4chan/History/qa: Difference between revisions

From Bibliotheca Anonoma
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==== Symbols ====
==== Symbols ====

☼ Unverified aka "i'm the primary source"
☼ Unverified aka "i'm the primary source", no primary evidence.

► Source is exclusively anon testimony, no primary evidence.
► Source is exclusively anon testimony, no primary evidence.
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** 00:30~ EST - /qa/ - Question & Answer is created. moot makes the first post at 00:50 EST; The board remains unannounced until midday.<ref>https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/1/#q1</ref></br>
** 00:30~ EST - /qa/ - Question & Answer is created. moot makes the first post at 00:50 EST; The board remains unannounced until midday.<ref>https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/1/#q1</ref></br>
** 14:00 EST - /qa/ is announced. moot has a livestream session that lasts eight hours<ref>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XYUKJBZuUig</ref><ref>Transcript: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1pL3LmKIb6Q25LGzO3GwNqgGOAjQnrCasdMULVpwF4vw/edit?tab=t.0#heading=h.mw67go6pwfq6</ref>. Twelve stickies in /qa/ are maxed out.<ref>https://desuarchive.org/qa/search/type/sticky/start/2015-01-23/end/2015-01-24/</ref>  
** 14:00 EST - /qa/ is announced. moot has a livestream session that lasts eight hours<ref>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XYUKJBZuUig</ref><ref>Transcript: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1pL3LmKIb6Q25LGzO3GwNqgGOAjQnrCasdMULVpwF4vw/edit?tab=t.0#heading=h.mw67go6pwfq6</ref>. Twelve stickies in /qa/ are maxed out.<ref>https://desuarchive.org/qa/search/type/sticky/start/2015-01-23/end/2015-01-24/</ref>  
* 2015-01-27 - 14:00 EST - Posting on /qa/ is disabled<ref>https://desuarchive.org/qa/search/start/2015-01-26/end/2015-01-27/order/asc/page/56/</ref>. Assumed for moderation purposes due to being directly preceded by a brony avatarfag raid<ref>https://desuarchive.org/qa/search/start/2015-01-26/end/2015-01-27/order/asc/page/52/</ref>.
** /qa/'s board-tan is designed<ref>https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/11809/</ref>
* 2015-01-27 - 16:30 EST - Posting on /qa/ is reenabled.<ref>https://desuarchive.org/qa/search/start/2015-01-27/end/2015-01-28/order/asc/</ref>.
* 2015-01-24 - A Board-tan General is established, mostly inhabited by remnants of /co/'s 4chan House & /v/'s Winter Ball projects. Gratuitous shipping ensues.<ref>https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/59022/</ref>
* 2015-01-27  
** 14:00 EST - Posting on /qa/ is disabled<ref>https://desuarchive.org/qa/search/start/2015-01-26/end/2015-01-27/order/asc/page/56/</ref>. Assumed for moderation purposes due to being directly preceded by a brony avatarfag raid<ref>https://desuarchive.org/qa/search/start/2015-01-26/end/2015-01-27/order/asc/page/52/</ref>.
** 16:30 EST - Posting on /qa/ is reenabled.<ref>https://desuarchive.org/qa/search/start/2015-01-27/end/2015-01-28/order/asc/</ref>.
* 2015-01-28 - Drafting of the Declaration of /qa/<ref>https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/67896/</ref>
* 2015-01-28 - Drafting of the Declaration of /qa/<ref>https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/67896/</ref>
* 2015-01-29 - Declaration of /qa/ - Question & Answer
* 2015-01-29 - Declaration of /qa/ - Question & Answer
* 2015-03-02 - First 4chan Happenings thread<ref>https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/81502/</ref>
* 2015-10-05 - Minor [s4s] raid, allegedly instigated by mod swaglord<ref>https://archive.4plebs.org/s4s/thread/3796007/</ref><ref>https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/293385/</ref><ref>https://archive.4plebs.org/s4s/search/subject/Cultural%20Enrichment%20Initiative/page/2/</ref>

===== 2016 =====
===== 2016 =====
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** Will not delete /pol/
** Will not delete /pol/
** States he prefers an "interesting 4chan" over a "profitable 4chan"
** States he prefers an "interesting 4chan" over a "profitable 4chan"
* 2016-08-17 - First CSS/Filter general<ref>https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/631467/</ref>
* 2016-10-04 - /vip/ is created. Dozens of users flood /qa/ to comment / make fun of non-pass users.
* 2016-10-07 - First sighting of the asukaspammer<ref>https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/752066/</ref>
* 2016-11-08 - Trump's victory in the US elections causes an uptick of /deletepol/ and /pol/ metathreads that lasts for several months
* 2016-12-17 - Anonymous makes a complaint demanding the unbanning of /pol/'s /diy/, a raid thread using fire safety regulations protocols to close down spaces<ref>https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/888188/</ref>. A later poster asks for elaboration on part of the mods, to which Anonymous-San, famous as modcat, replies in his old format of using the warning form.  
* 2016-12-17 - Anonymous makes a complaint demanding the unbanning of /pol/'s /diy/, a raid thread using fire safety regulations protocols to close down spaces<ref>https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/888188/</ref>. A later poster asks for elaboration on part of the mods, to which Anonymous-San, famous as modcat, replies in his old format of using the warning form.  
* 2016-12-18 - The outraged poster posts his warning revealing the usage politically loaded language.<ref>https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/888188/#q891098</ref>
* 2016-12-18 - The outraged poster posts his warning revealing the usage politically loaded language.<ref>https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/888188/#q891098</ref>
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===== 2017 =====
===== 2017 =====

* 2017-01-XX - first /jp/ raids
* 2017-01-09 - First Spin Off raid. A several hours long crapflood wipes /qa/, likely in response to /deletepol/ threads dominating the frontpage.<ref>https://desuarchive.org/qa/search/type/op/start/2017-01-09/end/2017-01-10/order/asc/page/5/</ref>
* 2017-02-13 - alleged date where a small spinoff clique spams an invitation to raid /qa/ through all the /jp/ webring
* 2017-02-10 to 2017-02-20 - Great "/jp/" raid
* 2017-02-XX - 2D/Random declaration by /qa/'s first major tripfag, GRXVDF aka GR15 Defense Force
** ► Date where an alleged spinoff clique passes an invitation to raid /qa/ through all the /jp/ webring, including /ota/, merorin and GNFOS
* 2017-03-XX - Weeb/Frog board wipes I - Asukascript spam makes it's first appearance. --> frequency of thread creation ----> measurable? ask anton
** This is materializes as a spontaneous yet slow-burn effort to try and keep /qa/ as close to /ghost/ & /ota/'s culture for as long as able, spoofing /qa/ as ''2D/Random'', an old name for /jp/<ref>https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/1004342/</ref>
** Feb. 13 - First evidence of the spinoff bumpbot, early instances utilized custom bump text, 3-digit gibberish or ''rofl''. Once posted, they are deleted a few minutes later.<ref>https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/1004342/#1005934</ref><ref>https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/1212775/</ref>
* 2017-02-23 - 2D/Random declaration by /qa/'s first major tripfag, GRXVDF aka GR15 Defense Force
* 2017-04-01 - April's Fools 2017
* 2017-04-01 - April's Fools 2017
** All boards are taken down and replaced with mixed pairs for April's Fools.  
** Multiple boards are taken down and replaced with mixed pairs for April's Fools.  
** Barneyfag gets a public /qa/ ban after a days long stint on [s4s]<ref>https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/1194185/#q1195824</ref>
** Barneyfag gets a public /qa/ ban after a days long stint on [s4s]<ref>https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/1194185/#q1195824</ref>
* 2017-04-01 to 2017-04-07 - April's Fools Riot of 2017
* 2017-04-01 to 2017-04-07 - April's Fools Riot of 2017
** One of the parody boards, /mlpol/, roused the /mlp/ spammers back from hibernation. A couple such avatarfags spend around a week on /qa/ demanding the return of /mlpol/ while picking fights with spin off raiders.<ref>https://desu-usergeneratedcontent.xyz/qa/image/1491/31/1491314008429.jpg</ref><ref>https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/1211562/#q1211562</ref>  
** One of the parody boards, /mlpol/, roused the /mlp/ spammers back from hibernation. A couple such avatarfags spend around a week on /qa/ demanding the return of /mlpol/ while picking fights with spin off raiders.<ref>https://desu-
** The board implodes into an all out brawl between metaposters, off-topic colonies, bronies and spin offers
** First evidence of Spin Off spambots
** The board explodes into an all out brawl between metaposters, off-topic colonies, bronies and spin offers
** April 02 - A macro, suggested before<ref>https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/1004342/#q1036828</ref>, telling users to take complaints to the official #4chan IRC gets posted on several threads<ref>https://desuarchive.org/qa/search/image/n1sK4YKEwcR_26_ile4Leg/</ref><ref>https://desuarchive.org/qa/search/image/yWreKK3qVv7maFDyEgedHg%3D%3D/page/2/</ref>
** April 03 - Prompting the mods to freeze #4chan<ref>► Needs #4chan Logs - https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/1214244/#q1215020</ref>
* 2017-04-07 - 08:00 EST After a week straight of escalating shitposting, /qa/ is frozen.<ref>https://desuarchive.org/qa/search/start/2017-04-06/end/2017-04-08/page/18/</ref><ref>https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/1248942/#q1248942_242</ref>
* 2017-04-07 - 08:00 EST After a week straight of escalating shitposting, /qa/ is frozen.<ref>https://desuarchive.org/qa/search/start/2017-04-06/end/2017-04-08/page/18/</ref><ref>https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/1248942/#q1248942_242</ref>
* 2017-04-22 - 21:30 EST /qa/ is unfrozen. The riot immediately restarts
* 2017-04-XX - Weeb/Frog board wipes I - Asukascript spam makes it's first appearance. --> frequency of thread creation ----> measurable? ask anton
* 2017-10-24 - /qa/ is listed on the boards table to curtail the wave of "Hiro-approved meta threads". Everybody groans. Text on the news space <ref>https://github.com/floens/ChanTracking/commit/97f63c3bf6ffaf87657d75b2435ce32b008ceea0</ref>:  
* 2017-10-24 - /qa/ is listed on the boards table to curtail the wave of "Hiro-approved meta threads". Everybody groans. Text on the news space <ref>https://github.com/floens/ChanTracking/commit/97f63c3bf6ffaf87657d75b2435ce32b008ceea0</ref>:  
'''Meta on /qa/ only.'''
'''Meta on /qa/ only.'''
Line 88: Line 102:
===== 2021 =====
===== 2021 =====

* 2021-05-06 - The shimmie hosting 4chanhouse, the board-tan booru, dies.<ref>https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/4324836/#4335876</ref>
* Party Creation 2021
* Party Creation 2021
* Board Freezing 2021
* Board Freezing 2021

Revision as of 20:25, 22 January 2025

/qa/ - Question & Answer Timeline

Timeline of events for the 4chan board /qa/. Ideally, all statements should be backed by citations and kept as concise as possible.


☼ Unverified aka "i'm the primary source", no primary evidence.

► Source is exclusively anon testimony, no primary evidence.


Prior Brackground
  • fappening lawsuit threats
  • moot the cuck memes
  • Andonuts leaks
  • moot resignation
  • 2015-01-23
    • 00:30~ EST - /qa/ - Question & Answer is created. moot makes the first post at 00:50 EST; The board remains unannounced until midday.[1]
    • 14:00 EST - /qa/ is announced. moot has a livestream session that lasts eight hours[2][3]. Twelve stickies in /qa/ are maxed out.[4]
    • /qa/'s board-tan is designed[5]
  • 2015-01-24 - A Board-tan General is established, mostly inhabited by remnants of /co/'s 4chan House & /v/'s Winter Ball projects. Gratuitous shipping ensues.[6]
  • 2015-01-27
    • 14:00 EST - Posting on /qa/ is disabled[7]. Assumed for moderation purposes due to being directly preceded by a brony avatarfag raid[8].
    • 16:30 EST - Posting on /qa/ is reenabled.[9].
  • 2015-01-28 - Drafting of the Declaration of /qa/[10]
  • 2015-01-29 - Declaration of /qa/ - Question & Answer
  • 2015-03-02 - First 4chan Happenings thread[11]
  • 2015-10-05 - Minor [s4s] raid, allegedly instigated by mod swaglord[12][13][14]
  • 2016-XX-XX - Hiroyuki Nishimura's AMA
  • 2016-05-30 - Hiroyuki pays an impromptu visit to a /qa/ meta thread.[15] Highlights: (Reminder to always take Hiroyuki statements with a grain of salt.)
    • Won't create too many new boards, open to textboards if provided the frontend
    • Will not delete /pol/
    • States he prefers an "interesting 4chan" over a "profitable 4chan"
  • 2016-08-17 - First CSS/Filter general[16]
  • 2016-10-04 - /vip/ is created. Dozens of users flood /qa/ to comment / make fun of non-pass users.
  • 2016-10-07 - First sighting of the asukaspammer[17]
  • 2016-11-08 - Trump's victory in the US elections causes an uptick of /deletepol/ and /pol/ metathreads that lasts for several months
  • 2016-12-17 - Anonymous makes a complaint demanding the unbanning of /pol/'s /diy/, a raid thread using fire safety regulations protocols to close down spaces[18]. A later poster asks for elaboration on part of the mods, to which Anonymous-San, famous as modcat, replies in his old format of using the warning form.
  • 2016-12-18 - The outraged poster posts his warning revealing the usage politically loaded language.[19]
  • 2016-12-19 - 10:30 EST? Anonymous-San is unceremoniously and permanently relieved of his moderator duties after a verbal beatdown by RapeApe.[20]
  • 2016-12-20
    • The news breaks over #4chan IRC provoking outrage from basically the entire /a/ & /jp/ webspheres[21] and even within team4chan[22].
    • Asan later pops inon the thread with intent to burn bridges team4chan's new management. He explains what happened in detail, revealing considerable information on 4chan's inner workings and rousing /qa/ into a riot[23].
  • 2016-XX-XX - board-tans winter ball
  • 2017-01-09 - First Spin Off raid. A several hours long crapflood wipes /qa/, likely in response to /deletepol/ threads dominating the frontpage.[24]
  • 2017-02-10 to 2017-02-20 - Great "/jp/" raid
    • ► Date where an alleged spinoff clique passes an invitation to raid /qa/ through all the /jp/ webring, including /ota/, merorin and GNFOS
    • This is materializes as a spontaneous yet slow-burn effort to try and keep /qa/ as close to /ghost/ & /ota/'s culture for as long as able, spoofing /qa/ as 2D/Random, an old name for /jp/[25]
    • Feb. 13 - First evidence of the spinoff bumpbot, early instances utilized custom bump text, 3-digit gibberish or rofl. Once posted, they are deleted a few minutes later.[26][27]
  • 2017-02-23 - 2D/Random declaration by /qa/'s first major tripfag, GRXVDF aka GR15 Defense Force
  • 2017-04-01 - April's Fools 2017
    • Multiple boards are taken down and replaced with mixed pairs for April's Fools.
    • Barneyfag gets a public /qa/ ban after a days long stint on [s4s][28]
  • 2017-04-01 to 2017-04-07 - April's Fools Riot of 2017
    • One of the parody boards, /mlpol/, roused the /mlp/ spammers back from hibernation. A couple such avatarfags spend around a week on /qa/ demanding the return of /mlpol/ while picking fights with spin off raiders.[29][30]
    • The board explodes into an all out brawl between metaposters, off-topic colonies, bronies and spin offers
    • April 02 - A macro, suggested before[31], telling users to take complaints to the official #4chan IRC gets posted on several threads[32][33]
    • April 03 - Prompting the mods to freeze #4chan[34]
  • 2017-04-07 - 08:00 EST After a week straight of escalating shitposting, /qa/ is frozen.[35][36]
  • 2017-04-22 - 21:30 EST /qa/ is unfrozen. The riot immediately restarts
  • 2017-04-XX - Weeb/Frog board wipes I - Asukascript spam makes it's first appearance. --> frequency of thread creation ----> measurable? ask anton
  • 2017-10-24 - /qa/ is listed on the boards table to curtail the wave of "Hiro-approved meta threads". Everybody groans. Text on the news space [37]:

Meta on /qa/ only.

All meta discussion of boards is to be redirected to /qa/.

- Hiroyuki makes a sticky with instructions on how to use /qa/[38]. Mods ban honking on penalty of fine[39].

  • 2017-10-26 - Mods add a post to the sticky indicating how to contact them with appeals, technical problems or urgent issues on IRC, using an anon-made infopic.[40]
  • 2018-01-24 - #qa @ Rizon.net created, becoming the headquarters of the !QAJP / 2D/Random clique that previously ghostposted on desuarchive's /qa/ or idled at #jp @ Rizon.net.[41]
  • Thread Creation Limit 2018?
  • Post Deletion Disabled 2018?
  • Hiroyuki's VTuber contest. 2018
  • Mass Rangebans 2019?
  • Spinoff / Frog board wipes II 2019
  • Kissu Creation 2019
  • atechan / kissu fight 2019
  • bant board wipes? 2020? --> only anecdotical evidence of bant clique raids
  • Earliest Jaks 2020
  • 2021-05-06 - The shimmie hosting 4chanhouse, the board-tan booru, dies.[42]
  • Party Creation 2021
  • Board Freezing 2021
  • Ghost posting disabled on desu 2021? 2022
  • /qa2/ creation 2023
  • Mod whimsy 2024
  1. https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/1/#q1
  2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XYUKJBZuUig
  3. Transcript: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1pL3LmKIb6Q25LGzO3GwNqgGOAjQnrCasdMULVpwF4vw/edit?tab=t.0#heading=h.mw67go6pwfq6
  4. https://desuarchive.org/qa/search/type/sticky/start/2015-01-23/end/2015-01-24/
  5. https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/11809/
  6. https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/59022/
  7. https://desuarchive.org/qa/search/start/2015-01-26/end/2015-01-27/order/asc/page/56/
  8. https://desuarchive.org/qa/search/start/2015-01-26/end/2015-01-27/order/asc/page/52/
  9. https://desuarchive.org/qa/search/start/2015-01-27/end/2015-01-28/order/asc/
  10. https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/67896/
  11. https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/81502/
  12. https://archive.4plebs.org/s4s/thread/3796007/
  13. https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/293385/
  14. https://archive.4plebs.org/s4s/search/subject/Cultural%20Enrichment%20Initiative/page/2/
  15. https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/544514/#q546143
  16. https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/631467/
  17. https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/752066/
  18. https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/888188/
  19. https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/888188/#q891098
  20. https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/897686/#q899276
  21. https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/897686/#q897686
  22. https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/897686/#q899169
  23. https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/897686/#q899157
  24. https://desuarchive.org/qa/search/type/op/start/2017-01-09/end/2017-01-10/order/asc/page/5/
  25. https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/1004342/
  26. https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/1004342/#1005934
  27. https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/1212775/
  28. https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/1194185/#q1195824
  29. https://desu- usergeneratedcontent.xyz/qa/image/1491/31/1491314008429.jpg
  30. https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/1211562/#q1211562
  31. https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/1004342/#q1036828
  32. https://desuarchive.org/qa/search/image/n1sK4YKEwcR_26_ile4Leg/
  33. https://desuarchive.org/qa/search/image/yWreKK3qVv7maFDyEgedHg%3D%3D/page/2/
  34. ► Needs #4chan Logs - https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/1214244/#q1215020
  35. https://desuarchive.org/qa/search/start/2017-04-06/end/2017-04-08/page/18/
  36. https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/1248942/#q1248942_242
  37. https://github.com/floens/ChanTracking/commit/97f63c3bf6ffaf87657d75b2435ce32b008ceea0
  38. https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/1654916/
  39. https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/1654916/#q1657444
  40. https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/1654916/#q1664491
  41. IRC join returns:
    Channel #qa created on 2018-01-24 09:05:40 UTC
  42. https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/4324836/#4335876