4chan/History/qa: Difference between revisions

From Bibliotheca Anonoma
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* 2016-11-26 - Asukaspammer crapflood N° 10<ref>https://desuarchive.org/qa/search/type/op/start/2016-11-26/end/2016-11-27/order/asc/page/4/</ref>
* 2016-11-26 - Asukaspammer crapflood N° 10<ref>https://desuarchive.org/qa/search/type/op/start/2016-11-26/end/2016-11-27/order/asc/page/4/</ref>
* 2016-12-15 - Hiroyuki barges into a meta thread to support anti-jim watkins post and tell people /pol/ won't get deleted over bad threads<ref>https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/882580/#883777</ref>
* 2016-12-15 - Hiroyuki barges into a meta thread to support anti-jim watkins post and tell people /pol/ won't get deleted over bad threads<ref>https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/882580/#883777</ref>
* 2016-12-12 - A /jp/ meta thread about the moving of /djt/ to the board, generals and off-site links counting as advertising has an unexpected appearance of Anonymous-San, without his mod handle<ref>https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/877181/#878923</ref>
* 2016-12-17 - Firing of Anonymous-San - Anonymous makes a complaint demanding the unbanning of /pol/'s /diy/, a raid thread using fire safety regulations protocols to close down spaces<ref>https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/888188/</ref>. A later poster asks for elaboration on part of the mods, to which Anonymous-San, famous as modcat, replies in his old format of using the warning form.  
* 2016-12-17 - Firing of Anonymous-San - Anonymous makes a complaint demanding the unbanning of /pol/'s /diy/, a raid thread using fire safety regulations protocols to close down spaces<ref>https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/888188/</ref>. A later poster asks for elaboration on part of the mods, to which Anonymous-San, famous as modcat, replies in his old format of using the warning form.  
* 2016-12-18 - The outraged poster posts his warning revealing the usage politically loaded language.<ref>https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/888188/#q891098</ref>
* 2016-12-18 - The outraged poster posts his warning revealing the usage politically loaded language.<ref>https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/888188/#q891098</ref>
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** April 03 - Prompting the mods to freeze #4chan<ref>► Needs #4chan Logs - https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/1214244/#q1215020</ref>
** April 03 - Prompting the mods to freeze #4chan<ref>► Needs #4chan Logs - https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/1214244/#q1215020</ref>
* 2017-04-07 - 08:00 EST After a week straight of escalating shitposting, /qa/ is frozen.<ref>https://desuarchive.org/qa/search/start/2017-04-06/end/2017-04-08/page/18/</ref><ref>https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/1248942/#q1248942_242</ref>
* 2017-04-07 - 08:00 EST After a week straight of escalating shitposting, /qa/ is frozen.<ref>https://desuarchive.org/qa/search/start/2017-04-06/end/2017-04-08/page/18/</ref><ref>https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/1248942/#q1248942_242</ref>
* 2017-04-08 - Spinoff raider !Nadekotk92 makes an infamous revisionist history of /qa/ image.<ref>https://archive.4plebs.org/s4s/thread/5295397/</ref><ref>https://desuarchive.org/meta/thread/994/#994</ref>
* 2017-04-22 - 21:30 EST /qa/ is unfrozen. The riot immediately restarts
* 2017-04-22 - 21:30 EST /qa/ is unfrozen. The riot immediately restarts
* 2017-04-XX - Weeb/Frog board wipes I -  
* 2017-04-XX - Weeb/Frog board wipes I -  
* 2017-10-24 - /qa/ is listed on the boards table to curtail the wave of "Hiro-approved meta threads". Everybody groans. Text on the news space <ref>https://github.com/floens/ChanTracking/commit/97f63c3bf6ffaf87657d75b2435ce32b008ceea0</ref>:  
* 2017-07-12 - 1450000 GET. <ref>Very factual and correct. https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/1447316/#1450000</ref>
* 2017-07-15 - Asukaspammer crapflood N°whofuckingknows<ref>https://desuarchive.org/qa/search/type/op/start/2017-07-15/end/2017-07-16/order/asc/</ref>
* 2017-09-11 - Public ban on anti-anime thread. OP goes on a tirade on how everyone uses Reddit and pretends they don't, so reposting Reddit images is guaranteed replies; the thread then devolves to shitflinging between the weeb mafia and the frogs.<ref>https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/1569299/</ref>
* 2017-10-19 - The final form of the bumpbot is unleashed: Touhou spellcards<ref>https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/1619006/#1630130</ref>
* 2017-10-24 -  
** /qa/ is listed on the boards table to curtail the wave of "Hiro-approved meta threads". Everybody groans. Text on the news space <ref>https://github.com/floens/ChanTracking/commit/97f63c3bf6ffaf87657d75b2435ce32b008ceea0</ref>:  
'''Meta on /qa/ only.'''
'''Meta on /qa/ only.'''

'''All meta discussion of boards is to be redirected to /qa/.'''
'''All meta discussion of boards is to be redirected to /qa/.'''

- Hiroyuki makes a sticky with instructions on how to use /qa/<ref>https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/1654916/</ref>. Mods ban honking on penalty of fine<ref>https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/1654916/#q1657444</ref>.
** Hiroyuki makes a sticky with instructions on how to use /qa/<ref>https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/1654916/</ref>. Mods ban honking on penalty of fine<ref>https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/1654916/#q1657444</ref>.
** Frogposters celebrate an early victory.<ref>https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/1648512/</ref>
* 2017-10-26 - Mods add a post to the sticky indicating how to contact them with appeals, technical problems or urgent issues on IRC, using an anon-made infopic.<ref>https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/1654916/#q1664491</ref>
* 2017-10-26 - Mods add a post to the sticky indicating how to contact them with appeals, technical problems or urgent issues on IRC, using an anon-made infopic.<ref>https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/1654916/#q1664491</ref>
* 2017-9-11 - Public ban on anti-anime thread. OP goes on a tirade on how everyone uses Reddit and pretends they don't, so reposting Reddit images is guaranteed replies; the thread then devolves to shitflinging between the weeb mafia and the frogs.<ref>https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/1569299/</ref>

===== 2018 =====
===== 2018 =====

Revision as of 12:34, 4 February 2025

/qa/ - Question & Answer Timeline

Timeline of events for the 4chan board /qa/. Ideally, all statements should be backed by citations and kept as concise as possible.


☼ Unverified aka "i'm the primary source", no primary evidence.

► Source is exclusively anon testimony, no primary evidence.


Prior Brackground
  • fappening lawsuit threats
  • moot the cuck memes
  • Andonuts leaks
  • moot resignation
  • 2015-01-23
    • 00:30~ EST - /qa/ - Question & Answer is created. moot makes the first post at 00:50 EST; The board remains unannounced until midday.[1]
    • 14:00 EST - /qa/ is announced. moot has a livestream session that lasts eight hours[2][3]. Twelve stickies in /qa/ are maxed out.[4]
    • /qa/'s board-tan is designed[5]
  • 2015-01-24 - A Board-tan General is established, mostly inhabited by remnants of /co/'s 4chan House & /v/'s Winter Ball projects. Gratuitous shipping ensues.[6]
  • 2015-01-27
    • 14:00 EST - Posting on /qa/ is disabled[7]. Assumed for moderation purposes due to being directly preceded by a brony avatarfag raid[8].
    • 16:30 EST - Posting on /qa/ is reenabled.[9].
  • 2015-01-28 - Drafting of the Declaration of /qa/[10]
  • 2015-01-29 - Declaration of /qa/ - Question & Answer[11]
  • 2015-03-02 - First 4chan Happenings thread[12]
  • 2015-10-05 - Minor [s4s] raid, allegedly instigated by mod swaglord[13][14][15]
  • 2016-XX-XX - Hiroyuki Nishimura's AMA
  • 2016-03-07 - First sighting of the asukaspammer[16][17]
  • 2016-05-30 - Hiroyuki pays an impromptu visit to a /qa/ meta thread.[18] Highlights: (Reminder to always take Hiroyuki statements with a grain of salt.)
    • Won't create too many new boards, open to textboards if provided the frontend
    • Will not delete /pol/
    • States he prefers an "interesting 4chan" over a "profitable 4chan"
  • 2016-08-17 - First CSS/Filter general[19]
  • 2016-10-04 - /vip/ is created. Dozens of users flood /qa/ to comment / make fun of non-pass users.
  • 2016-10-13 - First asukaspammer crapflood[20]
  • 2016-10-20 - Second crapflood[21]
  • 2016-10-22 - And a third one[22]
  • 2016-10-28 - Asukaspammer crapflood N° 4[23]
  • 2016-10-30 - Hiroyuki Malicious Ad Reporting thread.[24] Highlights: (Reminder to always take Hiroyuki statements with a grain of salt.)
    • Does not want to price users. Plans to subsist on ad money (likely failed, 4chan post 2016 almost certainly subsists on selling post data)
    • The then-current Self-serve ad system, Rubicon, dropped 4chan from their client list
    • The "ad team" is making their own self-serve system (likely MVB and Desuwa)
    • Would like to get to Google Ads
    • 4chan's host gives them special discounts (likely a lie to not disclose any number)
    • Defended premium access, plans on putting the 4chan search and a thread archive on for pass-only access, and let pass users vote on potential future features. (obviously didn't take off)
    • Implies jList operated at a loss on 4chan, calling them a "special advertiser"
    • Clues that 4chan's devs may already be on payroll[25]
  • 2016-11-03 - Asukaspammer crapflood N° 5
  • 2016-11-08
    • Trump's victory in the US elections causes an uptick of /deletepol/ and /pol/ metathreads that lasts for the remainder of the year.[26]
    • Asukaspammer celebrates with crapflood N°6[27].
  • 2016-11-10 to 16 - Questions Riot - The breakneck speed of /qa/ creates generalized chaos as the board gets several hundred threads, most composed of single line questions or inane statements. Accusations of raids get thrown around, but it is likely a shitpost bandwagon.[28]
  • 2016-11-10 - Asukaspammer crapflood N° 7[29]
  • 2016-11-14 - Asukaspammer crapflood N° 8[30]
  • 2016-11-15 - Hiroyuki test thread, backend changes to hotlinking. Immediately before that, thumbnails were not loading [31]
  • 2016-11-16 . Asukaspammer crapflood N°9, pizza variant[32][33]
  • 2016-11-25 - Someone got mad at swaglord, funposts ensue.[34]
  • 2016-11-26 - Asukaspammer crapflood N° 10[35]
  • 2016-12-15 - Hiroyuki barges into a meta thread to support anti-jim watkins post and tell people /pol/ won't get deleted over bad threads[36]
  • 2016-12-12 - A /jp/ meta thread about the moving of /djt/ to the board, generals and off-site links counting as advertising has an unexpected appearance of Anonymous-San, without his mod handle[37]
  • 2016-12-17 - Firing of Anonymous-San - Anonymous makes a complaint demanding the unbanning of /pol/'s /diy/, a raid thread using fire safety regulations protocols to close down spaces[38]. A later poster asks for elaboration on part of the mods, to which Anonymous-San, famous as modcat, replies in his old format of using the warning form.
  • 2016-12-18 - The outraged poster posts his warning revealing the usage politically loaded language.[39]
  • 2016-12-19
    • 10:30 EST - Asan is unceremoniously and permanently relieved of his moderator duties after a verbal beatdown by RapeApe.[40]
    • The news breaks over #4chan IRC provoking outrage from basically the entire /a/ & /jp/ webspheres[41] and even within team4chan[42].
    • 10:39 EST RapeApe, under the ## Mod handle, posts a sticky on /qa/ explaining his reasoning. [43]
  • 2016-12-20
    • Asan later pops in on the thread with intent to burn bridges with team4chan's new management. He explains what happened in detail, revealing considerable information on 4chan's inner workings and rousing /qa/ into a riot[44].
  • 2016-12-21 - Asukaspammer crapflood N° 12
  • 2016-12-23 - Asukaspammer crapflood N° 13
  • 2016-XX-XX - board-tans winter ball
  • 2017-01-09 - Asukaspammer crapflood N° 1X.[45]
  • 2017-01-15 - Earliest evidence of "/jp/" ghost bumping.[46][47]
  • 2017-01-31
    • Asukaspammer crapflood N° 1X.[48]
    • Ghost bumping becomes the bumpbot, using a script to threads of interest and reply to one's own post. [49]
  • 2017-02-08 -
    • 999998 A relatively irrelevant thread that became a hotbed of for drama due to the events it allegedly inspired[50][51]
    • 1000000 GET![52]
  • 2017-02-10 to 2017-02-20 - Great "/jp/" raid of February 2017
    • ► Date where an spinoff clique passes an invitation to raid /qa/ through all the /jp/ webring, chiefly involving warosu's /g/, but eventually grows to include sites like ota-ch, hima, merorin and GNFOS.[53]
    • This is materializes as a spontaneous yet slow-burn effort to try and keep /qa/ as close to /g/ & /ota/'s culture for as long as able, spoofing /qa/ as 2D/Random, an old name for /jp/[54]
  • 2017-02-23 - /qa/ gets flooded by black cocks, Elliot Rodgers and the /b/anana,[55] prompting a second bumpbot to appear using the text antispam bump.[56] Future instances utilized custom bump text, self-replying, 3-digit gibberish. Once posted, they are deleted a few minutes later.[57][58]
  • 2017-04-01 - April's Fools 2017
    • Multiple boards are taken down and replaced with mixed pairs for April's Fools.
    • Barneyfag gets a public /qa/ ban after a days long stint on [s4s][59]
  • 2017-04-01 to 2017-04-07 - April's Fools Riot of 2017
    • One of the parody boards, /mlpol/, roused the /mlp/ spammers back from hibernation. A couple such avatarfags spend around a week on /qa/ demanding the return of /mlpol/ while picking fights with spin off raiders.[60][61]
    • The board explodes into an all out brawl between metaposters, off-topic colonies, bronies and spin offers
    • April 02 - A macro, suggested before[62], telling users to take complaints to the official #4chan IRC gets posted on several threads[63][64]
    • April 03 - Prompting the mods to freeze #4chan[65]
  • 2017-04-07 - 08:00 EST After a week straight of escalating shitposting, /qa/ is frozen.[66][67]
  • 2017-04-08 - Spinoff raider !Nadekotk92 makes an infamous revisionist history of /qa/ image.[68][69]
  • 2017-04-22 - 21:30 EST /qa/ is unfrozen. The riot immediately restarts
  • 2017-04-XX - Weeb/Frog board wipes I -
  • 2017-07-12 - 1450000 GET. [70]
  • 2017-07-15 - Asukaspammer crapflood N°whofuckingknows[71]
  • 2017-09-11 - Public ban on anti-anime thread. OP goes on a tirade on how everyone uses Reddit and pretends they don't, so reposting Reddit images is guaranteed replies; the thread then devolves to shitflinging between the weeb mafia and the frogs.[72]
  • 2017-10-19 - The final form of the bumpbot is unleashed: Touhou spellcards[73]
  • 2017-10-24 -
    • /qa/ is listed on the boards table to curtail the wave of "Hiro-approved meta threads". Everybody groans. Text on the news space [74]:

Meta on /qa/ only.

All meta discussion of boards is to be redirected to /qa/.

    • Hiroyuki makes a sticky with instructions on how to use /qa/[75]. Mods ban honking on penalty of fine[76].
    • Frogposters celebrate an early victory.[77]
  • 2017-10-26 - Mods add a post to the sticky indicating how to contact them with appeals, technical problems or urgent issues on IRC, using an anon-made infopic.[78]
  • 2018-01-24 - #qa @ Rizon.net created, becoming the headquarters of the !QAJP / 2D/Random clique that previously ghostposted on desuarchive's /qa/ or idled at #jp @ Rizon.net.[79]
  • Thread Creation Limit 2018?
  • Post Deletion Disabled 2018?
  • Hiroyuki's VTuber contest. 2018
  • Mass Rangebans 2019?
  • Spinoff / Frog board wipes II 2019
  • Kissu Creation 2019
  • atechan / kissu fight 2019
  • bant board wipes? 2020? --> only anecdotical evidence of bant clique raids
  • Earliest Jaks 2020
  • 2021-05-06 - The shimmie hosting 4chanhouse, the board-tan booru, dies.[80]
  • Party Creation 2021
  • Board Freezing 2021
  • Ghost posting disabled on desu 2021? 2022
  • /qa2/ creation 2023
  • Mod whimsy 2024
  1. https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/1/#q1
  2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XYUKJBZuUig
  3. Transcript: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1pL3LmKIb6Q25LGzO3GwNqgGOAjQnrCasdMULVpwF4vw/edit?tab=t.0#heading=h.mw67go6pwfq6
  4. https://desuarchive.org/qa/search/type/sticky/start/2015-01-23/end/2015-01-24/
  5. https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/11809/
  6. https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/59022/
  7. https://desuarchive.org/qa/search/start/2015-01-26/end/2015-01-27/order/asc/page/56/
  8. https://desuarchive.org/qa/search/start/2015-01-26/end/2015-01-27/order/asc/page/52/
  9. https://desuarchive.org/qa/search/start/2015-01-27/end/2015-01-28/order/asc/
  10. https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/67896/
  11. https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/68391/
  12. https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/81502/
  13. https://archive.4plebs.org/s4s/thread/3796007/
  14. https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/293385/
  15. https://archive.4plebs.org/s4s/search/subject/Cultural%20Enrichment%20Initiative/page/2/
  16. https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/458098/#q460413
  17. https://desuarchive.org/qa/search/image/QeNMLYZdn8f00mt-t5C9CQ/
  18. https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/544514/#q546143
  19. https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/631467/
  20. https://desuarchive.org/qa/search/text/%22Don%27t%20mind%20me%20just%20killing%20a%20thread%22/start/2016-10-13/end/2016-10-15/order/asc/
  21. https://desuarchive.org/qa/search/text/%22Don%27t%20mind%20me%20just%20killing%20a%20thread%22/start/2016-10-19/end/2016-10-21/order/asc/
  22. https://desuarchive.org/qa/search/text/%22Don%27t%20mind%20me%20just%20killing%20a%20thread%22/start/2016-10-21/end/2016-10-23/order/asc/
  23. https://desuarchive.org/qa/search/text/%22Would%20the%20users%20please%20not%20mind%20when%20I%20kill%20a%22/type/op/start/2016-10-27/end/2016-10-29/order/asc/
  24. https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/799401/
  25. https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/799401/#799656
  26. Repeat this pattern till january: https://desuarchive.org/qa/search/type/op/start/2016-11-08/end/2016-11-10/order/asc/page/6/
  27. https://desuarchive.org/qa/search/type/op/start/2016-11-08/end/2016-11-09/order/asc/page/4/
  28. Sample of OPs from roughly the begginign of the trend, likely lasted for longer - https://desuarchive.org/qa/search/type/op/start/2016-11-10/end/2016-11-16/order/asc/page/3/
  29. https://desuarchive.org/qa/search/type/op/start/2016-11-10/end/2016-11-11/order/asc/page/10/
  30. https://desuarchive.org/qa/search/type/op/start/2016-11-14/end/2016-11-15/order/asc/page/5/
  31. https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/835116/
  32. https://desuarchive.org/qa/search/type/op/start/2016-11-16/end/2016-11-17/order/asc/page/1/
  33. Subsequent brag: https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/837184/
  34. https://desuarchive.org/qa/search/type/op/start/2016-11-15/end/2016-11-16/order/asc/page/6/
  35. https://desuarchive.org/qa/search/type/op/start/2016-11-26/end/2016-11-27/order/asc/page/4/
  36. https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/882580/#883777
  37. https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/877181/#878923
  38. https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/888188/
  39. https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/888188/#q891098
  40. https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/897686/#q899276
  41. https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/897686/#q897686
  42. https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/897686/#q899169
  43. https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/894474/
  44. https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/897686/#q899157
  45. https://desuarchive.org/qa/search/type/op/start/2017-01-09/end/2017-01-10/order/asc/page/5/
  46. https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/844452/
  47. https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/976163/
  48. https://desuarchive.org/qa/search/type/op/start/2017-01-31/end/2017-02-01/order/asc/
  49. https://desuarchive.org/qa/search/text/rofl/order/asc/page/5/
  50. https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/999998/
  51. https://desuarchive.org/qa/search/text/999998/order/asc/
  52. And they are indeed never worth it. https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/999836/#1000000
  53. https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/1015048/#1015094
  54. Supposed invitation, thumbnail quality. https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/1015048/#1015094
  55. https://desuarchive.org/qa/search/type/op/start/2017-02-23/end/2017-02-24/order/asc/page/1/
  56. https://desuarchive.org/qa/search/text/%22antispam%22/order/asc/
  57. https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/1004342/#1005934
  58. https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/1212775/
  59. https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/1194185/#q1195824
  60. https://desu- usergeneratedcontent.xyz/qa/image/1491/31/1491314008429.jpg
  61. https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/1211562/#q1211562
  62. https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/1004342/#q1036828
  63. https://desuarchive.org/qa/search/image/n1sK4YKEwcR_26_ile4Leg/
  64. https://desuarchive.org/qa/search/image/yWreKK3qVv7maFDyEgedHg%3D%3D/page/2/
  65. ► Needs #4chan Logs - https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/1214244/#q1215020
  66. https://desuarchive.org/qa/search/start/2017-04-06/end/2017-04-08/page/18/
  67. https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/1248942/#q1248942_242
  68. https://archive.4plebs.org/s4s/thread/5295397/
  69. https://desuarchive.org/meta/thread/994/#994
  70. Very factual and correct. https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/1447316/#1450000
  71. https://desuarchive.org/qa/search/type/op/start/2017-07-15/end/2017-07-16/order/asc/
  72. https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/1569299/
  73. https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/1619006/#1630130
  74. https://github.com/floens/ChanTracking/commit/97f63c3bf6ffaf87657d75b2435ce32b008ceea0
  75. https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/1654916/
  76. https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/1654916/#q1657444
  77. https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/1648512/
  78. https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/1654916/#q1664491
  79. IRC join returns:
    Channel #qa created on 2018-01-24 09:05:40 UTC
  80. https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/4324836/#4335876