Off-Topic Period (2016/09-2017/05) --> Ends by the board freeze

  • Sweeping site changes on 4chan's 13th birthday, Hiroyuki's fearmongering, the 2016 US election, the firing of Anonymous-San, a badly timed April's Fool joke and finally the listing of /qa/ cause a massive increase in activity[1] causing generalized chaos and destabilizing regular threads.[2]. By 2017, the forum registers on the map of multiple off-site cliques whose origins lie between disparate boards, generals and the /jp/ Spin Off webring. They discover that /qa/ is, moderation wise, an off-topic SFW board[3]; Raids and angry protests ensue.[4][5]

Great weeb-frog War (2017/06-2019/09) --> July / June 2017 to be exact

  • No-fun-allowed rejects from the spinoffs determine to turn /qa/ into their homeboard by aggressively botting up the place and gaslighing all passerby. They are resisted by an equally intense group of locals with seeming ties to "/jp/" who adopt /pol/'s smug frogs as their callsign.[6]; This years long flamewar practically depopulates the board.[7], deteriorating in quality and quantity until both sides were reduced to a couple schizophrenics screaming at ghosts.☼

Second Off-Topic Period (2019/10-2020/XX) --> starts months into 2019

  • Mods enact draconic rangebans that kill the proxy lists spambots depended on, causing the /qajp/ clique to self-exile to kissu.moe; Frogs impose a short lived era of /int/-like frogposting with a presence, or pretense of meta ☼

Soijak Raids & freezing. (2020/XX-2021/05) --> starts ???

  • Through causes yet unknown, a /pol/-derived meme☼ turns /qa/ into a thousands strong community of middleschool kids; They cause site-wide havok that ultimately gets /qa/ frozen.


  • All of /qa/ is concentrated on the 4chan Happenings General, which gets "adopted" by a mod. The general takes refuge on /trash/ and later /r9k/.☼
  • Soijak Party goes on to become an underground phenomenon and splinters into several sites. ☼
  • An injoke of an injoke that evolved around 2023 from a soyjak thread into it's own website called the Ribbit Rally,☼ sustained chiefly by the efforts of a single poster.☼ Integrated 2016 election aesthetic, soyjak memes and /qa/ war shitposts to create the pretense of a secret community, raiding the /hap/ exiles, /a/ and other sites.

Demographic Summary


Core /qa/ posters, the natural userbase of the board for good and ill
old /qa/
  • metaposters
    • 4chan trivia aficionados --> discussed their main boards, made nice map threads and dug old pieces of OC
    • nostalgic oldfags --> mostly there to tell the aficionados how good they used to have it
    • armchair admins --> countless foolish but well-meaning "how i will fix 4chan" threads. ‼
    • internet hobbyists --> bibanon is here! - people who wished for a board best described as "/internet/ - Internet Culture" and found /qa/ it's closest equivalent
  • complaintposters
    • /DELETEPOL/ --> primordial fire of all 4chan metadiscussions
    • /mlp/ apostates --> From the first day to the end of 2017, rotating casts of pony posters demanded to get GR15 revoked.
    • The 4chan Karen --> only here to vent and call people names ‼, but unwittingly acted as the greatest conversation starters on the board.
    • /a/fags --> technically Karens, but their numbers alone were enough to develop a persistent /a/ hatefandom during the early days ‼
    • Off-board Clique refugees --> Such as /gsg/ and /intl/ among others. Across the years several micro-communities took refuge on /qa/ to complain about this and that ‼. While not inherently a problem, these crossposters didn't find themselves obligated to respect the locals ♫
  • sfwofftopicposters
    • Off-Topic Colonies: At first, it was /jp/'s cirno posters, then [s4s] & the /a/jp/ general. Other posters were ambivalent to their presence, but they were not aggressive and contributed large quantities of OC. Slowly, other groups, such as "/jp/", /pol/lacks & /bant/[8] made /qa/ their home away from home. All the colonists got ran out the board by the end of 2017. ‼
    • Board-tans General --> As drawthreads moved on to other fotms, artsy teen remnants of the /co/ 4chan House and the /v/ Winter Ball projects found /qa/ as a refuge to ship anthropomorphic imageboards undisturbed. Managed to eke out a good 2 years worth of OC and a final cross-board event. ‼
    • Happenings General --> A mix of gossip and meta thread, it remained oddly consistent for the better part of 6 years.
    • CSS General --> Short-lived 4chan UI customization thread that was taken over by raiders from the Spin Off. They contributed a number of interesting developments such as the megafilter list.
late /qa/
  • /bant/ / /int/ type frogposters --> With the weeb bots out of the picture, the most unhinged frog raiders leave and the remaining frogposters go through a demographic change that see them more in tune with what you'd see in /int/, /tv/ or /bant/. nicer than they looked. ☼
  • late offtopicposters --> Mostly new stock. Culturally very close to /bant/, casual, and moderately hostile to both frogposters and the kissu clique, but not afraid to post either.☼
  • late metaposters --> Generally veterans of /qa/ who survived both hiroyuki memeing the board and the great war. jaded as they get.[9]
    • (Punished) Happenings General --> A thread denied it's board. Took in refugees from every other demographic as the board collapsed into non-stop spam while dealing with multiple problem tripfags. /hap/ was the thread to close the door on /qa/ as the board got frozen.

Native Personalities of /qa/ & Related Notables

Not a tripfag list. These are posters known to be notorious rulebreakers who waged little personal wars against the mods and other posters, homegrown and tourist.
  • "Pony Spammer" - A single poster, possibly but unlikely to be multiple people, on a years long campaign to get GR15 removed. Been on /qa/ since practically the beggining.[10] Went on overdrive after April's Fools 2017 created /mlpol/.[11][12] Got ran out of the board a few months later.
  • "Catholic Anon" - Old /qa/'s lovely resident retard, rants about religion and /pol/ being infiltrated by nu/pol/. Managed to get all of early /qa/'s panties on a twist.[13][14] Known to get in massive flamewars with Gun Control Anon. [15]
  • "Gun Control Anon" - Alleged femanon infamous for gun control rants, putting EMPHASIS on words and never quitting a reply chain.
  • GR15 Defense Force / GRXVDF !!mQybBQsWzGP ---> /qa/'s first problem tripfag. Donned the name in late 2016[16]. His claim to fame is the failed GET that unexpectedly became an infamous reference point for the start of the spin off raids[17]. Obsessed with bronies and generally a teenbro type shitposter[18]. Spun the narrative that 2D/Random saved /qa/ from /mlpol/ raids and insisted on it for the better part of a year while picking fights with the mods.[19][20] Befriended the Spin Off clique[21] and got publicly banned in december 2017; dropped off public posting soon after. [22]
  • "asuka" / "asukaspammer" ---> Avatarfag of character Asuka Kurashina from Ao no Kanata no Four Rhythm[23][24], first spotted early 2016, likely a /jp/ / "/jp/" main. He utilized a crapflood script to wipe /qa/, then gloat after he gets nuked and 3/4ths of the board go with him.[25][26]. Prolific blogposter[27]. Alleged to run the earliest instances of the bumpbot (rofl & 3 letter gibberish) and the Suck My Cock Dude spambot. Coordinated spam with with the /g/+/ota/ raiders but never openly associated with them☼.[28][29]. May have belonged to an /ota/ clique. Publicly banned in december 2017[30] and while he became less active, never truly dropped /qa/.[31][32] I'll never understand what they see in these generic characters.
  • "Anti Crack-Kun" / "ACK" - Infamous personality from /u/. Formerly a guerrilla scanlator, he was a high functioning autistic with serious hangups about shipping. His condition deteriorated into paranoid delusions of targeted trolling, leading him to blame Team4chan for his woes. ACK turned to spamming both #4chan and /qa/ at several points in the board's life; a drama retinue that included other /u/ personalities such as !Akemi and warosushitter !!dApALfIDywS followed him around.[33]
  • "barneyfag" / Lee Goldson --> Infamous /co/ spammer; an autistic who despised Barney & Friends and associated it with cartoons My Little Pony and Steven Universe. From 2012 onwards he imposed a reign of terror that spread to several boards including /v/, /vg/ & /qa/. Spent considerable time on /qa/ hunting down the local pony spammer ‼; He got doxxed in 2017☼ and likely stopped poster soon asfter.
  • "leebaiter" / "leebot" --> After Lee got doxed and allegedly stopped posting around 2017, the troll clique that formed around him kitbashed a leebot spamscript with image recognition capabilities hooked to the brony booru. The maintainer of this lee imitation bot began using boards such as /int/ & /qa/ as testing grounds. [34]
  • "unicodefag" / "foxe" / leto ---> Notable scriptspammer from /trash/ & /bant/. Chiefly known for operating with a massive proxylist that could wipe an entire board in a matter of minutes. Didn't specifically target /qa/ but several boards. Attempted to bait the #qa clique into a flamewar but wasn't picked up on.[35][36]. Fell in with the sturdychan cum crew and by 2024 ran the 4chan.gay ban evasion tool.


Off-site and sometimes local groups who organized to bring /qa/ to it's knees one way or the other, plus their lynchpins and notables.
First Gen Raiders


  • /pol/ bandwagon --> The first group to pervasively raid /qa/ was /pol/, as payback over perceived slights originating from the also pervasive /deletepol/ threads. In what's essentially a months-long sore winner tantrum from the then most influential board on 4chan, teenage /pol/yps gloated to /qa/ddit of resisting supposed attempts at bringing their board down, winning the election[37], getting modcat fired[38] among other things such as falling for trolls claiming /leftypol/ infiltrated the staff[39][40]. As all bandwagons, it was intense enough to speed up /qa/ by an order of magnitude, but also short-lived[41].
  • /jp/ Spin Off Cliques / "/jp/" --> warosu.org/g/, ota-ch, himasugi, 4taba, no-you, /nen/, GNFOS and likely more.[42]. Invited between february and april 2017 during a massive shitposting spree, those that remained began by aggressive campaign to run all other demographics off the board.[43] Most spinoffers left by the end of the year, with only a singular clique remaining.
    • Trevelyan / Trevor / "T" --> Admin of GNFOS & no-you, legendary /jp/ shitposter and spinoff pioneer. Visited /qa/ around february causing an entire mob to follow him there.[44][45][46][47] Returned to the fray in 2018[48][49] and a began project to make daily reviews on the /jp/sphere. Went just a little bit nuts over it.
    • "Satania" / "Trevor" --> Avatarfagged as Satanichia Kurumizawa Mcdowell from Gabriel DropOut (bruh) around 2017. Was confused to be trevor by local frogposters.[50][51][52][53]
    • ccd0 !!Bu9nPEv33rQ ---> mantainer of the 4chanX extension since 2015 ‼, part of the steamgroup clique and in bed with their antics on /qa/[54][55]. Integrated tinychan spinoff variants into 4chanX's framework.[56]. Began to cause problems for 4chan after the custom CAPTCHA got announced in 2019. The betrayal was shocking enough that the mods banned all mention of him on /qa/, and enacted a series of sweeping rangebans to kill the clique for good ‼
  • local resistance & "/jp/" dissenters --> /qa/'s meta side had a sizeable /a/, /jp/ & spinoff presence before the raids. "/jp/"'s raid immediately raised alarms among those familiar with /jp/ and they made their opinions known, to little effect beyond basically predicting how the whole thing would go down ‼. Furthermore, many other /qa/ natives spoke their mind on the damage done to the board but were unable to pinpoint who was responsible. ‼ Tensions mounted until a sizeable "resistance" looking for ways to bait the spinoffs into flamewars began hounding their threads ☼.
    • "The" frogposter --> A strange combo of a /pol/+/jp/ main that made itself known in early 2017. Never pseudonymous, but identifiable by image hashes and his ability to directly name spinoff antics, if not always correctly. He implied to be an OG /qa/ poster but he has never been spotted before 2017; His identity, usage of /pol/-type frogs and polite-yet-sarcastic prose seemed handcrafted to make spinoff posters as angry as possible[57][58] thought he was known to engage spinoffers playfully early on.[59][60] His MO tried to bait the cliques essentially through waging a low energy guerrilla war to make sure a couple frog threads were always on the catalog. [61][62][63]. The tactic was an overarching success that inspired many copycat trolls.[64] May have coined the term weeb mafia. [65]. Dropped of the board after /qa/ got listed, but sporadically visited. ☼
    • Small Skelly !!RAjBw+iGH/Y --> Poster with some /r9k/, [s4s] and /jp/ knowledge, but not enough to know of spinoffs; an election tourist that quickly ID'd problem posters from /jp/ and called them out then spent the rest of the year pointlessly picking fights.[66]
  • Steamgrüppe / Steamcord & /mlp/ --> The April's Fool 2017 prank caused a short-lived raid by /mlp/, as merging with /pol/ to form /mlpol/ was the most interesting thing to happen to that board since 2015.☼ This was also instigated by a clique known to raid several boards but most specially /vg/'s /gsg/ - Grand Strategy General.[67][68][69][70][71] This is quickly picked up by the local remove GR15 spammer and used as a new rallying point. ☼
Second Gen Raiders


  • Steamchat & #qa Clique / "weeb mafia" / "the weab" / /qajp/ / !qajp / kissu.moe --> Eclectic mix of teenbro shitposters and no-fun-allowed neurotics. Toxic positivity aficionados who actually believed the rhetoric of making /qa/ into 2D/Random, they don't stand out from the rest of the spinoffers until the last quarter of 2017. Nuclear with a large repertoire of the spinoff personalities in a unknown Steamchat[72] and the #qa rizon IRC.I'm only naming those suspected of running bots or raiding, I don't intend to witchhunt nor encourage such behaviour.
    • Verniy / !HibikiZODI / "hibikid" / ECHibiki / ECVerniy --> Canadian developer. Tripfag & avatarfag of character Hibiki from Kantai Collection.[73] Earliest appearances can be trace to April 2017.[74] Likely ran a spellcard bumpbot.☼ Created an alternate 4chan ban logger.[75] Dropped his trip by 2018, can be identified from 8chan-hash filenames[76]. When rangebans swept and post deletions removed, created kissu.moe,[77] then spent months spamming the report queue with fake GR1 violations.[78]
    • yotgo / !QAJP/YOtGo --> No-fun-allowed, passive-agressive spammer who's physically unable to not gaslight people about "/jp/" never doing bad.[79][80] Earliest posts can be traced to April 2017. [81] Claims to have been around since 2015. No posts to prove it. Created the MD5 filter megalist for 4chanX[82][83]. Likely ran a spellcard bumpbot.☼ Oldschool anime aficionado, recognizable for posting Di Gi Charat and Rika. Ran a weekly anime stream that later moved to Kissu as he became a mod.[84] Determined to stay here forever.[85]
    • atechan --> Brazilian, very likely underage. clique member known for manually bumping several threads and having emotional episodes if they were deleted.‼ Got in a fight with the clique around March 2019, the clique doxed him in June.[86]
    • jevin --> Seemingly harmless ☼, [s4s] speak aficionado ‼. Could have posted on /a/jp/? ☼ Likes frogs![87]
    • "lowercase-kun" / "schizoweeb" --> The angriest poster on /qa/. Appeared around March 2017[88], known for angry lowercase posting, marisaposting[89], and generally unhinged posts and throwing accusations of samefagging directed at frogs. Oscillates wildly between being genuinely angry[90] and going on elaborate stream of thought shitposting sprees[91][92][93] confusing frog and weeb alike.[94] His usual calling cards are combinations of subhuman, schizo and freak[95][96] His abrasive demeanor only got more hostile with time, even getting him disowned by the clique.[97] He later became obsessed with a frogspammer often described as "the freak" and hunted him down on every thread[98]. By the end of the flamewar he and The Freak had become two sides of the same coin, despised by the entire board.[99]
  • Frogposters --> is a group that was 100% homegrown really a raider? Due to !qajp taking the bait every single time, /qa/ developed a community of copycat frog posting trolls inspired by the antics of the original frogposter[100]. More destructive and incoherent, and likely less numerous, they'd occasionally try to flood the board with threads to 404 threads protected by the steamchat bumpbot.[101] Notably less polite than their originator.[102]. Slowly, they MO began to take a shape similar to frogposting see on /int/ and /tv/.[103]
    • "schizospammer" / "the freak" --> Mythological poster that may either be the board's most prolific frog spammer or a boogeyman existing entirely in one spinoffer's head.‼ The freak in question is in the habit of making long, detailed gonzo journalist like rants painting fantasy scenarios where the antics of the #qa clique are always exaggerated.[104] While likely to be one person[105][106][107], could have consisted of multiple copycats. Popularized the term "the weab". ☼
    • atechan --> Got in a fight with kissu‼ (surprising absolutely nobody), according to the more unhinged posters like yotgo and lowercase, is the person behind schizopammer.[108][109].
Third Gen Raiders


  • Kissu hardliners --> Even thought verniy and most of the clique was happy on Kissu, one or multiple posters remained at /qa/ on a strange mission to convince everyone else their clique has only been good for the board ‼. Few believed their tale.[110]
  • Bant Cabal ☼ --> supposedly, the last pre-soyjak board wipes were made by a discord clique originating from /bant/. They can be identified by usage of real life photos (anathema to spinoffers) during crapfloods.
  • Soyjaks / Soyjak.Party / the Sharty ‼ --> It hasn't been determined whether it was organic or artificially created by mods redirecting threads; soy variants of wojak, originally from /v/ and /pol/, started getting posted on /qa/ during the pandemic and attracted an enormous following, which quickly imploded into it's own website and several discord cliques. They got the board frozen after effectively running out every other thread.
    • /qa/ Archeologists --> A subset of jak posters got interested in the antics of old /qa/ and started browsing desuarchive for interesting tidbits. They managed to reconstruct a crude timeline of events, lists of names and phrases, enough to integrate it all into the Party's ironic sense of humour.☼ Many old pics used by older personalities saw themselves reposted by these sleuths. ☼

Primary Sources

  1. Increase starting October: https://wiki.bibanon.org/File:Question%26AnswerActivitySpike.PNG
  2. 12 day sample OPs for Nov. 2016. None of the threads have more than a handful replies. https://desuarchive.org/qa/search/type/op/start/2016-11-06/end/2016-11-18/order/asc/page/6/
  3. https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/1377714/#1457289
  4. Typical day at /qa/ - Battle Royale https://desuarchive.org/_/search/boards/qa.meta/type/op/start/2017-05-18/end/2017-05-20/order/asc/page/10/
  5. Little girl crashes out on /qa/ https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/1204381/
  6. https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/1648512/
  7. 1 day sample of the peak of the "war" https://desuarchive.org/qa/search/type/op/start/2017-06-26/end/2017-06-27/order/asc/page/1/
  8. Minuscule but visible /bant/ presence
  9. https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/2963984/#2965272
  10. https://desuarchive.org/qa/search/image/38FMrZ42VBR1SiRGmfhCBw/
  11. Example: https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/1217963/
  12. Some of these are his https://desuarchive.org/_/search/boards/qa.meta/type/op/start/2017-04-03/end/2017-04-04/order/asc/page/2/
  13. https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/539719/#542866
  14. https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/607667/#607748
  15. https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/607485/
  16. https://desuarchive.org/qa/search/username/DEFENSE%20FORCE/order/asc/
  17. See ghost posts: https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/999998/
  18. Very likely behind Suck My Cock Dude spam given his choice of victims https://desuarchive.org/qa/search/text/%22suck%20my%20cock%20dude%22/order/asc/
  19. https://desuarchive.org/qa/search/image/XZMhicRtcZ0KBStr1Av6Cg/
  20. https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/1805812/#q1807451
  21. https://desuarchive.org/meta/thread/2327/#3039
  22. https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/1750436/#q1750723
  23. https://desu-usergeneratedcontent.xyz/qa/image/1474/99/1474998565236.png
  24. https://desuarchive.org/qa/search/image/1lDpz3F_rjCrrBeL03qVHg/
  25. https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/834362/
  26. https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/837184/
  27. https://desuarchive.org/qa/search/image/eoGPftYc6mMrw4y7YrZWzA/order/asc/
  28. https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/752066/
  29. https://desuarchive.org/qa/search/text/%22Don%27t%20mind%20me%20just%20killing%20a%20thread%22/order/asc/
  30. https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/1750436/#q1750736
  31. https://desuarchive.org/qa/search/image/jB7U6mH4TwvrhAuAN1IhSw/order/asc/
  32. https://desuarchive.org/qa/search/image/wTJ3i-GnlYCPGiD4MQQKSQ/
  33. https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/500765/#q502331_6
  34. Leebaiter testing the bot: https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/2838232/
  35. https://desuarchive.org/_/search/boards/qa.meta/type/op/start/2019-01-05/end/2019-01-06/order/asc/page/4/
  36. https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/2554646/#2554677
  37. https://desuarchive.org/qa/search/type/op/start/2016-11-08/end/2016-11-10/order/asc/page/6/
  38. https://desuarchive.org/qa/search/type/op/start/2016-12-19/end/2016-12-21/order/asc/page/3/
  39. https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/892786/#q892786
  40. https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/894265/
  41. See spikes of activity in October, November, December: https://wiki.bibanon.org/File:Question%26AnswerActivitySpike.PNG
  42. https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/1015048/
  43. https://desuarchive.org/qa/search/text/%22die%20retard%22/order/asc/
  44. https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/1090190/#1091630
  45. https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/1098298/#1098608
  46. https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/1015346
  47. https://desuarchive.org/qa/search/filename/1541888819690/image/Yu1d7i8zfaj7ua35b5ZTvQ/
  48. https://desuarchive.org/qa/search/image/nu8i_sOoAK9wg56NO40TRw/
  49. https://desuarchive.org/qa/search/image/SyR-0HSaY4K2PRWFIJdyhg/
  50. http://desuarchive.org/qa/search/image/K0XUQG8dAO9DBcPLG7Wz4w/
  51. https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/1459683/#1460211
  52. https://desuarchive.org/qa/search/image/sYS3uSAsdPZFYhZzrMjpLw/
  53. https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/1459274/#1459301
  54. https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/1662063/#1662452
  55. https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/1485623/#1501757
  56. https://github.com/ccd0/4chan-x/wiki/Frequently-Asked-Questions/216a348e6dbc7eff669f9a4e4fe15cce278263e4
  57. https://desuarchive.org/qa/search/image/FQTpjrlHCyzmfXgGhE1sPw%3D%3D/page/2/
  58. https://desuarchive.org/qa/search/image/DSxhoHN4fdpPtyk%2BDSUDmw%3D%3D/page/3/
  59. https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/1458881/#1459472
  60. https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/1461928/#1462073
  61. https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/1635184/
  62. https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/1461611/
  63. See specifically filename 1495081606395.jpg https://desuarchive.org/qa/search/image/aZU24MtI206NLE6TNykkdQ%3D%3D/page/2/
  64. What is likely the OG poster and early copycats having a premature victory party during the listing of /qa/. The worst was yet to come. https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/1648512/#1650130
  65. https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/1356659/
  66. https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/1459274/
  67. https://desuarchive.org/mlp/thread/29782592/
  68. https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/1214607/
  69. https://archive.4plebs.org/x/thread/18852770
  70. https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/1220369
  71. First raid on April 03 https://desuarchive.org/_/search/boards/qa.meta/type/op/start/2017-04-03/end/2017-04-04/order/asc/page/2/
  72. https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/2480845/
  73. https://desuarchive.org/_/search/boards/qa.meta/tripcode/%21HibikiZODI/order/asc/
  74. https://desuarchive.org/qa/search/image/FweY93KrJZEUaY3AF_Iozw/
  75. https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/1613677/#1624091
  76. https://desuarchive.org/qa/search/image/69fnDN858TCHQS6sngrUEA/
  77. https://desuarchive.org/qa/search/image/lN1gT-vRsQhnJM3MiEUGDg/
  78. https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/2554646/#2554675_1
  79. https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/1199738/#1235502
  80. https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/1913765/#1914740
  81. https://desuarchive.org/qa/search/image/fOhFOmMqEN-9RTE194DNcw/
  82. https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/2088105/#q2114031_7
  83. https://desuarchive.org/_/search/image/bSolCN4hdS-K7FKNnUrdKA/order/asc/
  84. https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/2666000/#2666016
  85. https://desuarchive.org/r9k/thread/80061177/#q80071040
  86. https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/2816565/#2818290
  87. https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/2485766/
  88. https://desuarchive.org/qa/search/text/freak%20subhuman/start/2017-01-01/end/2019-12-30/order/asc/
  89. http://desuarchive.org/_/search/boards/qa.desu.meta/filename/%201529122005818/image/QCXH6LtqF6s32gnhjJFGGA/order/asc/
  90. https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/1690159/#1690923
  91. https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/2908031/
  92. https://desuarchive.org/qa/search/image/qeMFSe4MmgGovd6aAG5z0A/
  93. https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/3680725/#q3680747
  94. Note: Most info on the schizoweeb in this source is wrong assumptions from frogs and astroturfing from kissu. Stick only to the highlighted post. https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/2554646/#2554809
  95. https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/1617067/
  96. https://desuarchive.org/qa/search/text/%20wacko%20schizo/start/2019-01-01/end/2019-07-30/
  97. https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/2143168/
  98. https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/2914692/#2914955
  99. https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/2914692/
  100. 1495081606395.jpg is the OG, later posts are copycats. Notice the less... intelligent OPs. https://desuarchive.org/qa/search/image/aZU24MtI206NLE6TNykkdQ%3D%3D/page/1/
  101. https://desuarchive.org/qa/search/type/op/start/2018-03-08/end/2018-03-09/order/asc/page/3/
  102. https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/1565234/
  103. https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/2485766/
  104. https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/2659444/#q2659444
  105. Typicals Tells: https://desuarchive.org/qa/search/text/%22mentally%20ill%20tranny%22/start/2017-01-01/end/2020-01-01/order/asc/page/2/
  106. Typical Tells: https://desuarchive.org/qa/search/text/%22mentally%20ill%20discord%22/start/2017-01-01/end/2020-01-01/order/asc/
  107. https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/2707109/
  108. https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/2658114/#2658193
  109. https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/2659444/
  110. https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/2963984/


fat sack of loot: some will be used for the Timeline.

extremely important evidence: https://desu-usergeneratedcontent.xyz/qa/image/1496/55/1496556790721.png

note: trifpags are a surprisingly informative resource on presence of other boards.

fun things are fun -> /a/fags ;

fuwafuwa -> /a/jp/ / spinoff

Punky Brewster !GRG1IWogTk / Punky Brewster !!3KOUpWS64nD -> oldschool [s4s], /a/jp/



/jp/ meta

one of the best meta threads ive ever read https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/469585/#

/a/ meta



/gsg/ raids:



[s4s] <3 /qa/


/pol/ raid

people debating asukaspammer -> https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/833874/

early threadbombing:

classic that started it all: https://desuarchive.org/qa/search/image/5XOGOo6Y78jgow5f5t%2FYhw%3D%3D/page/82/

pre jp board wipes https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/836969/#q837077


warosu raids:

early spin off presence https://desuarchive.org/qa/search/text/%22suck%20my%20cock%20dude%22/order/asc/


clueless anon discuss raids: https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/1365400/#q1366364


eta about raids https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/1363253/#1363627

qa native adressing asuka, frogs and ghost raiders PLUS early schizoweeb mentions: https://www.archived.moe/qa/thread/1374236/#q1374294

/qa/ getting absolutely destroyed https://desuarchive.org/qa/search/type/op/start/2017-08-03/end/2017-08-05/order/asc/page/1/

bumpbot selections


kissu/weeb mafia pushing agenda:




kissu infighting


possible OG frogposter sighting



frogposters theorizing poster indentikits




qa review




anons talking board personalities:


Generic info on non qa raiders

Clique refugees:



>Mass download every image hash uploaded to 4chan in the first two months of this year.

>Calculate the similarity of boards based on how their share image hashes

>Build a chart that shows overlapping userbases