4chan/Chronicle/qa: Difference between revisions

From Bibliotheca Anonoma
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* /qa/ coalesces into a small collection of meta aficionados, karens crying to the mods and anons looking for an off-topic board that wouldn't get swarmed with weirdos and porn. Most generals get created.
* /qa/ coalesces into a small collection of meta aficionados, karens crying to the mods and anons looking for an off-topic board that wouldn't get swarmed with weirdos and porn. Most generals get created.
Off-Topic Period (2017)
Off-Topic Period (2017)
* Sweeping site changes on 4chan's 13th birthday, the 2016 US election, the firing of Anonymous-San, a badly timed April's Fool joke and finally the listing of /qa/ cause a considerable speed up in activity<ref>https://wiki.bibanon.org/File:Question%26AnswerActivitySpike.PNG</ref> followed by visible destabilization in established threads and generalized chaos<ref>Sample OPs for Nov. 2016. None of the post have more than a handful replies. https://desuarchive.org/qa/search/type/op/start/2016-11-12/end/2016-11-16/order/asc/page/6/</ref>. The forum registers on the map of a number of off-site cliques whose origins range between disparate boards, generals and the /jp/ Spin Off webring. They discover that /qa/ is, moderation wise, an off-topic SJW board; Raids and angry protests ensue.
* Sweeping site changes on 4chan's 13th birthday, the 2016 US election, the firing of Anonymous-San, a badly timed April's Fool joke and finally the listing of /qa/ cause a considerable speed up in activity<ref>Increase
starting October: https://wiki.bibanon.org/File:Question%26AnswerActivitySpike.PNG</ref> followed by visible destabilization in established threads and generalized chaos<ref>Sample OPs for Nov. 2016. None of the post have more than a handful replies. https://desuarchive.org/qa/search/type/op/start/2016-11-12/end/2016-11-16/order/asc/page/6/</ref>. The forum registers on the map of a number of off-site cliques whose origins range between disparate boards, generals and the /jp/ Spin Off webring. They discover that /qa/ is, moderation wise, an off-topic SJW board; Raids and angry protests ensue.
Great weeb-frog War (2018-2019)
Great weeb-frog War (2018-2019)
* No-fun-allowed rejects from the spinoffs determine to turn /qa/ into their homeboard by aggressively botting up the place and personally gaslighing all passerbys. They get resisted by an equally intense group of locals with seeming ties to "/jp/" who adopt smug frogs as their callsign; This years long flamewar practically depopulates the board.
* No-fun-allowed rejects from the spinoffs determine to turn /qa/ into their homeboard by aggressively botting up the place and personally gaslighing all passerbys. They get resisted by an equally intense group of locals with seeming ties to "/jp/" who adopt smug frogs as their callsign; This years long flamewar practically depopulates the board.
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** Off-board Clique refugees --> when things got too heated and/or weird in other boards or sites, /qa/ would find itself hosting a thread to discuss the situation; not necessarily a problem but they didn't find themselves obligated to respect the locals ♫
** Off-board Clique refugees --> when things got too heated and/or weird in other boards or sites, /qa/ would find itself hosting a thread to discuss the situation; not necessarily a problem but they didn't find themselves obligated to respect the locals ♫
** /DELETEPOL/ -->  primordial fire of all meta discussions
** /DELETEPOL/ -->  primordial fire of all meta discussions
** /mlp/ apostates --> From the first day to the end of 2017, rotating casts of pony posters demanded to get GR15 revoked.
** /a/fags --> technically Karens, but their numbers alone were enough to develop a persistent /a/ hatefandom during the early days ‼
** /a/fags --> technically Karens, but their numbers alone were enough to develop a persistent /a/ hatefandom during the early days ‼
* sfwofftopicposters
* sfwofftopicposters
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** Happenings general --> Remained oddly consistent for the better part of 6 years.
** Happenings general --> Remained oddly consistent for the better part of 6 years.
** CSS General --> Short-lived 4chan UI customization that was taken over by raiders from the Spin Off. They contributed a number of interesting developments.
** CSS General --> Short-lived 4chan UI customization that was taken over by raiders from the Spin Off. They contributed a number of interesting developments.
** 4chan cup ☼
** Off-Topic Colonies: At first, it was [s4s] & /a/jp/. Other posters were ambivalent to their presence, but they were not aggressive and contributed large quantities of OC. Slow, other groups, such as "/jp/", /pol/ & /int/ frogposters came in. All the colonists got ran out the board by the end of 2017. ‼
** [s4s] & /a/jp/ colonies --> other posters were ambivalent to their presence, but they were never aggressive and contributed large quantities of OC. ‼

''late /qa/'' (2019-2020)
''late /qa/'' (2019-2020)
* late /qa/ metaposters --> jaded as they get
* late /qa/ metaposters --> jaded as they get
** (Punished) Happenings general --> A thread denied it's board.
** (Punished) Happenings general --> A thread denied it's board. Took in refugees from every other demographics as the board collapsed into non-stop spam
* /bant/ / /int/ type frogposting ☼ ---> nicer than they looked.  
* /bant/ / /int/ type frogposting ☼ ---> nicer than they looked.  

Native Personalities of /qa/:
Native Personalities of /qa/:
* ACK / warosushitter - Infamous personality from /a/ and /u/. HF Autistic whose condition seemingly deteriorated into paranoid delusions, began blaming 4chan moderation and by extension meta for his woes. Fell into chronic bridge burning and spammed both #4chan and /qa/.<ref>https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/500765/#q502331_6</ref>
* ''"ACK"'' / warosushitter - Infamous personality from /a/ and /u/. HF Autistic whose condition seemingly deteriorated into paranoid delusions, blaming 4chan moderation and by extension meta for his woes. Fell into chronic bridge burning and spammed both #4chan and /qa/.<ref>https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/500765/#q502331_6</ref>
* GR15 Defense Force / GRXVDF ---> One of the first homegrown /qa/ tripfags. Self declared poster on /a/, /jp/ and /trash/. Wrote the 2D/random declaration ‼. Paranoid about brony raids, went unhinged after the April Fool's board mergers. Spun the narrative that 2D/Random saved /qa/ from /mlpol/ raids. Befriended the Spin Off clique later that year. Banned in december 2017, dropped off public posting soon after. <ref>https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/1750436/#q1750723</ref>
* GR15 Defense Force / GRXVDF ---> One of the first homegrown /qa/ tripfags. Self declared poster on /a/, /jp/ and /trash/. Wrote the 2D/random declaration ‼. Paranoid about brony raids, went unhinged after the April Fool's board mergers. Spun the narrative that 2D/Random saved /qa/ from /mlpol/ raids. Befriended the Spin Off clique and got publicly banned in december 2017; dropped off public posting soon after. <ref>https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/1750436/#q1750723</ref>
* ''"asuka"'' / ''"asukaspammer"'' ---> Avatarfag of character ''Asuka Kurashina'' from ''Ao no Kanata no Four Rhythm''<ref>https://desu-usergeneratedcontent.xyz/qa/image/1474/99/1474998565236.png</ref>, first spotted early 2016, likely a /jp/ / "/jp/" mainboarder. He utilized a crapflood script to wipe /qa/ whenever he felt the board accelerated into shitposting. Quickly fell in with /ota/ raiders.<ref>https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/752066/</ref><ref>https://desuarchive.org/qa/search/text/%22Don%27t%20mind%20me%20just%20killing%20a%20thread%22/order/asc/</ref> Publicly banned in december 2017, dropped of the board soon after. <ref>https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/1750436/#q1750736</ref>. ''I'll never understand what they see in these generic characters.
* ''"asuka"'' / ''"asukaspammer"'' ---> Avatarfag of character ''Asuka Kurashina'' from ''Ao no Kanata no Four Rhythm''<ref>https://desu-usergeneratedcontent.xyz/qa/image/1474/99/1474998565236.png</ref>, first spotted early 2016, likely a /jp/ / "/jp/" mainboarder. He utilized a crapflood script to wipe /qa/ whenever he felt the board accelerated into shitposting. Quickly fell in with /ota/ raiders.<ref>https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/752066/</ref><ref>https://desuarchive.org/qa/search/text/%22Don%27t%20mind%20me%20just%20killing%20a%20thread%22/order/asc/</ref> Publicly banned in december 2017, dropped of the board soon after. <ref>https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/1750436/#q1750736</ref>. ''I'll never understand what they see in these generic characters.

First Gen Raiders (2016-2017)
First Gen Raiders (2016-2017)
* /pol/ bandwagon --> The first group to pervasively raid /qa/ was /pol/, as payback over perceived slights originating from the also pervasive /deletepol/ threads. In what's essentially a months-long sore winner tantrum from the then most influential board on 4chan, teenage /pol/yps gloated to ''/qa/ddit'' of resisting supposed attempts at bringing their board down, winning the election<ref>https://desuarchive.org/qa/search/type/op/start/2016-11-08/end/2016-11-10/order/asc/page/6/</ref>, getting modcat fired<ref>https://desuarchive.org/qa/search/type/op/start/2016-12-19/end/2016-12-21/order/asc/page/3/</ref> among other things such as falling for trolls claiming /leftypol/ infiltrated the staff<ref>https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/892786/#q892786</ref><ref>https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/894265/</ref>. As all bandwagons, it was intense enough to speed up /qa/ by an order of magnitude, but also short-lived<ref>See spikes of activity in October, November, December: https://wiki.bibanon.org/File:Question%26AnswerActivitySpike.PNG</ref>.
* SpinOff / /ghost/ cliques --> ota-ch, merorin & GNFOS ‼
* SpinOff / /ghost/ cliques --> ota-ch, merorin & GNFOS ‼
** Trevelyon --> Admin of GNFOS, was a notorious avatarfag ‼
** Trevelyon --> Admin of GNFOS, was a notorious avatarfag ‼
** ccd0 ---> mantainer of the 4chanX extension since 2015 ‼, began to cause problems for 4chan after the custom CAPTCHA got announced in 2017 ‼
** ccd0 ---> mantainer of the 4chanX extension since 2015 ‼, began to cause problems for 4chan after the custom CAPTCHA got announced in 2017 ‼
* local resistance / /jp/ dissenters ‼
* local resistance / "/jp/" dissenters ‼
** "The" frogposter --> identifiable by image hashes and his in-depth knowledge of /ghost/ antics. ‼ Active until the very end of the board.
** "The" frogposter --> identifiable by image hashes and his ability to directly name posters /ghost/ antics. ‼ Active until the very end of the board.
* /mlpol/ + /gsg/ + /intl/ + others --> not necessarily raiders  
* /mlpol/ + /gsg/ + /intl/ + others --> not necessarily raiders  

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‼ citation pending
‼ citation pending

☼ Unverified aka "i'm the primary source"
☼ Unverified aka "i'm the primary source", no primary evidence.

► Source is exclusively anon testimony, no primary evidence.
► Source is exclusively anon testimony, no primary evidence.
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extremely important evidence: https://desu-usergeneratedcontent.xyz/qa/image/1496/55/1496556790721.png
extremely important evidence: https://desu-usergeneratedcontent.xyz/qa/image/1496/55/1496556790721.png

note: trifpags are a surprisingly informative resource on presence of other boards.
fun things are fun -> /a/fags ;
fuwafuwa -> /a/jp/ / spinoff
Punky Brewster !GRG1IWogTk / Punky Brewster !!3KOUpWS64nD  -> /a/jp/ https://desuarchive.org/qa/search/username/Punky%20Brewster/order/asc/page/12/

/a/ meta
/a/ meta

Revision as of 06:21, 23 January 2025

    • 2025/01/18

History of 4chan's /qa/ - Question & Answer board

>why am I writing this

Personal endearment.

>but why now?

Arguably the most revisioned board history on the site.

>well then, what is it?

An offtopic & meta community composed of posters from disparate origins that died prematurely due to aggression from off-site cliques which then became something else entirely.


First Meta Period (2015-2016)

  • Leftovers of moot's big AMA stream reminisce on nostalgic memories and ponder what to do with the board. The /qa/ charter gets drafted.
  • /qa/ coalesces into a small collection of meta aficionados, karens crying to the mods and anons looking for an off-topic board that wouldn't get swarmed with weirdos and porn. Most generals get created.

Off-Topic Period (2017)

  • Sweeping site changes on 4chan's 13th birthday, the 2016 US election, the firing of Anonymous-San, a badly timed April's Fool joke and finally the listing of /qa/ cause a considerable speed up in activity[1] followed by visible destabilization in established threads and generalized chaos[2]. The forum registers on the map of a number of off-site cliques whose origins range between disparate boards, generals and the /jp/ Spin Off webring. They discover that /qa/ is, moderation wise, an off-topic SJW board; Raids and angry protests ensue.

Great weeb-frog War (2018-2019)

  • No-fun-allowed rejects from the spinoffs determine to turn /qa/ into their homeboard by aggressively botting up the place and personally gaslighing all passerbys. They get resisted by an equally intense group of locals with seeming ties to "/jp/" who adopt smug frogs as their callsign; This years long flamewar practically depopulates the board.

Second Meta Period (2020)

  • Mods figure out how to kill the spambots, causing the /qajp/ clique to self-exile; Frogs impose a short lived era of /int/-like frogposting oriented on meta ☼

Soijak Raids & freezing. (2021)

  • Through causes yet unknown, a /pol/-derived meme☼ turns /qa/ into a thousands strong community of middleschool kids; They cause site-wide havok that ultimately gets /qa/ frozen.


  • All of /qa/ is concentrated on the 4chan Happenings General, which takes refuge on /trash/ (a gross mistake they came to regret)☼. Years later, /qa/ "lore", kekistani mythos, stormfront propaganda and other bits and pieces of old memes are recycled by a small clique of Soijak Party posters to create /qa2/ & The Ribbit Rally.

Basic demographics:

old /qa/

  • metaposters
    • 4chan trivia aficionados --> made nice map threads and dug old pieces of OC
    • nostalgic oldfags (am I permitted to use this lingo?)
    • armchair admins --> countless foolish but well-meaning "how i will fix 4chan" threads. ‼
    • internet hobbyists --> bibanon is here! - people who wished for a board best described as "/internet/ - Internet Culture" and found /qa/ it's closest equivalent
  • complaintposters
    • The 4chan Karen --> only here to vent and call people names ‼
    • Off-board Clique refugees --> when things got too heated and/or weird in other boards or sites, /qa/ would find itself hosting a thread to discuss the situation; not necessarily a problem but they didn't find themselves obligated to respect the locals ♫
    • /DELETEPOL/ --> primordial fire of all meta discussions
    • /mlp/ apostates --> From the first day to the end of 2017, rotating casts of pony posters demanded to get GR15 revoked.
    • /a/fags --> technically Karens, but their numbers alone were enough to develop a persistent /a/ hatefandom during the early days ‼
  • sfwofftopicposters
    • board-tans general --> As drawthreads moved on to other fotms, artsy teens found /qa/ as a refuge to ship anthropomorphic imageboards undisturbed. more prolific than people imagine with multiple site-wide events to their name. ‼
    • Happenings general --> Remained oddly consistent for the better part of 6 years.
    • CSS General --> Short-lived 4chan UI customization that was taken over by raiders from the Spin Off. They contributed a number of interesting developments.
    • Off-Topic Colonies: At first, it was [s4s] & /a/jp/. Other posters were ambivalent to their presence, but they were not aggressive and contributed large quantities of OC. Slow, other groups, such as "/jp/", /pol/ & /int/ frogposters came in. All the colonists got ran out the board by the end of 2017. ‼

late /qa/ (2019-2020)

  • late /qa/ metaposters --> jaded as they get
    • (Punished) Happenings general --> A thread denied it's board. Took in refugees from every other demographics as the board collapsed into non-stop spam
  • /bant/ / /int/ type frogposting ☼ ---> nicer than they looked.

Native Personalities of /qa/:

  • "ACK" / warosushitter - Infamous personality from /a/ and /u/. HF Autistic whose condition seemingly deteriorated into paranoid delusions, blaming 4chan moderation and by extension meta for his woes. Fell into chronic bridge burning and spammed both #4chan and /qa/.[3]
  • GR15 Defense Force / GRXVDF ---> One of the first homegrown /qa/ tripfags. Self declared poster on /a/, /jp/ and /trash/. Wrote the 2D/random declaration ‼. Paranoid about brony raids, went unhinged after the April Fool's board mergers. Spun the narrative that 2D/Random saved /qa/ from /mlpol/ raids. Befriended the Spin Off clique and got publicly banned in december 2017; dropped off public posting soon after. [4]
  • "asuka" / "asukaspammer" ---> Avatarfag of character Asuka Kurashina from Ao no Kanata no Four Rhythm[5], first spotted early 2016, likely a /jp/ / "/jp/" mainboarder. He utilized a crapflood script to wipe /qa/ whenever he felt the board accelerated into shitposting. Quickly fell in with /ota/ raiders.[6][7] Publicly banned in december 2017, dropped of the board soon after. [8]. I'll never understand what they see in these generic characters.

First Gen Raiders (2016-2017)

  • /pol/ bandwagon --> The first group to pervasively raid /qa/ was /pol/, as payback over perceived slights originating from the also pervasive /deletepol/ threads. In what's essentially a months-long sore winner tantrum from the then most influential board on 4chan, teenage /pol/yps gloated to /qa/ddit of resisting supposed attempts at bringing their board down, winning the election[9], getting modcat fired[10] among other things such as falling for trolls claiming /leftypol/ infiltrated the staff[11][12]. As all bandwagons, it was intense enough to speed up /qa/ by an order of magnitude, but also short-lived[13].
  • SpinOff / /ghost/ cliques --> ota-ch, merorin & GNFOS ‼
    • Trevelyon --> Admin of GNFOS, was a notorious avatarfag ‼
    • ccd0 ---> mantainer of the 4chanX extension since 2015 ‼, began to cause problems for 4chan after the custom CAPTCHA got announced in 2017 ‼
  • local resistance / "/jp/" dissenters ‼
    • "The" frogposter --> identifiable by image hashes and his ability to directly name posters /ghost/ antics. ‼ Active until the very end of the board. ☼
  • /mlpol/ + /gsg/ + /intl/ + others --> not necessarily raiders

Second Gen Raiders (2018-2019)

  • Steamchat & #qa Clique / "weeb mafia" / /qajp/ / !qajp / kissu.moe ---> Typical no-fun-allowed, neurotic "/jp/" crew. I'm only naming those suspected of running bots or raiding, I don't intend to witchhunt nor encourage such behaviour.
    • Verniy / "hibiki" / ECHibiki / ECVerniy ---> Canadian developer. Originally an avatarfag of character Hibiki‼. Later ran a bot.‼ When rangebans sweept, created kissu.moe‼
    • yotgo / !QAJP/YOtGo ---> Created the MD5 filter megalist for 4chanX[14]. Likely ran the bumpbot ‼. Kissu mod. Likely still around in 4hap[15]
    • atechan ---> Brazilian schizophrenic, very likely underage. clique member known for manually bumping several threads ‼
    • jevin ---> Developer ☼. seemingly harmless ☼, [s4s] speak aficionado ‼. Could have posted on /a/jp/? ☼
    • "schizoweeb" ---> at least one, possibly two‼, unspecified clique personalities known for unhinged posts and accusations of samefagging directed at frogspam.‼
  • Frogposters ---> is a group that was 100% homegrown really a raider? Due to !qajp taking the bait every single time, a community of copycat frog posting trolls formed around the antics of the original frogposter. Notably less verbose than their originator.
    • "the freak": mythological poster that may either be the group's most prolific frogspammer or a boogeyman existing entirely in one spinoffer's head.‼
    • atechan ---> Mostly hearsay. Got in a fight with kissu ‼ and supposedly, according to them, became a major frog spammer ►. Likely to be a nothingburger
  • leebaiter / lee ► / leebot ‼ --> later on the mantainer of the leebot began using /qa/ as test grounds.
  • unicodefag / leto ---> Didn't specifically target /qa/ but several boards. Attempted to bait the #qa clique into a flamewar but wasn't picked up on. ‼

Third Gen Raiders (2020-2021)

  • Kissu hardliners --> even thought verniy and most of the clique was happy on Kissu, one or multiple posters remained at /qa/ on a strange mission to convince everyone else their clique has only been good for the board ‼. not many believed their tale.
  • Bant Cabal ☼ --> supposedly, the last pre-soyjak board wipes were made by a discord clique originating from /bant/. They can be identified by usage of real life photos, anathema to spinoffers, during crapfloods.
  • Soyjaks / Soyjak.Party / the Sharty ‼ --> It hasn't been determined whether it was organic or artificially created by mods redirecting threads; soy variants of wojak, originally from /v/ and /pol/, started getting posted on /qa/ and attracted an enormous following, which quickly imploded into it's own website and several discord cliques. They got the board frozen after effectively running out every other thread.


‼ citation pending

☼ Unverified aka "i'm the primary source", no primary evidence.

► Source is exclusively anon testimony, no primary evidence.

♫ --> gsg, Infinity's intl, other infinity players, /jp/ spin offers, and many, many more.

fat sack of loot: some will be used for the Timeline.

extremely important evidence: https://desu-usergeneratedcontent.xyz/qa/image/1496/55/1496556790721.png

note: trifpags are a surprisingly informative resource on presence of other boards. fun things are fun -> /a/fags ; fuwafuwa -> /a/jp/ / spinoff Punky Brewster !GRG1IWogTk / Punky Brewster !!3KOUpWS64nD -> /a/jp/ https://desuarchive.org/qa/search/username/Punky%20Brewster/order/asc/page/12/

/a/ meta



/gsg/ raids:



[s4s] <3 /qa/


early threadbombing:

classic that started it all: https://desuarchive.org/qa/search/image/5XOGOo6Y78jgow5f5t%2FYhw%3D%3D/page/82/



kissu astroturfing:


possible OG frogposter sighting

https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/1004342/#q1034360 https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/1004342/#q1152768

frogposters theorizing poster indentikits

https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/2560610/#q2560636 https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/2554646/#2554677



anons talking board personalities:


Generic info on non qa raiders

Clique refugees:



>Mass download every image hash uploaded to 4chan in the first two months of this year.

>Calculate the similarity of boards based on how their share image hashes

>Build a chart that shows overlapping userbases