
From Bibliotheca Anonoma
Revision as of 21:19, 6 September 2024 by Censuro (talk | contribs) (add →‎see also: . How could we merge List of chan adjacent wikis?)

This page is a work in progress!

Multiple boards on 4chan have created their own wikis to document their culture and help newfags. These wikis are often linked in perma-stickies so newfags will (hopefully) learn about the board and not post dumb threads. Some wikis and their all articles have disappeared, with no known copies.

A few wikis currently only remain as read-only pages on web.archive.org/archive.today, or as database dumps. Ideally we could create a namespace to revive wikis and re-publish their contents here, or use a service like Miraheze for wikis that would still generate edits. Wiki backups can easily be made with the WikiTeam tools.

Wiki types

Historically, many smaller wikis were hosted in free wikifarms like Wikia. In 2024 Fandom decided it didn't want to associate with 4chan and decided to delete many smaller wikis, some of which were quickly backed-up by savvy anons from their the respective boards.

The many on the other hand, self-hosted wikis might counter-intuitively, be more likely to be lost than wikis on Fandom because there has at least been a complete archive of Fandom in 2020. "Truck-kun" can vanish more than "the guy" behind a self-hosted wiki if there haven't been backups of the content!

List of board-run wikis

Wiki Board Last edit First edit Host Notes
4chan /co/ Wiki /co/ June 12 2018 October 7 2011 Fandom Dump here. 33 articles, all are just series recs. Not worth trying to relaunch if it dies.
InstallGentoo /g/ May 16 2024 January 27 2014 Self-hosted Very active, seemingly little chance of it dying. Currently dead and might not come back.
/k/ - Weapons Wiki /k/ November 17 2023 June 24 2014 Fandom Inactive but has lots of good information. Should be archived if it dies.
Pseudo sticky Wiki /p/ Unknown Before November 14 2012 Fandom Deleted between June 13 and August 19 2020. Only the main page was archived. Has lots of good information.
/v/'s Recommended Games Wiki /v/ May 16 2024 Before October 5 2010 Fandom Seems active
the w-ic-i /ic/ May 7 2022 Before October 24 2013 Google Sites
W/ic/i - The Complete Guide to Art from 4chan's /ic/ Wiki /ic/ March 29, 2024 October 27 2013 Fandom
Terminally Online Wiki /lgbt/ May 15 2024 May 17 2024 Self-hosted
/diyelmo/ /diy/ November 18 2013 October 24, 2011 Google sites Dead
/fa/ Sticky /fa/ May 6 2018 May 24 2013 Self-hosted
/fit/ Wiki /fit/ Fandom Dead, dump here.
/gd/ - Graphic Design Wiki /gd/ April 30 2024 June 16 2013 Fandom
The Official /int/ How to Learn A Foreign Language Guide Wiki /int/ May 1 2024 Before December 5 2012 Miraheze Was on Fandom until January 2024. A 4chan mod migrated the wiki to Miraheze.
/lit/ Wiki /lit/ May 15 2024 May 19 2010 Fandom
Mulpwiki /mlp/ Self-hosted Mostly an archive of greentext stories. The original host lost interest and the wiki is currently hosted as an archive.
mulp.wiki /mlp/ November 3 2023 October 10 2023 Self-hosted Created by me in the spur of the moment, there's a ton of work that needs to be done still
4chanmusic Wiki /mu/ May 13 2024 January 1 2013 Fandom
/sci/ Wiki /sci/ May 2 2024 August 9 2014 Fandom
1d6chan /tg/ May 17 2024 ~June 26 2008 Miraheze Was self-hosted for many years, but began facing longer and longer periods of downtime. Some admins eventually decided to migrate the wiki to Miraheze on Feb 29 2024.

This page is a work in progress!

See also