
From Bibliotheca Anonoma
Revision as of 03:11, 26 July 2017 by Antonizoon (talk | contribs) (→‎Troubleshooting)
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Cargo is an alternative to Semantic MediaWiki which relies more strongly on infoboxes pushed to the side of an article, rather than being the primary page.




Make sure to create a separate database and user for Cargo (but can use the same instance), which can help isolate bugs in cargo from affecting the integrity or security of the entire MediaWiki database.

Page Forms[edit]

Page Forms are used to make it easy for editors to add semantic data, and perhaps even automatic infoboxes. This is a crucial component of any semantic database system.



MediaWiki/Editing/Advanced#Cargo (Semantic_Infoboxes)


Exception from line 92 of /var/www/mediawiki/includes/jobqueue/JobQueueRedis.php: Non-daemonized mode is no longer supported. Please install the mediawiki/services/jobrunner service and update $wgJobTypeConf as needed.

If you encounter a job queue version with Cargo (enable all the below in LocalSettings.php)

$wgShowExceptionDetails = true;
$wgShowSQLErrors = true;
$wgDebugDumpSql  = true;
$wgShowDBErrorBacktrace = true;

Just add daemonized = true to the Job Queue config.

$wgJobTypeConf['default'] = [
        'class'       => 'JobQueueRedis',
        'redisServer' => "",
        'redisConfig' => [
                'connectTimeout' => 1
        'daemonized' => true
